Beagle vs Foxhound
When comparing Foxhounds to Beagles, it is important to note that both of these breeds have strong hunting instincts and have been employed as hunting dogs in the past. Just like Foxhounds, Beagles are tireless and have a lot of energy to spend during the day. Neither a Beagle nor Foxhound are ideal for apartment living specifically because these dogs are very active and being confined in a small apartment causes the dog to look for ways to spend that built up energy. Beagles and Foxhounds are more appropriate for a home with a large fenced yard where the dog can run around and get physical and mental exercise. Beagles and Foxhounds are essentially scent hounds and leaving the dog with a leash off in an open area can result in the dog getting lost because they tend to focus all their attention on any interesting scent they pursue and recalling either a Beagle or Foxhound may be difficult if not impossible.
As family pets, both, Foxhounds and Beagles are very sweet and affectionate towards their families. These naturally friendly dogs used to be kept in packs and as a result they get along with other dogs easily. Foxhounds and Beagles have lots of energy and enjoy spending time with children. Active older adults and retirees who enjoy long daily walks can make great owners for either a Beagle or a Foxhound dog.
Potential English or American Foxhound or Beagle owners need to know that these breeds tend to be loud - they enjoy barking, howling and their voice can be heard from afar. This tendency to be loud (combined with high exercise requirements) makes these hunting breeds not suitable for apartment living because not all neighbors appreciate a loud dog in the building.
English and American Foxhounds as well as Beagles are generally healthy breeds, free from many genetic disorder that many other dog breeds are known for. Both of these breeds are relatively long lived, although Beagles have a longer life expectancy than Foxhounds. Potential owners need to be careful not to overfeed their Beagles or Foxhounds as these breeds gain weight rather quickly.
When compared in appearance, American Foxhounds and English Foxhounds are taller and larger in size than Beagles. Both breeds feature floppy ears and in coat colors Beagles and Foxhounds are very similar.
Foxhounds and Beagles share many similarities, yet there are some considerable differences between these active and intelligent breeds.
Foxhound Beagle Mix
Foxhound Beagle cross dogs resemble both of the parents. Half Foxhound half Beagle dogs have strong hunting instinct and will chase small animals when given a chance. In temperament half Beagle half Foxhound dogs are friendly and usually get along fine with other canines. Beagles and Foxhounds both have floppy ears and Beagle Foxhound mix dogs also have floppy ears. Foxhound Beagle dogs love to bark and do best in country or suburban setting. These active dogs need lots of exercise and love to take long walks with their owners.
Image of Foxhound and Beagle mix.

Foxhound compared to Beagle: Grooming
Foxhounds and Beagles have a similar short coat, but Beagles tend to shed more than Foxhounds. Using a Furminator deshedder tool for short coat regularly can help to manage the shedding by removing most of the dead hair from the dog's coat.
Foxhound vs Beagle: Lifespan
Foxhounds live on average from 10 to 12 years. In comparison, Beagles have a longer lifespan and have an average lifespan of 15 years. Beagles are smaller in size than Foxhounds and in general smaller breeds live longer than do larger breeds. Factors such as care, diet, lifespan and genetics affect a dog's lifespan.
Beagles vs Foxhounds: Size
Foxhounds are significantly larger than Beagles. In weight, Foxhounds can reach 75 pounds while Beagles can reach the weight of 25 pounds. In height, Foxhounds can reach 28 inches while Beagles are shorter and reach up to 16 inches in height.
Beagle male weight: 22 to 25 lb (10 to 11 kg)
American Foxhound male weight: 29 - 34 kg (64 - 75 lb)
Beagle male height: 13 to 16 in (33 to 41 cm)
American Foxhound male height: 58 - 71 cm (20 - 28 in)
Foxhound vs Beagle: Shedding
Foxhounds and Beagles produce a moderate amount of shedding. To manage the shedding and decrease the amount of dog's hair around the home, brushing the dog daily is a good idea. Furminator deshedding tool for short coat is ideal for both, Foxhounds and Beagles. If you can brush the dog outside, there's less cleanup needed after brushing is completed.
Beagles and Foxhounds compared: Price
Foxhound prices start at around $300 and up. Foxhounds bred by well known breeders with good family history can cost thousands of dollars. A starting price for a Beagle is around $800 and up, depending on many factors such as the age of the dog, pedigree and so on.
Foxhound vs Beagle: Temperament
When comparing Foxhounds and Beagles, it is important to note that these hunting breeds used to live in packs with other dogs of the same breed. This arrangement required a friendly and sociable temperament that both Beagles and Foxhounds are known for. Even though Foxhounds and Beagles transitioned into being mostly companion dogs, the amiable temperament makes these breeds suitable for families who choose to have more than one dog. Foxhounds and Beagles are not suitable as watchdogs because these breeds usually treat unfamiliar people as friends. Foxhounds and Beagles can be persistent and are challenging to train. Both breeds have an impressive sense of smell and are easily distracted by interesting scents that they manage to find outdoors. For that reason, owners of Beagles and Foxhounds should never let their pets be off leash in areas that aren't fenced, where the dog can easily wander away while pursuing a scent. Recalling Foxhounds and Beagles can be difficult as these dogs really concentrate on interesting scents.
Foxhound vs Beagle: Country of breed origin
English Foxhound breed originated in Germany.
American Foxhound breed was developed in the United States of America.
Beagle breed was developed in England.
Good with kids: Foxhound vs Beagle
Foxhounds and Beagles have a lot of potential to be great family dogs. These breeds are more appropriate for older children. Foxhounds and Beagles have plenty of energy to participate in various family activities. Foxhounds, for example, can be great jogging partners. Both of these breeds are active and need long daily walks.
Foxhounds vs Beagles: Companion dogs
Foxhounds and Beagles are suitable companion dogs for active people who have the time to and energy to spend on an active dog. Beagles, just like Foxhounds dislike being left alone and need to be around their family most of the time. Lonely Beagles or Foxhounds can get very vocal and express their boredom and loneliness in a loud way or by destructive behaviors. People who don't have the time for daily long walks with the animal companion should consider other breeds. Foxhounds and Beagles do best in active families and with consistent training approach and enough physical activity both of these breeds can become the joy and pride of their owners.
Good with other dogs: Foxhound versus Beagle
Foxhounds and Beagles are pack breeds and they easily get along with other non-aggressive dogs. Outdoor pack kennel hounds such as Foxhound or Beagle are friendly and sociable by nature and quickly make new friends with other canines.
Foxhound vs Beagle: Intelligence
Just like Foxhounds, Beagles are intelligent and persistent dogs. These breeds enjoy being mentally stimulated. Play fun games with your Beagle or Foxhound and provide the dog with some interactive dog toys that require some thinking on the part of your pet. Interactive toys help to stimulate your dog's mind and develop mental capacity of your dog.
Beagle vs Foxhound: Trainability
Foxhounds and Beagles are equally stubborn during training and may present a challenge to a novice dog owner. Staying firm but kind during training and providing the dog with positive motivation such as food can significantly help during obedience training. Beagle and Foxhound owners report that these breeds can be difficult to train because they are selective listeners and keeping their focus is not an easy task. Scent hounds such as Beagles and Foxhounds tend to seek interesting scents rather than focus on training and to make training sessions more effective, try to start with training the dog indoors, in a quiet place. The familiar atmosphere can help to keep the dog's attention on training. Keep training sessions fun and short. Once a Beagle or Foxhound is comfortable following commands indoors, it is time to train the dog to listen to the commands outdoors as well. With patience and consistency good training results are possible with both of these smart breeds.
Foxhound compared to Beagle: Barking
Foxhounds and Beagle are very vocal. Howling, baying and loud barking are all the familiar sounds to Foxhound and Beagle owners. Both, Beagles and Foxhounds are loud and enjoy the sound of their voice. Why are Foxhounds and Beagles so loud? When these dogs were developed as hunting breeds, it was important for the handlers to be able to know where the dogs are and the dogs were supposed to communicate with their pack and hunters during hunting. Loud barking was used as a way of communication between the pack and the hunters.
Foxhound vs Beagle comparison: Exercise needs
Foxhounds and Beagles are very active breeds and require a siginificant amount of exercise every single day. Walking, running, joggin and running alongside a bike are good ways for these active breeds to spend some energy, of which they have plenty. Inactive Foxhounds and Beagles can easily get overweight and restless, which can turn into various behavior problems associated with the lack of adequate physical activity of the dog. Potential owners need to be able to spend at least an hour or two every day on exercising either a Beagle or a Foxhound.
Health issues: Foxhound vs Beagle
Beagles and Foxhounds are generally sturdy and don't have many genetic diseases associated with these breeds. The hanging ears of these breeds make them predisposed for ear infections. To help minimize the possibility of ear infections, keep ears dry and always wipe them with a clean, dry towel after a swim or a bath.
Foxhound vs Beagle comparison: Dog behavior issues
Foxhounds and Beagles tend to develop behavior problems when left alone frequently or when they lack sufficient physical activity. Behavior problems such as excessive barking, digging in the yard or chewing on furniture can develop in dogs that are lonely and bored.
These breeds need to spend most of the time with the owners and require a lot of exercise to stay healthy both physially and mentally.
Foxhound and Beagle compared: Popularity
Beagles are very popular and take the 6th place in popularity ranking out of 194, according to AKC. Foxhounds are 189 out of 194 in AKC popularity ranking list.
Beagle vs. Foxhound: Loyalty to the owner
Foxhounds and Beagles are loyal breeds enjoy nothing more than spending time with their family. At the same time, these breeds tend to be very focused on scent and are prone to being lost if left without a leash in an area that is not fenced. Only let a Beagle or a Foxhound off the leash in a fenced area.