Poodle vs Bichon Frise
Bichon Frise and Poodles are well known companion dog breeds that share many similarities. Fluffy, luxurious coat is one of them. Poodles and Bichons are also hypoallergenic breeds that almost do not shed. Both of these low shedding dog breeds produce less allergens than most other breeds and are safer for people with asthma or pet allergies. Spend some time with the dog before making the final commitment if you have pet related allergies.
Bichons and Poodles require maximum coat maintenance and a potential owner needs to be aware of the high grooming needs. Professional dog grooming can be costly and some owners choose to learn to groom either the Bichon or Poodle at home. Bichon Frise and Poodles need their coat brushed daily and trimmed once a month to keep the dog's coat and skin in best condition. Both breeds make wonderful companion dogs for people who don't mind the extensive grooming.
Families with older kids and adults of any age will appreciate the fun and cheerful energy that either a Poodle or a Bichon can bring into their new family. Families with very young kids may not have the time to dedicate to the extensive grooming needs of both of these companion breeds. Bichons and Poodles are rather demanding for attention and affection and are more suited for families with older kids.
There are some significant differences between Poodle and Bichon breeds that include different grooming needs, temperament, genetic health issues associated with specific breeds and more.
Bichon Poodle Mix: (Poochon) image
Bichon and Poodle cross dogs have traits of the two breeds. Poochon (another name for Bichon Poodle mix dogs) have physical traits of Poodles and Bichon dogs.
Image of Bichon Poodle mix

Poochon pros and cons
Poochon is another name for half Poodle half Bichon Frise dogs. In size, half Bichon half Poodle dogs can reach up to 15 inches in height and up to 17 pounds in weight. This estimation in size is valid for Miniature Poodle type.
Bichon Frise vs Poodle: Grooming
Bichons and Poodles are famous for above average coat maintenance requirements. Both of these breeds feature a fluffy and thick coat that requires daily care. Daily brushing and monthly trims are a must. Trimming the coat short can help to keep either a Bichon or Poodle more comfortable during the hot summer months. Professional dog grooming services can be expensive and some owners choose to learn how to trim a Poodle's or a Bichon's coat at home. Those who choose to groom a Poodle or a Bichon at home will need to get professional tools to get best results.
When selecting a groomer for Bichon Frise or for a Poodle, look for one who has an extensive experience with the breed.
Bichons and Poodles also require daily teeth care. Use canine toothpaste when brushing your pet's teeth. Human toothpaste is not safe for dogs. Other grooming needs for Poodles and Bichons include eye stain care. Both of these breeds tend to have dark brown or red stains around their eye area and these eye stains should be removed by using a gentle dog eye stain cleaner. Trimming the dog's nails is another important grooming ritual. Overgrown nails can cause pain and discomfort for your pet. Dog's nails should be trimmed once every six to eight weeks.
How to groom a Poodle
Bichon Frise compared to Poodle: Lifespan
Bichon Frise live on average from 14 to 16 years while Poodles have a slightly shorter life expectancy - from 12 to 14 years on average. Many factors can affect Poodle's or Bichon's lifespan. The dog's overall health, care, diet, lifestyle and other factors play a role in a dog's longevity.
Bichon Frise vs Poodle: Size
Poodles are more versatile when it comes to size. There are three different Poodle sizes - toy Poodle, miniature Poodle and standard Poodle. Standard Poodle is the largest of the three and can be over 15 inches tall. Toy Poodles are the smallest of the three Poodle varieties and can be from 11 to 15 inches tall. A miniature Poodle is from 11 to 15 inches tall. In comparison, Bichon Frise is closest to toy Poodle in height and can reach up to 11 inches in height. See the size comparison chart that compares the sizes of Poodles and Bichons in more detail.
Toy Poodle Height: up to 10 inches (25 cm)
Miniature Poodle Height: 11 - 15 inches (28 - 38 cm)
Standard Poodle Height: over 15 inches (38 cm)
Bichon Frise male height: 9.5 - 11 in (24 - 29 cm)
Toy Poodle Weight: 6 - 9 pounds (3 to 4 kg)
Miniature Poodle Weight: 15 - 17 pounds (7 to 8 kg)
Standard Poodle Weight: 45 - 70 pounds (20 to 32 kg)
Bichon Frise male weight: 12 - 15 lb (5 - 9 kg)
Bichon Frise are much smaller than Standard and Miniature Poodles in size. Bichon Frise is the closest to toy Poodle in size.
Poodle vs Bichon: Shedding
Poodles and Bichons are non-shedding breeds that are also hypoallergenic. Despite low shedding, both breeds have high coat maintenance needs and need to be brushed every day to keep the coat tangle free and healthy. Monthly trimmings are necessary for both breeds.
Poodle vs Bichon Frise: Price
Bichon Frise price starts at around $250 per puppy. In comparison, Poodle's prices start at $800. Poodles are more expensive than Bichon Frise. Poodle's prices depend on color, origin and size of the Poodle puppy.
Bichon vs Poodle: Temperament
There are many similarities in temperament of Bichons and Poodles. Both breeds love to be in the center of attention. Poodles are fun loving and usually aren't aggressive. Bichon Frise have a happy disposition. Bichons are known to be very friendly, playful and outgoing when it comes to their personality. Poodles and Bichons are wonderful companion pets for people who don't mind the extensive grooming needs that both breeds require.
Bichon Frise vs Poodle: Country of breed origin
Bichon Frise dogs originated in the Mediterranean region.
Poodles originated in Germany but developed into a distinct breed in France
Good with kids: Poodles vs Bichons
Bichons and toy Poodles may be too fragile around very young kids. The amount of grooming ang care that these breeds require may be more than busy families with young children can allocate. In addition, Bichons and Poodles may compete with very young children for toys and affection. Poodles of all sizes and Bichon Frise can get along with older, sensible kids who can treat a pet with respect the dog deserves. Kids should not pick up a small dog as many small dogs get seriously hurt from being accidentally dropped. Poodles and Bichons make great companions for households with older owners who have the time and desire to take care of and spend plenty of time with the dog.
Poodle versus Bichon: Companion dogs
Poodles and Bichon Frise are wonderful companion dogs that need to spend most of the day with the owner. Both breeds are demanding in terms of grooming and owners need to be prepared financially to spend a considerable amount on grooming their pet, unless the owner decides to groom the dog at home.
Good with other dogs: Bichon versus Poodle
Poodles and Bichons get along with dogs. Always supervise the dog around larger or more aggressive breeds. Level of socialization depends of each individual dog (how much time the owner spent getting the puppy comfortable around other dogs) determines how good the dog is around other dogs.
Poodles versus Bichons: Intelligence
Poodles really shine when it comes to intelligence. Poodles of all sizes are very intelligent and need an owner who can bring the best in the dog by providing plenty of mental stimulation every day. Bichon Frise are not as famous for their intelligence as Poodles. A dog's intelligence can be developed by providing the dog with plenty of mental stimulation starting at a young age. Interactive dog toys and playtime are great ways to help develop a dog's intelligence. Not all Poodles are equal in terms of intelligence, just like not all Bichons are equal in intelligence when compared to other dogs of the same breed. Due to these variations within each breed, intelligence level needs to be tested on individual dogs to make a reasonable estimation.
Bichon Frise compared to Poodle: Trainability
How easy are Poodles and Bichon Frise dogs to train? Poodles are significantly easier to train in comparison to Bichon Frise. Poodles are eager to please their owners and are easily trainable. Naturally intelligent dogs, Poodles are capable of learning many tricks and these dogs enjoy to show off their skills. In comparison to Poodles, Bichon Frise can be challenging to train, especially when it comes to house training. Patience and positive training techniques work best to achieve desired training results.
Poodle versus Bichon Frise: Barking
Bichons and Poodles are both reasonable barkers. Either of these lap dog breeds will bark given a reason to bark. Some Poodles really enjoy the sound of their voice. Expect more recreational barking if you are leaving the dog alone often. If you have an apartment dog, train the Poodle or Bichon the "Quiet!" command. Some dog behavior specialists advise to first teach the dog to bark on command. Once the dog understands the concept of barking on command, he is ready to learn the "Quiet!" command. Teaching the dog to be quiet on command can be very useful, especially if the dog lives in an apartment building where his barking may bother neighbors.
Poodles compared to Bichons: Exercise needs
Both breeds are reasonably active and do best with a few daily walks to stay in best shape. Energetic Bichons and lively Poodles enjoy long walks and other ways to spend their energy in a positive way. Mentally stimulating games are important for either the Bichon or Poodle. Given a choice, either a Bichon or a Poodle would prefer to have a yard so the dog can play outdoors.
Health issues: Bichons and Poodles compared
There are certain genetic diseases associated with each breed. Poodles and Bichons are predisposed for eye problems. Both of these breeds feature a hair that may get into the eyes of the dog. Keep the eye area free from the hair that tends to get into the dog's eyes and may cause an infection or irritation. If grooming is neglected, skin problems are likely to arise for either a Bichon or a Poodle. Bichons may suffer from hip dysplasia, hemophilia and heart defects. Poodles may suffer from epilepsy and patellar luxation (kneecap dislocation).
Poodles versus Bichons: Dog behavior issues
When bored or left alone often, both the Poodle or Bichon Frise will exhibit problem behaviors such as barking, chewing on things other than his chewable toys, scratching or ripping furniture and other problem dog behaviors. Most dogs will exhibit destructive behaviors if left alone with nothing to do. Bichons and Poodles are both companion dog breeds and need to spend most of the time with their family. When any companion dog is left alone frequently, the dog may develop depression or other psychological issues as human companionship is very important for both of these breeds. Leaving the dog unattended will cause the dog to be unhappy, which is a root of destructive dog behavior in many cases.
Bichons are also notorious for being difficult to housetrain. Although good results are possible to achieve, it may take some time before a Bichon Frise is fully housetrained.
How to potty train a dog
If you do need to step out and leave either the Poodle or Bichon dog alone for an hour or so, consider providing the dog with a safe, chewable toy that the dog can play with while you are not around. Check the toy for any small parts that the dog can accidentally bite off and swallow.
Differences between Poodle and Bichon Frise: Popularity
Bichon Frise takes 45th place in popularity ranking in the United States, according to AKC. Poodle takes 7th place out of 194 in popularity ranking in the United States, according to AKC. Poodles are more popular in the United States than Bichon Frise.
Poodle compared to Bichon Frise: Loyalty to the owner
Both of these companion breeds are very loyal to their owners. The Poodle and Bichon are happiest when spending time with their families.