- Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer
Giant Schnauzer and Black Russian Terrier breeds comparison

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer

Dog breed comparison between Black Russian Terrier and Giant Schnauzer. Differences and similarities between these large companion dog breeds.

Difference between a Black Russian Terrier and Giant Schnauzer

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer grooming

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer lifespan

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer size

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer shedding

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer price

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer temperament

Giant Schnauzer vs Black Russian Terrier origin

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer good with kids

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer companion dogs

Black Russian Terrier versus Giant Schnauzer with other dogs

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer intelligence

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer trainability

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer barking

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer exercise needs

Difference between Black Russian Terrier and Giant Schnauzer health issues

Black Russian Terriers vs Giant Schnauzers behavior problems

Giant Schnauzer versus Black Russian Terrier popularity

Miniature Schnauzer versus Standard Schnauzer loyalty to the owner

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer
Black Russian Terrier pros and cons

Comparison between Black Russian Terrier and Giant Schnauzer breeds
Giant Schnauzer vs Black Russian Terrier
Schnauzer pros and cons

Giant Schnauzer vs Black Russian Terrier

When comparing Black Russian Terrier to Giant Schnauzer, there are many similarities and differences between these large companion breeds. Similarities between Black Russian Terriers and Giant Schnauzers include the large size, abundant coat that requires a lot of time and effort on the owner's part to keep it healthy and neat as well as protective temperament of these breeds. Giant Schnauzers as well as Black Russian Terriers were originally intended to be guard dogs. These large breeds are naturally suspicious of strangers and need lots of socialization from a young age.

Giant Schnauzers as well as Black Russian Terriers are active breeds and need energetic owner who doesn't mind the extensive grooming needs, can provide plenty of exercise and can be a leader in the relationship. Black Russian Terriers and Giant Schnauzers can be challenging to train for novice dog owners. These breeds need to start obedience training during puppyhood, while the dog is more flexible and easier to train. Adult Schnauzers and Black Russian Terriers can also be trained but may take longer time and more effort. These strong minded breeds require experienced owners who can handle an intelligent but at times obstinate and dominant dog.

Giant Schnauzers and Black Russian Terriers have a potential to be good family dogs for families with older children, but owners need to be aware of the fact that these breeds take up a lot of time on training, grooming and exercising every day. Families with small kids are not recommended to get either a Giant Schnauzer or a Black Russian Terrier because these breeds are very demanding in terms of attention and care and with younger children it may be very difficult to find the time needed to properly care for large and high maintenance pets.

Owning a Giant Schnauzer or Black Russian Terrier requires time, dedication and a home with a large, fenced yard, where the family dog can explore and get some exercise. Giant Schnauzers and Black Russian Terriers require plenty of mental stimulation during the day. These breeds are naturally protective and territorial. Giant Schnauzers and Black Russian Terriers make great watchdogs and guard dogs.

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer: Grooming

Black Russian Terrier (BRT) as well as Giant Schnauzer breeds are maximum maintenance when it comes to grooming. If you are considering either one of these large breeds, be prepared to spend from fifteen minutes to half an hour per day on brushing the dog's coat. Neglected coat quickly turns into a tangled mess that is very uncomfortable for the dog and can cause various skin issues. Giant Schnauzers and Black Russian Terriers also feature a lot of hair around the dog's face, otherwise known as beard and the beard needs to be cleaned after each meal, because food particles often end up getting stuck in the beard. BRT and Giant Schnauzers need to be trained to accept grooming early on as when these dogs get larger, owners may have difficulties with an unruly large pet that doesn't like to be groomed. Always have some treats nearby to reward calm and good behavior during grooming.

In addition to coat care, daily grooming for Black Russian Terrier or Giant Schnauzer should also include dental care - brush the dog's teeth daily with a canine toothpaste to prevent dental issues.

Giant Schnauzer vs Black Russian Terrier: Lifespan

Giant Schnauzers live on average from 10 to 12 years, while Black Russian Terriers have a lifespan of 10 to 14 years. A dog's lifespan depends on many factors that include the dog's overall health, lifestyle, genetics, how well the dog is cared for and more.

Black Russian Terrier compared to Giant Schnauzer: Size

Black Russian Terrier is significantly larger than a Giant Schnauzer. In weight a BRT can reach up to 132 pounds while Giant Schnauzer can reach up to 90 pounds. When compared in height, Black Russian Terriers are up to 29 inches tall while Giant Schnauzers are up to 27 inches tall.

Black Russian Terrier male weight: 50 to 60 kg (110 to 132 lb)
Giant Schnauzer male weight: 29 to 41 kg (65 to 90 lb)

Black Russian Terrier male height: 69 to 74 cm (27 to 29 in)
Giant Schnauzer male height: 65 to 70 cm (25 to 27 in)

Black Russian Terrier is a heavier and taller breed in comparison to Giant Schnauzer.

Giant Schnauzer vs Black Russian Terrier: Shedding

Black Russian Terrier and Giant Schnauzer produce a moderate amount of shedding that can be managed with daily brushing. The amount of dog hair around the home can be significantly reduced with regular brushing. Use Furminator deshedding tool to remove most of the dead hair from the dog's coat. Brushing either a Giant Schnauzer or Black Russian Terrier outdoors makes the clean up much easier.

Managing the dog's shedding is easier with the right tools. Investing in a vacuum cleaner made specifically for pet owners helps to keep the home dog hair free with regular use.

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer: Price

Giant Schnauzer prices start at around $700 while Black Russian Terrier starting price is around $1,000. Prices can vary significantly, and depend on many factors such as the dog's age, training level and pedigree.

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer: Temperament

Giant Schnauzer and Black Russian Terrier breeds are essentially working dogs that transitioned into being companion pets. Both breeds are good guard dogs, alert and suspicious of strangers. Black Russian Terriers, just like Giant Schnauzers are loving towards family but need proper introduction to unfamiliar people. Working breeds such as BRT and Giant Schnauzer need a job to do during the day, otherwise they quickly get bored and may start getting into all sorts of trouble when left unattended and bored. Black Russian Terrier is calm, brave, aloof with strangers, highly intelligent and loyal in temperament. Giant Schnauzers are also loyal and people oriented dogs that need to spend most of the time with their owners. Giant Schnauzers are calm in temperament and very protective of their family.

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer: Country of breed origin

Giant Schnauzer breed originated in Germany.
Black Russian Terrier breed was developed in Russia.

Good with kids: Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer

Black Russian Terrier and Giant Schnauzer breeds are high maintenance in terms of grooming and require a lot of dedication from the owners, and families with small children may find these breeds too demanding while children are young. Potential owners need to have plenty of time and dedication to raise a well behaved family pet from either a Giant Schnauzer or Black Russian Terrier dogs.

Black Russian Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer: Companion dogs

Black Russian Terriers and Giant Schnauzers are loyal and devoted companion pets, suitable for experienced dog owners who have don't mind the high grooming needs and have the time to exercise, train and care for a large dog. In return, Black Russian Terriers as well as Giant Schnauzers give back unconditional love and protect their owners should there be a need. These breeds are suitable for active owners who can handle a dominant and at times stubborn dog such as BRT or Giant Schnauzer. Black Russian Terriers and Giant Schnauzers should spend most of the time with the owners. Chaining the dog outside is not only cruel, but these breeds may develop aggression as a result.

Black Russian Terriers and Giant Schnauzers are too big and too active to be comfortable in an apartment. These breed ideally need a home with a fenced yard where the dog can get some exercise during the day. Neither a BRT or Giant Schnauzer is recommended for apartment living.

Good with other dogs: Black Russian Terrier versus Giant Schnauzer

Black Russian Terriers and Giant Schnauzers can get along fine with other dogs in the household as long as they were raised together. Both breeds tend to be dominant and may be aggressive towards unfamiliar male dogs if provoked. Early socialization is required for both, BRT and Giant Schnauzer dogs.

Giant Schnauzer vs BRT: Intelligence

Giant Schnauzer as well as Black Russian Terrier are intelligent breeds that enjoy mental stimulation. Provide the dog with interactive toys or treat dispenser toys for large breeds that will keep these big dogs entertained.

Compare Giant Schnauzer to Black Russian Terrier: Trainability

Although Giant Schnauzers and Black Russian Terriers are trainable, these dominant and strong minded breeds can pose a challenge to an inexperienced owner. Start obedience training early, while these large dogs are still puppies. Training an older Giant Schnauzer or Black Russian Terrier can take more time than training a more flexible puppy. Black Russian Terriers and Giant Schnauzers are highly intelligent breeds that need structure and obedience. At the same time, harsh punishments should never be used on either of these breeds. Socialization is important for both of these breeds. Socialization throughout the life of a Giant Schnauzer or Black Russian Terrier includes meeting different people, going to different places and learning to be comfortable in a variety of different situations. A well socialized and obedience trained dog, whether it is a Black Russian Terrier or a Giant Schnauzer are a pleasure to have around.

Grooming a trained Giant Schnauzer or Black Russian Terrier requires training the dog to be calm and relaxed as the pet is getting his coat care or nails trimmed. Start training Black Russian Terriers and Giant Schnauzers to accept grooming while they are still puppies and are easier to handle. Both breeds have intensive grooming needs and it is important to establish good behavior during grooming early on. Expose young puppies to trimmers and clippers so that dogs get a chance to learn that grooming is a part of life and there's no need to be stressed out or be overexcited while being groomed.

Black Russian Terrier versus Giant Schnauzer: Barking

Giant Schnauzers bark more than Black Russian Terriers. Dogs bark for different reasons, but some breeds are more quiet than others on average. Giant Schnauzers tend to announce anything unusual in the surroundings by a loud bark. For example, if a Giant Schnauzer notices that someone is approaching the home, the dog will announce a stranger's presence with a loud barking. Sometimes dogs bark to get attention or out of loneliness and boredom. Leaving a companion dog alone frequently often results in behavior problems such as excessive barking.

Difference between Black Russian Terrier and Giant Schnauzer: Exercise needs

Giant Schnauzers and Black Russian Terriers are full of energy, especially during the young age. These breeds need active owners who can channel either dog's energy in a positive direction rather than let the pet get destructive as the dog is searching for a way to stay busy and active. While Giant Schnauzers and Black Russian Terriers are still growing, high impact exercises that involve jumping should be avoided to help prevent joint issues as the dog matures. Growing ligaments need to properly form and jumping or other activities that put too much pressure on the dog's joints can cause irreversible damage. Walking a Giant Schnauzer or Black Russian Terrier is always a great way to keep the dog active and healthy. Black Russian Terriers as well as Giant Schnauzers need from one to two hours of walking every day, especially while these dogs are still young and have lots of energy to spend.

Health issues: Giant Schnauzer compared to Black Russian Terrier

The Schnauzer breed is predisposed for certain eye diseases. When getting a Schnauzer from a breeder, find out if the breeding stock was tested for eye diseases. Liver shunt as well as bleeding disorders can also be a health issue for Schnauzers. Black Russian Terriers often suffer from hip and elbow dysplasia. Other issues in Black Russian Terrier Breed include heart problems and eye diseases. Trimming the dog's hair around the eyes is necessary to prevent infections that may occur as the dog's hair gets into the eyes. Ear infections as well as allergies may also be among problems with Black Russian Terriers. Healthy diet combined with good grooming practices prevent many health problems with Black Russian Terriers and Giant Schnauzers.

Differences between Black Russian Terriers and Giant Schnauzers: Dog behavior issues

When comparing large working dog breeds such as Black Russian Terrier and Giant Schnauzer, it is important to note that these active breeds need a job to do during the day. Staying busy and active both mentally and physically is very important for these breeds. Dogs that are frequently left alone, bored and lonely will start developing various behavior problems that can range from excessive barking and wrecked home to aggression due to lack of socialization. Only people who have plenty of time and energy on keeping a Black Russian Terrier or Giant Schnauzer well socialized throughout life and busy during the day and who don't mind the intense grooming needs may consider either of these breeds.

Natural guard dogs, BRTs and Giant Schnauzers may be suspicious and aloof towards strangers. Early socialization is important for both breeds.

Black Russian Terriers and Giant Schnauzers comparison: Popularity

Black Russian Terrier ranks 119 out of 193 breeds in popularity in the United States, according to AKC.
Giant Schnauzer ranks 79th out of 193 breeds in popularity, based on AKC popularity ratings.
Giant Schnauzers are more popular than Black Russian Terriers in the United States.

Difference between Giant Schnauzer and BRT: Loyalty to the owner

Giant Schnauzers just like Black Russian Terriers are loyal and devoted to their families. These breeds are also protective of their owners and make great watchdogs.

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