Pug vs Boston Terrier
Boston Terriers and Pugs are popular small dog breeds. These companion dog breeds are comfortable living in either a small city apartment or in a large country home. Boston Terriers and Pugs are wonderful pet choices for people who can spend most of the time with their dog. Seniors, families with older kids and single young people can find a loyal friend and a fun and entertaining companion in either of these two breeds. There are many similarities between Pugs and Boston Terriers, that include a friendly and sociable temperament. Both breeds have short snouts (brachycephalic dogs) and owners need to be aware that brachycephalic breeds often develop breathing problems. Pugs and Boston Terriers have low tolerance for extreme weather and may easily get overheated during hot summer days. Keep your pet in an air-conditioned environment during the hot summer days and provide him with plenty of water. Other similarities between Pugs and Boston Terriers include low exercise requirements. A few walks around the block every day and some indoor playtime can help your pet to find a good outlet for his or her energy.
Despite many similarities, there are some significant differences between Pugs and Boston Terriers. Boston Terrier vs Pug differences include the sizes of the two breeds. Boston Terriers are larger and usually heavier than more compact Pugs. Other differences between the two breeds include grooming requirements. Pugs, for example are known to shed more than Boston Terriers. Detailed comparison between Boston Terriers and Pugs:
Boston Terrier Pug Mix image
Pug and Boston Terrier mix dogs often appear with mixed traits of the two breeds. The colors of Pug and Boston Terrier mix can vary and result in any interesting color combination in the Boston Terrier Pug cross puppy. Physical traits of Pug Bostie mix can resemble either a Pug or Boston Terrier, or a bit of both of these small companion dog breeds.
Image of Pug Boston Terrier mix.

Boston Terrier vs Pug: Grooming
Boston Terriers are easier to groom as they shed less than do Pugs. Pugs are known for abundant shedding and owners of the breed often complain about the amount of dog hair at home left by the dog. With the appropriate shedding management tools, shedding can be successfully managed.
Pugs and Boston Terriers need to have their face wiped with a wet cloth every single day to keep the area around wrinkles clean and healthy.
Daily grooming routine should include brushing the dog's teeth. Both, Boston Terrier and a Pug need daily dental care to maintain their teeth in good shape. Only use canine toothpaste as human toothpaste can be toxic to dogs.
Eye care includes removing the reddish stains around a dog's eyes. Use gentle dog eye area cleaner solution to safely remove the eye stains.
Pug vs Boston Terrier: Lifespan
Boston Terrier average lifespan is from 10 to 14 years. In comparison, Pugs live from 12 to 15 years on average. Many factors can affect a dog's lifespan. The overall health of your pet, care, diet, lifestyle and other factors affect a dog's longevity.
Pug vs Boston Terrier: Size
Compare Pug and Boston Terrier sizes.
Pug male weight: 13 to 20 lb (5.8 to 9 kg)
Boston Terrier male weight: 10 to 25 lb (4.5 to 11.5 kg)
Pug male height: 12 to 14 in (30 to 35 cm)
Boston Terrier male height: 15 to 17 in (38 to 43 cm)
Pugs appear stockier and a few inches shorter than Boston Terriers. Boston Terriers have their ears upright, which makes the dog appear taller. Pugs, on the other hand have their ears down, and appear even shorter.
Pug vs Boston Terrier: Shedding
Although both, Pugs and Boston Terriers have short coat, Pugs shed more and require more shedding management than do Boston Terriers.
Boston Terrier vs Pug: Price
Boston Terrier price starts at around $800 and up, depending on many factors. Expect to pay around $1,000 per Pug puppy. Many factors can affect the dog's price. If you are looking for a show dog, for example, be prepared to pay significantly more per puppy with a well known pedigree.
Pug vs Boston Terrier: Temperament
Pugs, just like Boston Terriers have a sociable, affectionate and friendly temperament. Both breeds require plenty of interaction with the owner and enjoy being in the center of attention. Both of these breeds make wonderful companions for less-active owners. Brachycephalic dogs such as Pugs and Boston Terriers often have breathing issues and need relatively little exercise during the day. Walking the dog a few times around the block and some indoor playtime is usually enough to keep either a Pug or a Boston Terrier happy. Pugs and Boston Terriers make wonderful apartment dogs and are popular among city dwellers.
Boston Terrier vs Pug: Country of breed origin
Pug originated in China.
Boston Terrier is an all-American dog breed.
Good with kids: Boston Terrier vs Pug
Boston Terriers and Pugs are suitable companions for older, sensible kids. If raised with children, either a Pug or Boston Terrier will usually become a child's best friend. Children need to be taught to be gentle with their pets. Boston Terriers and Pugs are brachycephalic breeds (dogs with short snouts) and breathing difficulties that these breeds usually experience may not allow the dog to run around all day long with kids. Bosties (another name for a Boston Terrier) and Pugs can be playful and fun companions for families with older children.
Pug vs Boston Terrier: Companion dogs
Pugs and Boston Terriers are especially sensitive to being left alone for long periods and can develop behavior and psychological problems if left alone often. These companion breeds do best in households where the dog can spend most of the time with the owners. Older adults and families with older kids can enjoy the company of either a Chinese Pug or a Boston Terrier. Both breeds are fun and entertaining and provide unconditional love to their owners. These small companion dogs are perfect for older adults that are looking to get a laid back family dog that can happily live in either an apartment or in a country home.
Good with other dogs: Pugs vs Boston Terriers
Dominant Boston Terrier males may express aggression towards other dogs, especially when the dog is not socialized much with other dogs. Pugs are usually friendly towards other dogs. All breeds benefit from adequate socialization in an early age and Boston Terriers as well as French Bulldogs need a good amount of socialization starting at puppyhood. Level of socialization depends of each individual dog (how much time the owner spent getting the puppy comfortable around other dogs) determines how good the dog is around other dogs.
Pug vs Boston Terrier: Intelligence
Pugs and Boston Terriers are highly intelligent small dogs. Starting at an early age, provide your Pug or Bostie with interactive toys to stimulate the dog's mind.
Pugs vs Boston Terriers: Trainability
Training a Pug or a Boston Terrier can be rather challenging. Strong-minded Pugs can present even more challenges when it comes to training than Boston Terriers. Both breeds require patience and consistency when it comes to learning new commands. Pugs and Boston Terriers need to be persuaded that training is fun. Positive motivation techniques are very helpful and either of the two breeds can succeed in learning basic commands.
Pug versus Boston Terrier: Barking
Boston Terriers and Pugs do not bark much. Both breeds are considered to be among the quiet breeds and Boston Terriers are even more so. Low barking level makes these dogs ideal for living in an apartment or in the city. These small companion dogs are well suited for city life and make popular city pets.
Pug vs Boston Terrier: Exercise needs
Brachycephalic breeds such as Pugs or Boston Terriers that can not walk for a long time or be exercised during the hot weather. Breathing difficulties associated with short snouted dogs such as Pugs or Boston terriers prevent these dogs from being overly active and the owners need to be extra careful when it comes to exercising their small pet, especially in hot weather. Both breeds are sensitive to heat and should spend the hottest part of the day in an air conditioned area to prevent heat stroke. A short walk around the block a few times per day is enough exercise for either of these small breeds. For longer walks your Pug or Boston Terrier may prefer to be carried rather than walk.
Health issues: Pug vs Boston Terrier
Like other short-faced breeds, the Boston Terrier and the Pug can develop breathing difficulties and also overheat quite easily. Avoid overexertion as these breeds aren't able to efficiently regulate their body temperature and can easily get overheated. Most airline companies do not accept brachycephalic breeds for flights and if your plans involve traveling with a Pug or a Boston Terrier, consider other ways of transportation.
Do not overfeed your Pug or Boston Terrier - these small dogs love to eat and the owners need to monitor their pet's weight to keep the dog in a healthy weight. Eye issues, such as cataracts can be a health problem for Pugs and for Boston Terriers.
Pug versus Boston Terrier: Dog behavior issues
Most dogs will exhibit destructive behaviors if left alone with nothing to do. Boston Terriers and Pugs need to spend most of the time with their family. When a companion dog is left alone frequently, the dog may develop depression or other psychological issues as human companionship is very important for both of these breeds. Any lonely companion dog will be unhappy, which is a root of destructive dog behavior in many cases.
If you do need to step out and leave pet alone for an hour or so, consider providing the dog with a safe, chewable toy that the dog can play with while you are not around. Be sure to check the toy for any small parts that the dog can accidentally bite off and swallow.
Some owners choose to crate train their Pug or Boston Terrier to keep the pet safe and out of trouble while the owner is not around to supervise the dog.
Boston Terrier vs. Pug: Popularity
The Pug takes 32rd place in popularity ranking in the United States. Boston Terrier, on the other hand takes 21st place of 193 small dog breeds, according to AKC. Although both of these small companion dogs are well known, Boston Terriers are more popular than Pugs.
Pug vs Boston Terrier: Loyalty to the owner
Both of these companion breeds are very loyal to their owners. Pugs and Boston Terriers are happiest when spending time with their families.