- Cardigan Welsh Corgi vs Pembroke
Differences between Corgi dogs

Cardigan Welsh Corgi vs Pembroke

Dog breed comparison between Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke. Differences and similarities between these Corgi types.

Difference between Cardigan and Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Cardigan Corgi vs Pembroke Corgi grooming

Pembroke vs Cardigan Corgi lifespan

Pembroke Corgi vs Cardigan Corgi size

Cardigan Corgi vs Pembroke shedding

Cardigan Corgi compared to Pembroke price

Cardigan vs Pembroke Corgi temperament

Cardigan Corgi vs Pembroke origin

Cardigan Corgi versus Pembroke Corgi good with kids

Pembroke vs Cardigan Corgi companion dogs

Pembroke Corgi compared to Cardigan with other dogs

Cardigan Welsh Corgi vs Pembroke Welsh Corgi intelligence

Cardigan vs Pembroke Corgi trainability

Cardigan Corgi compared to Pembroke Corgi barking

Pembroke versus Cardigan Corgi exercise needs

Difference between Cardigan and Pembroke Corgi health issues

Cardigan Corgi vs Pembroke Corgi behavior problems

Cardigan Corgi vs. Pembroke Corgi popularity

Pembroke Welsh Corgi versus Cardigan Corgi loyalty to the owner

Pembroke Welsh Corgi vs Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Comparison between Corgi types
Cardigan Welsh Corgi vs Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Cardigan Welsh Corgi vs Pembroke

Cardigan Welsh Corgi as well as Pembroke Welsh Corgi were originally used as herding dogs that also had to be excellent watchdogs. Until 1934 Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke Corgi were considered a single breed. Corgis still possess a strong herding instinct and may try to herd children or farm animals when given a chance. Although Cardigans and Pembrokes may appear to have many similarities, there are some noticeable differences between these Corgi types. One of the most prominent appearance differences between Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke Welsh Corgi is that Pembrokes have their tails docked while Cardigan Welsh Corgis have a full length tail. The shape of Corgi feet can also help to distinguish the two Corgi types. While Cardigan Welsh Corgis feature round feet with front feet that are turned outward, Pembroke Welsh Corgis have oval shaped front feet that are straight or turned inward.

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Corgis of all types are intelligent and sensitive. Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgis have a happy and upbeat temperament. Corgi owners often say that their pets can smile. Cardigan and Welsh Corgis are in tune with their owners and can sense whether the owner is feeling happy or sad. Cardigan Welsh Corgis as well as Pembrokes are naturally protective and make good watchdogs, always ready to let the owners know that someone is approaching their territory. Cardigan Welsh Corgis may be more suitable as watchdogs than Pembrokes. Cardigan Corgis are larger in size and have a less playful temperament than do Pembrokes. Pembrokes are more lively and relaxed than Cardigan Corgis. Barking is one of the activities that Corgis of all types tend to enjoy. Many people get surprised by a deep and loud bark that a medium sized dog such as Corgi can produce. Despite having short feet, Cardigan and Pembroke Corgis like to be active and need an energetic owner who can keep up with an active dog. Active and loud Corgis are more suitable for a country home with a fenced yard as apartment dogs may not always get the opportunity to spend their endless energy, which can turn into behavior problems.

Cardigan Welsh Corgis, just like Pembroke Welsh Corgis are suitable for energetic people who have a lot of time to dedicate to a family pet. Cardigan Corgi as well as Pempbroke Corgi dogs crave mental and physical challenges. Corgis need long walks and they are generally active, which makes these mid size dogs with big personalities suitable for active families with children and for energetic adults of all ages. Pembrokes and Cardigans are fun, playful, intelligent, always optimistic and upbeat.

Pembroke vs Cardigan Corgi: Grooming

Brushing a Corgi with a Furminator Deshedding Tool several times per week help to manage the heavy shedding as well as keep the coat healthy. Get a Pembroke or Cardigan Corgi used to being groomed from an early age. Corgi's teeth need to be brushed every day. Toe nails need to be trimmed once every six weeks or so.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi vs Pembroke: Lifespan

Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke Welsh Corgi have a similar life span and on average live from 11 to 15 years. Many factors such as overall health, care, diet and genetics affect a dog's life expectancy.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi vs Cardigan Welsh Corgi: Size comparison

Size comparison between Corgi types
Cardigan Welsh Corgi Female weight: 24 to 33 lb (10 to 15 kg)
Cardigan Welsh Corgi Male weight: 31 to 37 lb (14 to 17 kg)
Cardigan Welsh Corgi height: 10 to 13 inches (25 to 33 cm)

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Female weight: 22 to 29 lb (10 to 13 kg)
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Male weight: 22 to 33 lb (10 to 15 kg)
Pembroke Welsh Corgi height: 8.9 to 12 inches(23 to 30 cm)

Pembroke Corgis are smaller and shorter in comparison to larger and heavier Cardigan Welsh Corgis.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi vs Pembroke: Shedding

How much does a Welsh Corgi shed? Both, Cardigan and Pembroke Welsh Corgis have a medium length double coat that produces a surprising amount of shedding. Using a Furminator Deshedding Tool helps to keep the heavy shedding under control. Brush the dog outside to make the clean up easier. Be prepared to have your clothes and surroundings to be covered in dog hair when you are brushing either a Pembroke or Cardigan Corgi. Video review of Furminator Deshedding Tool effectiveness on Corgi breed.

Cardigan and Pembroke Corgis produce a significant amount of shedding that can be effectively managed by using a Furminator brush several times per week.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi compared to Cardigan Corgi: Price

Expect to pay from $300 to $700 on average for a Corgi puppy. Prices may differ based on Corgi type (Pembroke Welsh Corgis, for example, are more popular and cost slightly less than less available Cardigan Corgi), bloodlines and other factors such as the color of the dog, how much training the dog received and Corgi's age affect the price of the dog.

Pembroke vs Cardigan Corgi: Temperament

Cardigan and Pembroke Corgi dogs are known for their affectionate temperament, big bark and playful, energetic personalities. Corgis of all types are sociable and enjoy participating in all family activities. Cardigan and Pembroke Corgi have an independent streak in their temperament - these smart dogs have a mind of their own and although they are quick to learn new things, Corgis may think before deciding whether to follow a given command. Originally Corgis were developed as herding dogs, capable of helping to guide the Sheep or Cows. Herding breeds are typically very intelligent and can be independent minded as the dog had to learn to decide how to best do his or her job as a herding dog. Some Corgis still have a strong herding instinct and may try to herd children or even other pets. While both types of Corgi dogs make great pets for families with children, Corgis need to be taught to not try to herd children by nipping on their ankles. Corgi dogs like to stay busy and have something to do during the day. An ideal owner would have the time to play with, exercise and channel the dog's abundant energy in a positive direction.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi vs Cardigan Welsh Corgi: Country of breed origin

While both, Cardigan and Pembroke Corgi dogs originated in Great Britain, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi was developed in Cardiganshire and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi was developed in Pembrokeshire.

Good with kids: Cardigan Corgi versus Pembroke Corgi

Pembroke and Cardigan Corgi dogs are suitable for families with older children. Sturdy and active Corgi are tireless playmates for kids that can run with children all day long. Some Corgi dogs may try to herd children, or even try to nip children. This behavior needs to be discouraged. Children should be taught to be respectful and considerate towards a family pet. A sleeping or eating Corgi should not be approached by a child. Main Corgi caregiver should be an adults - children are not capable of providing all the care to a dog and can easily forget to feed or give fresh water to a family pet. Also, kids aren't able to properly treat a pet or take the dog to a veterinarian without an adult's help. Ultimately it is the adult's responsibility to care for a family pet such as Corgi.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi compared to Pembroke Welsh Corgi: Companion dogs

Cardigan and Pembroke Corgi dogs are wonderful companions for older kids and active adults of all ages. Cheerful and upbeat Corgis have a contagious love for life and potential owners need to be aware that this active breed needs an equally active owner, capable of taking the dog for long walks every day, caring for the dog's constantly shedding coat and providing Corgi with plenty of mental stimulation. Corgis make entertaining companion dogs that are always up for a walk and eager to be in the center of attention anytime. A lonely or bored Corgi is not a happy picture. This breed needs to be around the owners most of the time.

Good with other dogs: Cardigan Corgi vs Pembroke

When properly socialized from the young age, Cardigan and Pembroke Corgis can get along fine with other family dogs. Some Corgi males tend to be aggressive towards other unfamiliar male dogs.

Corgi types compared: Intelligence

Cardigan Corgi, just like Pembroke Corgi are intelligent and learn quickly. Keep Corgi mentally stimulated by providing this smart dog with interactive dog toys and treat dispensers that help to keep the dog's mind working. Corgi dogs were originally developed as a herding breed that needed to be able to make independent decisions. Corgis are bright and fun dogs that are always up for a playtime.

Pembroke Corgi vs Cardigan Corgi: Trainability

Pembroke and Cardigan Corgi dogs respond best to a reward based, gentle training. These dogs are sensitive and using harsh training techniques will only slow the process down and cause the dog to shut down. There are some challenges associated with training a Corgi, mainly the breed's independent temperament. Corgi dogs like to make their own decisions rather than follow commands. Consistency during training combined with short and fun training sessions produce best results. Start training a Cardigan or Pembroke Corgi early, while the dog is still a flexible puppy, eager to learn. Older Corgi dogs can also be successfully trained, but may require more time and patience on the handler's part.

Cardigan Corgi vs Pembroke Corgi: Barking

Whether you are planning to get a Pembroke or a Cardigan Corgi, be prepared that your small pet will have a big bark. Corgi bark for many reasons, including keeping the home safe from unfamiliar visitors. Cardigan Corgi are typically more inclined to guarding their territory.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi vs Pembroke: Exercise needs

Although both, Cardigan and Pembroke Corgi dogs have short legs, these dogs are surprisingly mobile and have plenty of endurance for long walks. To fulfill the original purpose of being helpful herding dogs, Corgi needed to be active, alert and agile. Todays Corgi dogs are just as energetic as they were when the breed was developed. This is a suitable breed for active owners who enjoy long daily walks and have plenty of time to exercise and play with their active family pet such as Cardigan or Pembroke Corgi. Jumping activities aren't recommended for Corgi because of the sensitive elongated back that Corgi dogs have. All exercises need to be low impact, for example, walking. For Corgi dogs that like to share the family couch or bed, get pet stairs to prevent the dog from potentially hurting the back while trying to jump on a tall furniture.

Health issues: Cardigan Corgi compared to Pembroke Corgi

Although Corgi are sturdy small dogs, there are some health issues common for both, Cardigan and Pembroke Corgi types. Due to short legs, Corgi tend to have joint issues, especially as the dog is gettin golder. Cardigans and Pembrokes also have a sensitive back and owners should keep Corgi in a healthy weight to minimize the amount of pressure exerted on the dog's back. Corgi love to eat but should have a healthy diet and enough daily activity to avoid getting overweight. Various eye issues are also common for both Corgi types.

Cardigan Corgi vs Pembroke: Dog behavior issues

Corgi, whether a Cardigan or Pembroke variety, are essentially working dogs that require lots of daily exercise combined with mental stimulation. A lonely and bored Corgi can easily develop various dog behavior problems that may involve excessive barking or ripping up furniture. Some Corgis may be aggressive towards other male dogs.

The aggression often stems from inadequate socialization during young age. Always provide a Corgi with plenty of physical activity and a good walk before leaving the dog home alone for some time. This way the dog will be more inclined to rest while you are away. Leave some interactive and chewable toys for the smart Corgi to keep the dog happy and busy.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi vs Pembroke: Popularity

Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a popular breed, ranking 18 of 193 in popularity ratings.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi is significantly less popular than Pembroke Corgi and ranks 69 of 193 in popularity ratings in the United States.

Difference between Cardigan and Pembroke Corgi: Loyalty to the owner

Corgi of all types are loving and affectionate towards owners. Corgi clearly distinguish between the members of their families and strangers and at times can be very protective of their family and home.
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