Pug vs Corgi
Differences between Pug and Corgi breeds are many and include appearance, temperament, grooming needs, health, trainability, energy levels and more. Pugs were originally developed in China as companion dogs. Corgi breed, on the other hand, was developed in Great Britain as a working breed with the purpose of helping to drive cattle. Some of the most noticeable differences in appearance between Corgi and Pug breeds include the size. Pugs are smaller than Corgis and more compact. Pugs have a shorter coat than do Welsh Corgi.
When compared in temperaments, Pugs aren't nearly as loud as Corgi. Corgi dogs like to bark a lot while Pugs are quiet. Another difference in temperaments between these breeds is that Pugs are more laid back and calm in comparison to active and highly energetic Welsh Corgi dogs. Pugs are ideal for living in most environments and can adjust to apartment life or to living in a country home with a fenced yard. Corgi, on the other hand have lots of energy that requires frequent walks and plenty of physical and mental activity during the day.
Breed specific health issues are different for Pugs and Corgi dogs. Pugs are brachycephalic dogs, meaning they have a shorter muzzle. Brachycephalic breeds such as the Pug often have breathing problems and they are sensitive to hot and humid weather. Pugs, just like other brachycephalic breeds are banned by most airlines because of sharp temperature changes that can happen during flights. Corgi dogs aren't brachycephalic, but they have an elongated back and short legs that make this breed susceptible to back problems and joint issues. Corgi owners should avoid high impact exercises that include jumping while the dog is still a puppy to help prevent potential joint problems as Corgi gets older. Pet ramps or stairs are ideal for Corgis who like to get on furniture at home.
Corgi are ideal dogs for active owners who have plenty of time to spend with the family pet. Pugs are less energetic than Corgi and are more suitable for owners who don't like to walk for miles and are looking for a calm and quiet family pet. Pugs can be comfortable living in an apartment as they don't make a lot of noise and have reasonable exercise needs. A few walks around the block every day keeps a Pug happy. Corgi, on the other hand need more exercise than do Pugs and may need a home with a fenced yard where the dog can run around and explore during the day.
Corgi and Pug Mix
Corgi Pug cross dogs inherit traits of parent breeds that include appearance, temperament and more. Half Corgi half Pug hybrid appearance may resemble both breeds. For example, the Corgi Pug Mix dog may have an elongated back and shorter legs, just like Corgi but at the same time the muzzle of the dog may be much shorter as Pugs have short snouts. Colors of Pug Corgi Mix dog may vary because although Pugs only come in two coat colors, Corgi breed may have a variety of coat colors and markings that may show up on Pug Corgi mix dogs. Temperament of Corgi and Pug Mix is difficult to predict because of distinct temperaments of Pugs and Corgis. Some Corgi Pug cross dogs may be calmer and more quiet, just like Pugs, and others may inherit Corgi's active and loud personality.
Image of Pug and Corgi mix.

Pug and Corgi Mix dogs can range in size from around 7 to 17 kg in weight and in height from 23 to 33 cm, depending on sizes of the parent dogs.
Pug compared to Corgi: Grooming
Pugs and Corgis have different grooming needs. Pugs, for example have a shorter snout with lots of facial folds that need to be cleaned daily to keep these areas free from bacteria and dirt. Corgi, just like Pugs are notorious for abundant shedding and potential owners need to be ready to brush the pet daily, preferably using a deshedding brush such as Furminator. Furminator helps to remove most of the dead hair from the dog's coat, thus helping to manage the heavy shedding. Brush either a Pug or a Corgi outdoors as there will be a lot of dog's hair flying around as you are brushing the dog.
Other grooming needs include brushing the dog's teeth every day using a canine toothpaste to help prevent dental problems. Start getting the dog accustomed to having teeth brushed early on, while Corgi or Pug is still a puppy and is easier to train to accept grooming. Trim dog's nails every six weeks or whenever you can hear the clicking sound when the dog is walking on a hardwood floor. Overgrown nails may make walking painful for the Pug or Corgi and can even affect the dog's gait and posture.
Pug vs Welsh Corgi: Lifespan
Pugs have an average life expectancy of up to 12 to 15 years. Welsh Corgi, in comparison, live from 11 to 15 years of age. Many factors affect a dog's life expectancy and smaller breeds tend to live longer than larger dog breeds.
Corgi vs Pug: Size comparison
Size comparison between Welsh Corgi and Pug dogs.
There are two types of Corgi dogs that include Pembrokes and Cardigans. Pembrokes are slightly smaller in size than Cardigan Welsh Corgis.
Cardigan Welsh Corgi Female weight: 24 to 33 lb (10 to 15 kg)
Cardigan Welsh Corgi Male weight: 31 to 37 lb (14 to 17 kg)
Cardigan Welsh Corgi height: 10 to 13 inches (25 to 33 cm)
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Female weight: 22 to 29 lb (10 to 13 kg)
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Male weight: 22 to 33 lb (10 to 15 kg)
Pembroke Welsh Corgi height: 8.9 to 12 inches(23 to 30 cm)
Pug dog size chart
Pug male weight: 13 to 20 lb (5.8 to 9 kg)
Pug male height: 12 to 14 in (30 to 35 cm)
When comparing Pugs to Corgis in size, Corgi dogs are almost twice as heavy in comparison to Pugs. In height, some Pugs can be slightly taller when compared to Welsh Corgi.
Pug vs Corgi: Shedding
Corgi and Pugs produce a surprising amount of shedding. While Welsh Corgi dogs have a twice a year heavy shedding periods during fall and spring, Pugs shed constantly. Both breeds leave massive amounts of dead hair around the home and potential owners need to be prepared to brush either a Pug or Corgi daily to remove most of the dead hair from the dog's coat and reduce the amount of dog's hair on the floor and on furniture where the dog spends time.
Other helpful tools that help to manage abundant shedding of these breeds include a vacuum cleaner. Some vacuum cleaners are designed with pets in mind and can really help to remove the dog's hair from a Pug or Corgi owner's home when used regularly.
Corgis and Pugs compared: Price
Prices for Welsh Corgi puppies start at $300 and up. Pugs tend to be more expensive and prices start at around $1,000 per Pug puppy. Many factors affect the dog's price that may include pedigree, age and training that the dog received.
Pug vs Corgi: Temperament
When comparing Pugs to Corgis temperaments, Pugs tend to be more laid back and calm, while Welsh Corgi is easily excitable, active and not as quiet as a Pug. Pug and Corgi breeds are affectionate and playful. These dogs need to spend most of the time with their families. Working adults who are at work most of the day should consider other breeds because Pugs and Corgis need lots of interaction with the owners every single day. A lonely and neglected Pug or Corgi is not a happy dog and various behavior problems may start developing for dogs that are left alone and for long periods of time.
Pug vs Welsh Corgi: Country of breed origin
Pug breed originated in China.
Welsh Corgi breed was developed in Great Britain.
Good with kids: Pug vs Corgi
Pugs and Corgis make great pet companions for families with older, sensible children. Corgi have lots of energy to run around with kids all day long without getting tired. Pugs, on the other hand are brachycephalic and aren't as active as Corgi throughout the day. Adults in the family should teach children how to properly handle a dog. For example, a Pug or a Corgi should be left alone when the dog is eating, sleeping or resting. Children should never be burdened with a full responsibility of caring for a family pet - this is something that only an adult is capable of. Kids can forget to walk the dog, to keep the dog's water clean every single day or to feed the pet. In case a Pug or a Welsh Corgi is not feeling well, a child would not know how to handle that situation. When getting a companion pet, adults are the ones who can provide the new four legged family member with the care the dog needs.
Pug vs Corgi: Companion dogs
Corgi owners often call their pet a "large dog in a small package" because Corgi are active, busy and have big personalities. As companion dogs, Welsh Corgi are most suitable for energetic owners who like long walks and don't mind a loud dog who has a deep bark for his or her size. Pugs are calm and have a suitable energy level for adults of all ages who don't want to walk for miles but want a dog with a fun personality and a lot of character. Pugs don't bark much and make suitable pets for living in an apartment. Welsh Corgi, on the other hand is more suitable for living in a home with a fenced yard, where the dog can use some of the abundant energy. Both breeds are loving towards their owners and like to be involved in all family activities.
Good with other dogs: Pug versus Welsh Corgi
Some male Corgi dogs can be aggressive towards other male dogs, but in general a well socialized Corgi can get along with other dogs. Pugs are friendly towards other dogs. Providing a Pug or Corgi puppy with sufficient socialization during the young age is very important. Well socialized dogs are usually comfortable around other dogs and have easier time getting comfortable in different circumstances.
Chinese Pug vs Corgi: Intelligence
Pugs and Corgi enjoy and need mental stimulation every day. Provide your pet with an interactive dog toy or a treat dispenser toy and watch what happens. Active playtime and obedience training help to further Pug's and Corgi's intellectual capacity.
Pug vs Corgi: Trainability
Pugs and Corgis aren't the easiest breeds to train because there's a certain degree of stubborness present in temperaments of these breeds. Obedience training can be successful with proper motivation. Pugs and Corgi respond well to food motivation and small treats can go a long way during obedience training. Short and fun training sessions work best for both breeds. Begin obedience training while a Pug or a Corgi is still a puppy and is more flexible to learning new tricks. Older dogs can also be successfully trained, but may take a longer time and more patience on the owner's part.
Potty training a Pug or a Corgi should also start while the dog is still young. Reward good behavior and never punish a Pug or a Corgi for an accident as that will only slow down the training process and is counterproductive. Instead, use an enzyme based cleaner to remove any traces of the dog's urine from the floor to prevent the dog from being tempted to use that area as his or her potty later on. To have a potty training success, the owner needs to be present and help the dog to succeed by observing the Pug's or Corgi's behavior. As soon as the dog begins to walk around in circles and sniffing the floor, take the dog immediately to the designated dog toilet area where the dog can answer the call of nature. Reward the dog with a small treat as soon as the dog finished with his or her business.
Pug compared to Corgi: Barking
Corgi love to bark. Corgi make good watchdogs and will let the owner know about someone approaching their territory by a loud and deep bark. Pugs, on the other hand, are not suitable as watchdogs. Pugs are quiet and sociable by nature. Quiet dog breeds such as Pugs are popular in cities, as they make good apartment pets.
Pug versus Corgi comparison: Exercise needs
Pugs and Corgi have different exercise needs. More active Corgi, for example, need a few long walks and some playtime every day, while Pugs are fine with several shorter walks around the block during the day and some indoor play. People who like long walks can safely consider a Welsh Corgi breed as these active dogs have plenty of endurance and energy for longer walks. Pugs, on the other hand, frequently have breathing problems that make long walks tiring for the small dog. If you like to take a Pug for long walks, carry the dog as soon as you notice that the dog is getting tired and needs a rest.
Pugs and Corgi that don't get enough physical activity during the day can easily gain extra weight that can be dangerous for either of these breeds. A healthy diet combined with sufficient exercise helps to keep Pugs and Corgis in healthy weight.
Welsh Corgi owners should not encourage high impact exercise for their pets while Corgi is still a puppy. Elongated back combined with short legs can spell joint problems and until the dog is fully grown, owners should prevent the dog from excessive jumping. If your Corgi likes to spend time on the family's couch, get a pet ramp so to help prevent back injuries.
Health issues: Pug vs Corgi
Pug breed is brachycephalic, meaning the dog's muzzle is short. Short muzzle can result in an array of health problems, from difficulties breathing to decreased ability to regulate body temperature. As a result, Pugs should not be exercised during hot or humid weather. Many Pug owners report that Pugs snore when they sleep. Pugs tend to gain weight quickly and Pug owners should provide the dog with a healthy diet and enough physical activity during the day to keep the dog in healthy weight.
In comparison to Pugs, Corgi have their own set of health issues that include arthritis and joint problems. If a Corgi likes to spend time on a family's furniture, owners should provide a safe way for the dog to get there. A ramp or dog stairs can help a Welsh Corgi to safely get on the couch without risking injuries. Corgi have elongated back and short legs. Certain eye problems may occur for both, Pug and Corgi breeds.
Finding a dog bed that can support your pet's weight and be comfortable to sleep on is easier than ever.
Pug vs Corgi comparison: Dog behavior issues
Corgi and Pugs are companion dog breeds that need to spend most of the time with their owners. Lonely and bored Pugs or Corgi start developing various dog behavior problems that range from excessive barking to ripped up furniture and other undesirable behaviors. Welsh Corgi are active dogs that need positive energy outlet during the day such as long daily walks. Corgi require both mental and physical exercise during the day as well as adequate obedience training that should start in puppyhood. Pugs, in comparison to Welsh Corgi dogs are less energetic but they still need to get some physical activity combined with mental exercise during the day.
Some of the ways to help keep a Corgi or Pug dog busy both mentally and physically include giving the dog interactive dog toys. Most dogs enjoy playing with treat dispensers and other toys that provide fun and entertainment that every dog deserves.
Corgi and Pug breeds compared: Popularity
The Pug takes 32rd place in popularity ranking in the United States.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a popular breed, ranking 18 of 193 in popularity ratings.
Cardigan Welsh Corgi is significantly less popular than Pembroke Corgi and ranks 69 of 193 in popularity ratings in the United States.
Corgi vs. Pug: Loyalty to the owner
Pugs and Corgis are great companion pets that enjoy to spend as much time as possible around their owners. Both breeds are loving and dedicated to their families.