- Standard Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund
Miniature Dachshund versus Standard Dachshund

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund

Dog breed comparison between Miniature Dachshund and Standard Dachshund. Differences and similarities between these companion dog breeds.

Difference between Miniature Dachshunds and Standard Dachshunds

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund grooming

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund lifespan

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund size

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund shedding

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund price

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund temperament

Standard Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund origin

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund good with kids

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund companion dogs

Dachshund versus Miniature Dachshund other dogs

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund intelligence

Standard Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund trainability

Dachshund vs Mini Dachshund barking

Miniature Dachshund versus Standard Dachshund exercise needs

Standard Dachshund vs Mini Dachshund health issues

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund behavior problems

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund popularity

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund loyalty to the owner

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund

Dachshund breed info

Standard Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund

Dachshunds come in two sizes: a small Miniature Dachshund and a larger Standard Dachshund. Mini Dachshunds and Standard Dachshunds each has three coat varieties that include Smooth coated Dachshunds, Longhaired Dachshunds and Wirehaired Dachshunds. There are some substantial differences between different types of Dachshunds that include not only appearance but also temperament. Longhaired Dachshunds, for example, have a more relaxed and easygoing personality while Wirehaired Dachshunds are more sociable and extroverted.

Mini Dachshunds make great apartment dogs with adequate exercise and are more popular in the cities because of the convenient dog size. Standard Dachshunds, in comparison are still used as hunting dogs and because of the larger size are more popular in the suburbs.

Dachshunds, regardless of their size make affectionate and loyal companion dogs for either a young family or for elderly people. Potential owners need to be aware that the breed requires plenty of exercise during the day and they can be determined and full of personality that is not easily manageable.

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Standard Dachshunds and Miniature Dachshunds share many similarities, but there are some considerable differences between these intelligent dogs.

Miniature Dachshund vs Standard Dachshund: Grooming

Smoothhaired Dachshunds are the easiest in terms of coat grooming. A weekly brushing is usually enough to keep the Smoothcoated Dachshund's coat in good condition. Longhaired and Wirehaired Dachshunds are more demanding when it comes to coat care. Brush their coat several times per week to prevent mats and tangles from forming. Wirehairs should be hand stripped two or three times a year to keep their coat in best condition. Daily grooming for both of these breeds includes daily teeth brushing. Eye stains should also be removed once they appear.

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund: Lifespan

Mini Dachshunds and Standard Dachshunds have a similar life span and on average live from 12 to 14 years. Dachshund's lifespan depends on many factors, including the dog's health, care, diet, lifestyle and genetics.

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund: Size

Miniature Dachshunds are considerably smaller than Standard Dachshunds. Standard Dachshunds are almost twice as heavy and almost twice as tall as Miniature Dachshunds.

Miniature Dachshund male weight: 9 to 11 lb (4 to 5 kg)
Standard Dachshund male weight: 16 to 32 lb (7.2 to 14.5 kg)

Miniature Dachshund male height: 5 to 6 in (13 to 15 cm)
Standard Dachshund male height: 8 to 10 in (20 to 25 cm)

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund: Shedding

Dachshunds, regardless of the size have similar shedding patterns. Smoothcoated Dachshunds, whether Mini or Standard Sized, do not shed as much as Wirehaired or Longhaired Dachshunds.

Full size Dachshund vs Mini Dachshund: Price

Miniature Dachshund prices start at around $650 and up, depending on many factors that include the puppy's family history, whether the dog is registered and so on. Standard Dachshund prices start at around $450 and up. Dachshunds bred by well known breeders with good family history can cost thousands of dollars per puppy.

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund: Temperament

Both, Mini and Standard Dachshunds have similar temperaments. There are certain differences in Dachshund temperaments depending on the coat type. Longhairs are slightly more easygoing than the other Dachshund types, regardless of the dog's size. All Dachshunds are brave dogs that can be excellent watchdogs. Courageous and lively, Dachshunds make a great addition to a family and their happy personality brings lots of joy to the owners of the breed.

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund: Country of breed origin

Dachshunds originated in Germany and were originally used as a hunter dog to pursue badgers, foxes and rabbits underground.

Good with kids: Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund

Although Mini Dachshunds and Standard Dachshunds make wonderful family dogs, for families with very young children a Standard Dachshund is a more appropriate choice. The reason is because Mini Dachshunds are smaller in size and more vulnerable around toddlers and young kids. For families with older, sensible kids either a Standard Dachshund or a Mini Dachshund make a great pet. Dachshunds are playful and entertaining dogs that get along with children. As with any dog breed, very young children need to be supervised around a dog and parents should teach the child to be considerate around a family pet. Dachshunds have a sensitive back that can easily get hurt if the dog is accidentally dropped. Kids should be taught to not lift a dog in order to avoid any potential serious injuries.

Dachshunds vs Miniature Dachshunds: Companion dogs

Even though Dachshund breed was originally developed for the purpose of hunting, the breed became a popular companion dog that delights owners around the world. Dachshunds make excellent companion dogs that are affectionate, good-tempered and intelligent. Active seniors or younger adults can find a great companion in a Dachshund of either a Miniature or Standard size.

Good with other dogs: Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund

Properly socialized Miniature and Standard Dachshunds can get along fine with other dogs. Level of socialization depends of each individual dog (how much time the owner spent getting the puppy comfortable around other dogs) determines how good the dog is around other dogs. Dachshunds are sociable and outgoing and usually enjoy the company of other dogs even in the same household.

Standard Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund: Intelligence

Dachshunds are smart and strong willed dogs that do best with a firm but kind leader in an owner. Mental stimulation is very important for this intelligent breed. Provide a Dachshund puppy with plenty of interactive toys, starting at a young age to help develop his mental capacity even further.

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund: Trainability

Despite being a very intelligent breed, Dachshunds may not be the easiest dogs to train. Mini Dachshunds and Standard Dachshunds are known to be very strong willed and training is more productive with a positive and consistent approach. Short and enjoyable training sessions are best. Start training a Dachshund from a young age, while the dog is most flexible. Older Dachshunds can also be trained but may require more work in the process of training. Reward based training works best for this breed and encourages the dog to learn.

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund: Barking

Dachshunds are can be loud - and most Dachshunds really enjoy the sound of their voice. Even a Miniature Dachshund has the bark of a much larger dog - deep and loud. Training a Dachshund to be quiet on command is a great idea, especially for Dachshunds that live in an apartment. Dog trainers claim that training the dog to bark on command first and then training the dog to be "Quiet!" makes the command easier to understand for the dogs. Use positive reinforcement techniques to help Dachshund learn to stop barking on command.

Dachshund vs Miniature Dachshund comparison: Exercise needs

Standard Dachshunds and Mini Dachshunds are short legged, but that doesn't mean that the dog doesn't enjoy physical activity. On the contrary, Dachshunds of all sizes need regular exercise to stay in good physical and mental shape. Overweight Dachshunds quickly develop back problems that can be very painful and uncomfortable for the dog. A Dachshund should get about an hour of walking per day that can be broken into several shorter walks. Dachshunds should not be allowed to jump much because of the sensitive back. If you let the Dachshund sleep on a couch, provide him with a ramp that the dog can use to get on the couch to avoid jumping that can potentially injure his back.

Health issues: Miniature Dachshund vs Standard Dachshund:

Miniature Dachshunds and Standard Dachshunds are prone to back problems. Other health issues common to this breed include kneecap dislocation, eye problems, epilepsy and diabetes.

Miniature Dachshund vs Standard Dachshund comparison: Dog behavior issues

When left alone frequently, Dachshunds of any size can develop behavior problems. A bored Dachshund will enjoy digging in the yard, barking, ripping furniture and other unpleasant behaviors. Dachshunds especially like to dig and if you allocate an area in the yard where the dog can enjoy some digging activity, you may save the rest of the yard from the dog. Encourage the Dachshund to dig only in the allocated area by providing some toys or treats in the allocated area.

If you do need to step out and leave either the Mini Dachshund or Standard Dachshund alone for an hour or so, consider providing the dog with a safe, chewable toy that the dog can play with while you are not around. Be sure to check the toy for any small parts that the dog can accidentally bite off and swallow.

Some owners choose to crate train their Dachshund to keep the pet safe and out of trouble while the owner is not around to supervise the dog.

Miniature Dachshund and Standard Dachshund compared: Popularity

Dachshunds (Miniature Dachshunds and Standard Dachshunds) take the 13th place out of 194 in popularity ranking in the United States, according to AKC.

Mini Dachshund vs. Dachshund: Loyalty to the owner

Both of these companion breeds are very loyal to their owners. Dachshunds are happiest when spending time with their families.

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