English Bulldog vs French Bulldog
French Bulldogs and English Bulldogs are distant relatives and these breeds have a lot in common. French Bulldog looks like a younger brother of the larger English Bulldog. There are many similarities not only in appearance, but also in temperament. French Bulldogs and English Bulldogs have a stubborn streak in their character and are not the easiest breeds to train. Frenchies and English Bulldogs are among the lazy dog breeds that do not need much exercise. Both of these breeds don't bark much. Boston Bulldogs, just like English Bulldogs are quiet and calm, which makes them good apartment pets. See below for a detailed comparison between French and English Bulldogs.
English and French Bulldog Mix dog image
English Bulldog and French Bulldog mix dogs have traits of the two breeds. The colors of French Bulldog and English Bulldog mix puppy can vary because English Bulldogs and French Bulldogs have many different color combinations. Physical traits of French Bulldog and English Bulldog mix dogs can resemble either of the parents, or a bit of both of these dog breeds.
Image of a French and English Bulldog mix.

In size half French half English Bulldogs can be up to 55 pounds in weight and up to 15 inches in height.
English Bulldog vs French Bulldog: Grooming
English Bulldogs and French Bulldogs have a short coat. English Bulldog sheds more than the French Bulldog.
English Bulldog vs French Bulldog: Lifespan
English Bulldogs have a shorter life expectancy than do French Bulldogs. English Bulldog's life span is from 8 to 12 years. French Bulldogs live from 10 to 12 years on average. Many factors can affect a dog's life span, including overall health, care, diet, lifestyle and other factors.
English Bulldogs vs French Bulldogs: Size
English Bulldogs weigh at most 55 pounds (25 kg), while French Bulldogs weigh at most 28 pounds (12 kg). Detailed comparison between English and French Bulldog sizes.
Bulldog male weight: 50 to 55 lb (23 to 25 kg)
French Bulldog male weight: 16 to 28 lb (7 to 12 kg)
Bulldog male height: 12 to 15 in (30 to 38 cm)
French Bulldog male height: up to 12 in (up to 30 cm)
English Bulldog vs French Bulldog: Shedding
Although both of these breeds shed, English bulldogs feature more abundant shedding than French Bulldogs.
English Bulldog vs French Bulldog: Price
Prices for English Bulldog puppies start at around a $1,000, while cost of a French Bulldog puppy starts at around $1,400.
English Bulldogs vs French Bulldogs: Temperament
English Bulldogs and French Bulldogs have many similarities in their temperaments. Both of these breeds are rather lazy and English Bulldogs are even more lazy than French Bulldogs. French Bulldogs and English Bulldogs both have stubborn personalities. Potential owners of either of these breeds need to be patient as English and French Bulldogs aren't the easiest breeds to train. French Bulldogs and English Bulldogs are sweet and affectionate with their families and usually are friendly towards unfamiliar people.
English Bulldog vs French Bulldog: Country of breed origin
Both of these breeds were developed in England.
Good with kids: English Bulldogs vs French Bulldogs
Frenchies and English Bulldogs make great family dogs for families with kids. These breeds are not very active, especially the lazy English Bulldog. Do not expect either of these breeds to run endlessly with the children because Bulldogs tend to have breathing problems that do not allow them to run for long periods of time.
English Bulldogs vs French Bulldogs: Companion dogs
English Bulldogs and French Bulldogs make perfect companion dogs for less active families. Both of these breeds have low exercise needs and with their lower energy levels they can be great dogs for living in an apartment. English and French Bulldogs are ideal for owners who don't want to walk miles but have plenty of time to spend with the dog. Bulldogs like to have their way and an owner of either of the two breeds needs to have plenty of patience to manage a strong minded dog.
Good with other dogs: English Bulldogs vs French Bulldogs
English and French Bulldogs are generally good natured and get along fine with other dogs, provided the Bulldog was socialized from a young age to be comfortable around other dogs. Some Bulldog males may be more challenging with other males and it is always a good idea to supervise your dog around other dogs.
English Bulldogs vs French Bulldogs: Intelligence
French and English Bulldogs are intelligent breeds.
English vs French Bulldogs: Trainability
English Bulldog breed and the French Bulldog breed are difficult to train. Although both breeds can be trained, the owner will need lots of patience and the right motivation. Both of these breeds can be exceptionally stubborn during training. Short and positive training sessions work best with either of these breeds.
English Bulldogs versus French Bulldogs: Barking
Bulldogs are usually calm and only bark when there's an underlying cause. One of the reasons why these breeds are so popular with apartment dwellers is because of the low barking level in both of these breeds.
English Bulldogs vs French Bulldogs: Exercise needs
Bulldogs have low exercise requirements and should not be exercised during hot weather at all to prevent heat stroke. Both, English and French Bulldogs have difficulty with cooling themselves off during the hot days because of the breathing difficulties that many Bulldogs experience due to short snout. A couple of daily half an hour walks will provide your French or English Bulldog with the activity level that he needs to stay in good shape.
Health issues: English versus French Bulldogs:
English and French Bulldogs have more health problems than most dog breeds, including breathing difficulties, eye disorders, dental and skin problems, joint issues, back issues, heart defects to name a few.
English versus French Bulldogs: Dog behavior issues
As puppies, both French and English Bulldogs can be boisterous and more active. As the bulldog matures, he becomes more calm and laid back.
Provide the Bulldog with a safe, chewable toy that the dog can play with while you are not around. Be sure to check the toy for any small parts that the dog can accidentally bite off and swallow.
Some owners choose to crate train their French or English Bulldogs to keep the pet safe and out of trouble while the owner is not around to supervise the dog.
Bulldogs can be successfully potty trained to use an indoor potty. Potty training a French or English Bulldog may take a while but the results are worth the effort.
French Bulldogs vs English Bulldogs: Popularity
French and English Bulldogs are among the top ten most popular dog breeds in the United states.
French Bulldog takes the 6th place in popularity ranking, according to AKC. The English Bulldog takes 4th place in popularity ranking in the United States.
French Bulldogs vs English Bulldogs: Loyalty to the owner
Bulldogs are loving companion dogs that enjoy spending as much time as possible with their owners.