Golden Retriever vs German Shepherd
German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers are popular family dogs. What are the differences between German Shepherd and Golden Retriever? Besides significant differences in appearance, the two breeds have different original purpose. While the German Shepherd was originally developed as a herding breed, Goldens were mainly used for retrieving shot game. Despite significant temperament differences, German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers are popular family companion dogs. Potential owners who are not sure which of the two breeds would make the right family pet can compare these large breeds in detail.
German Shepherd is an excellent working companion dog. GSD dogs need to have a purpose - the active breed does best with an owner who can dedicate most of the time to this highly intelligent family pet. Whether the German Shepherd is trained to be a home guard or a search and rescue team member - this breed needs to have a purpose to live a happy life. This is not the right breed for a passive owner where the dog is left alone at home with nothing to do most of the time. Boredom and loneliness can result in various psychological and behavior problems in German Shepherds and in Goldens alike. In comparison to German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers also enjoy to be active throughout the day. Golden Retrievers are wonderful companion dogs for active families that like to have the family dog around most of the day. Just like German Shepherds, Goldens are happiest when in company of their owners.
Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds can be trained to a high standard - the desire to please the owner is strong in both of these breeds. The one big difference between GSD dogs and Goldens is that a German Shepherd can do a great job as a guard dog when properly trained. Golden Retrievers are very friendly and owners of the breed should not expect protectiveness in a Golden Retriever as the breed is known for friendly and amiable temperament.
Golden Retriever German Shepherd mix: Golden Shepherd image
German Shepherd and Golden Retriever cross dogs are called Golden Shepherd. The Golden Retriever German Shepherd mix puppies can resemble both or either of the parents visually. The hybrid dog that resulted from mixing the two different breeds may have variations in temperament that can be difficult to predict.
Image of German Shepherd Golden Retriever mix.

Golden Shepherds are large dogs that can reach up to 88 pounds in weight and up to 26 inches in height.
Golden Shepherd pros and cons
German Shepherd vs Golden Retriever: Size
German Shepherds are a couple of inches taller than Goldens on average. GSD is a few pounds heavier than Golden Retriever on average. Detailed size comparison between a German Shepherd and a Golden Retriever can be found below.
Golden Retriever male weight: 29 to 34 kg (65 to 75 lb)
German Shepherd male weight: 30 to 40 kg (66 to 88 lb)
Golden Retriever male height: 56 to 61 cm (22 to 24 in)
German Shepherd male height: 60 to 65 cm (24 to 26 in)
German Shepherd vs Golden Retriever: Shedding
Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds shed a lot. Many first time owners are surprised by the amount of shedding that Goldens and German Shepherds produce. The dog's hair can be found everywhere and the best way to manage the heavy shedding is by brushing either a GSD or a Golden every day to remove the dead hair. Removing the dead hair by brushing helps to minimize the amount of hair that can be found on the floor and on furniture where the dog spends time. There are great deshedding brushes available to help German Shepherd owners and Golden Retriever owners keep the heavy shedding under control. A good vacuum cleaner can be very helpful in removing the dog hair from the floor and from other surfaces.
Managing the heavy shedding can be accomplished with the right tools, such as the Furminator Deshedding tool for large breeds. Brushing either a German Shepherd or Golden Retriever regularly helps to remove the bulk of dead hair from the dog's coat, thus reducing the shedding. Brush the dog outdoors to make the clean up easier.
German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers shed constantly with some heavier seasonal shedding. Fortunately, Furminator Deshedding tool makes managing the heavy shedding possible to a large degree.
German Shepherd and Golden Retriever compared: Grooming
Besides brushing a Golden or a GSD every day with a deshedding brush, grooming includes keeping the dog's teeth clean. Start training the GSD or Golden puppy to get accustomed to teeth brushing while the dog is still a puppy. Always use a canine toothpaste to brush a dog's teeth.
Clip Golden's or German Shepherd's nails every six weeks or so.
German Shepherd versus Golden Retriever: Lifespan
With a healthy lifestyle and good care most German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers can live up to 12 years of age and sometimes longer. Overall health, genetics, care, diet, lifestyle and other factors affect a dog's life span.
German Shepherd compared to Golden Retriever: Price
The average price for German Shepherd and Golden Retriever puppies is very similar. Expect to pay around a $1000 USD per either breed. Purebred dogs with a well known pedigree, show dogs and dogs that received training that goes beyond basic can cost significantly more.
Golden Retriever vs German Shepherd: Temperament
Both, German Shepherds and Goldens are highly intelligent, alert and active. These breeds are known for desire to please the owner, obedience and loyalty. Genetics, breed and the early stages of life deeply affect the temperament of the mature animal. When getting a dog from a breeder, pay close attention to the temperaments of the parents of the puppy and be sure to only select a reputable breeder who places a high value not only on the dog's appearance but also temperament. As an owner you will have a big impact on shaping the dog's temperament. Socializing a puppy from a young age, for example, helps to raise a confident dog who will be comfortable in different settings and environments.
Golden Retriever versus German Shepherd: Country of breed origin
German Shepherd was developed in Germany as a sheepherding breed.
Golden Retriever breed originated in Scotland.
Good with kids: German Shepherd vs Golden Retriever
Golden Retrievers make reliable and easygoing companion dogs for families with kids. Families with very young kids need to be aware that Goldens can be very active as puppies and will require a lot of physical activity during the day. In comparison to Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds aren't ideal dogs for families with young kids. While a Golden Retriever is essentially a companion breed, a German Shepherd is a working dog breed that requires an owner who can channel the dog's energy in the right direction during the day. Both breeds are highly active and require a lot of attention from the owners throughout the day. Daily training, exercise, play time and mental stimulation is a must for owners of these energetic breeds.
Golden Retrievers vs German Shepherds: Companion dogs
Goldens and German Shepherds are great dogs for active owners who are looking for a companion dog to spend the day with. These breeds need long daily walks, coat maintenance and mental stimulation and an owner who is ready to share his or her day with the dog. Golden retrievers are generally friendly around strangers while German Shepherds may need some convincing that the stranger deserves the dog's trust. German Shepherds are more protective of their owners and do exceptionally well as protection dogs with the proper training. While a Golden Retriever is perfectly happy just being the best companion dog he can be, a German Shepherd needs to have a purpose even when the dog's main job is to be a good companion animal. German Shepherds that are left alone or bored throughout the day will assign a job to themselves and may start guarding the home from the mailman, for example. If you are considering a German Shepherd as a family companion dog, consider how much time you are willing to spend on making the best of the dog by providing sufficient exercise, training, mental stimulation, games and so on. German Shepherds are not for everyone - be sure to learn all you can about this breed before you make the final decision.
Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds are large, active breeds that are happiest in a home with a large yard where the dog can run around and explore. Country living often offers more space for either of these dogs and is ideal. Can a German Shepherd or a Golden Retriever live in an apartment? If you have a small apartment and do not have a dog park or a dog run nearby - this is not a good situation for either of these active breeds. Apartment living is not ideal because these large dogs need space and a territory where they can stretch their legs. Living in the city environment puts these naturally energetic dogs in a situation where the animal is forced to live in a confined space with little exercise. This is not a happy situation for either a Golden or a German Shepherd.
Good with other dogs: Golden Retriever compared to German Shepherd
Golden Retrievers are happy to be friends with people and other dogs - with proper socialization this amiable breed normally gets along fine with other dogs. German Shepherds need to be socialized from an early age. Some German Shepherds can be aggressive towards other dogs, especially when the dog did not get enough socialization during puppyhood. Level of socialization depends of each individual dog (how much time the owner spent getting the puppy comfortable around other dogs) determines how good the dog is around other dogs.
Golden Retrievers vs German Shepherds: Intelligence
Who is smarter a Golden Retriever or a German Shepherd? Both breeds are highly intelligent. Puppies are born with innate intellectual capacity that can be further developed by the owner during the puppyhood. Provide the dog opportunities with mind stimulating activities. Interactive games for dogs are available on today's market. Invest time into your German Shepherd or Golden Retriever so that the dog can grow into a confident and highly intelligent companion that will make you a proud owner.
Difference between German Shepherd and Golden Retriever: Trainability
German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers are quick to learn, eager to please and can be trained to a high standard. Short and fun training sessions work best. Start training a GSD or Golden during puppyhood. Reward based training approach helps to maintain a dog's interest during training. Positive motivation techniques get best training results for these intelligent breeds.
Difference between Golden Retriever and German Shepherd: Barking
German Shepherds tend to bark less than do Golden Retrievers. If dog barking is an issue, train the dog the "Quiet!" command. Professional dog trainers suggest to train the dog the "Bark!" command first and then it becomes easier to help the dog understand the meaning of the "Quiet!" command. In some cases when a dog is left alone frequently with nothing better to do, he or she may start barking out of loneliness or boredom. Always leave a chewable toy or treat dispenser toy with the dog when leaving the animal alone for a while - this will help to keep the dog busy while you are away. Goldens and GSD dogs do not enjoy being left alone - consider a different breed if you are not able to dedicate most of your time to spending it with the dog.
Golden Retriever compared to German Shepherd: Exercise needs
Highly active German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers have endless energy and stamina. Owners of either of these energetic breeds need to allocate at least a couple of hours each day on walking and exercising the dog. Younger dogs have even more energy and although activities the involve high impact jumping are not recommended, low impact activities such as swimming and walking are great for younger Goldens and German Shepherds. German Shepherds and Goldens run a higher risk of joint problems as they age and putting too much pressure on the growing joints may result in earlier offset of health issues in dogs related to joints. That is one of the reasons why younger German Shepherds and Goldens should not be allowed high impact exercise during their first couple of years of life.
Getting enough physical exercise is important for both breeds, but don't forget about the benefits of keeping the dog mentally sharp as well. Training a dog a new command or allowing the dog to play with an interactive dog toy are great for mental stimulation.
Health issues: German Shepherd and Golden Retriever compared
Hip dysplasia affects both breeds. Other health issues that German Shepherds and Goldens have in common include higher risk of bloat and eye related health problems.
German Shepherds versus Golden Retrievers: Dog behavior issues
Behavior problems often start when either a German Shepherd or a Golden Retriever are left alone for long periods of time. Destructive behaviors such as chewed up or ripped furniture, recreational barking and many other unwanted behaviors are often caused by boredom and insufficient mental and physical exercises. For that reason these active breeds are not ideal for an owner who does not have the time and energy to spend with either of these breeds.
If you need to leave either a German Shepherd or a Golden Retriever alone for an hour or so, be sure to give the dog a good walk and tire him or her out before you leave so that the dog can spend the time away from you resting rather than being active and destructive.
German Shepherds vs. Golden Retrievers: Popularity
Both breeds are very popular. Golden Retrievers take the third place in popularity in the United States while a German Shepherd takes the second place, according to AKC. These two are among the best known and most popular breeds in the United States.
Difference between German Shepherd and Golden Retriever: Loyalty to the owner
Extremely loving and loyal Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds are happiest around their families.