Maltese vs Havanese
Maltese and Havanese breeds are small companion breeds, that feature soft, long coat. People with allergies favor these breeds to many others because Havanese and Maltese are known to be low shedding. The minimal shedding is not the only positive quality that Maltese and Havanese dogs share. Both breeds are hypoallergenic and produce less allergens. Potential dog owners suffering from asthma or pet alleries who still would like to have a pet can consider either of these breeds. Maltese and Havanese do best in families with older kids who can treat a small dog with respect. Families with younger children or toddlers may not have the time to care for a Maltese's or Havanese's coat that requires daily care.
When Maltese are compared to Havanese as companion pets, both breeds are equally fit as companions for families with older kids, seniors and adult owners who have the time to dedicate to a small pet. Smaller breeds are vulnerable around young kids and toddlers that may accidentally hurt the tiny dog. Seniors and older people make ideal owners for either a Maltese or Havanese. Senior citizens often have enough time to care for a small pet that requires daily brushing and plenty of attention. Maltese and Havanese breeds are natural companion dogs that thrive in a family that can spend most of the time with the dog. Working people that only have a couple of hours per day to spend with a dog should probably consider a different breed because Maltese and Havanese won't be happy spending most of the time alone and behavior problems are likely to arise in such situation.
Maltese Havanese Mix (also known as Havamalt)
Havanese and Maltese mix dogs have traits of the two breeds. Colors of the Maltese Havanese cross dogs can vary. Even though the Maltese are always white in color, Havanese dogs come in an array of different colors and color combinations. Havanese Maltese cross dogs make wonderful animal companions for families with older kids, seniors and adults of any age.
Image of Maltese Havanese mix.

Maltese vs Havanese: Grooming
Maltese and Havanese dogs require daily grooming that includes brushing the dog's coat to prevent mats and tangles from forming. Which brushes work best for Maltese or Havanese? Many owners suggest using a pin brush. While you are brushing the dog's coat, be careful not to pull on the hair if it is tangled - this may cause pain to the dog and potentially can damage the dog's skin. Spraying the pin brush with a detangling coat spray is a good idea. Potential Havanese or Maltese owners should be prepared to spend at least half an hour each day on coat maintenance and general grooming that includes brushing teeth and carefully wiping the area around the eyes to remove any stains that may accumulate in the corners or the dog's eyes. Some Havanese and Maltese owners feel that keeping the dog's coat regularly trimmed short makes grooming much easier. The longer the dog's coat, the more challenging it is to care for. Although Maltese and Havanese do not shed much, brushing is still needed to keep dog's skin and coat healthy.
Maltese grooming
Maltese vs Havanese: Lifespan
Small breeds such as Havanese and Maltese usually have a long lifespan. It is not uncommon to have either of the breeds to live as long as sixteen years or even more, depending on the dog's overall health and lifestyle. The Maltese and Havanese are relatively healthy and long lived breeds and with good care these small dogs bring joy and lots of positive emotions to their owners for many years.
Havanese vs Maltese: Size comparison
Maltese are among the smallest breeds and are slightly smaller than Havanese. Because of the small size, owners of both breeds need to be careful around these tiny dogs. Always supervise young kids around the fragile dogs to prevent any unfortunate accidents. Havanese and Maltese sizes compared in detail.
Maltese male weight: 6 to 8 lb (3 to 4 kg)
Havanese male weight: 7 to 13 lb (3 to 6 kg)
Maltese male height: 8 to 10 in (21 to 25 cm)
Havanese male height: 8.5 to 11.5 in (22 to 28 cm)
Maltese vs Havanese: Shedding
Non-shedding breeds include Havanese and Maltese. The amount of shedding is minimal for both of these breeds but daily brushing is still recommended to prevent mats and tangles. Low amount of shedding makes Maltese and Havanese popular choices for people with pet allergies. Potential owners who suffer from pet related allergies, are advised to spend some time with the dog before final commitment is made to be sure that the breed does not make allergies worse. Having a low shedding dog breed means less vacuuming is needed and there won't be too much dog hair around the home where a Maltese or Havanese live. Pin brushes work best for Maltese and Havanese daily grooming.
Maltese vs Havanese: Price
Expect to spend around a $1000 per Maltese puppy. In comparison to Maltese, Havanese puppies are slightly less expensive and average price starts at around $850 per Havanese puppy. Smaller size of a dog means less puppies can be expected in a litter. Birth process is often more difficult for very small breeds and may require a veterinarian to be present to help prevent any potential problems during birth.
Maltese vs Havanese: Temperament
Maltese and Havanese breeds are small in size, but big in temperament. Both breeds are lively, friendly and sociable. Early socialization is a must to raise a confident and calm pet that can comfortably enjoy spending time in different environments with different people and pets. Lack of early socialization often results in fearful dogs that may show aggression or shyness towards unfamiliar people or animals. Take your Maltese or Havanese puppy for walks around different environments such as city streets or parks and even children's playgrounds. Keep the dog comfortable and relaxed during walks and introduce him or her to people of different ages so that the dog would be comfortable around other people. Do not let other dogs or strangers to play rough with your Maltese or Havanese - any negative experiences should be avoided. Have some treats with you during walks and reward your pet for good behavior in a new environment. Be careful not to offer treats if the dog is shy or nervous - this only rewards undesirable behavior. While a Havanese or Maltese is still young - the dog's personality is shaping and as an owner you have the power to help your dog grow into a confident pet that is a pleasure to have around whether you are at home or in a different place with your pet.
Havanese vs. Maltese: Country of breed origin
Havanese breed was developed in Cuba.
Maltese dogs originally come from the Island of Malta.
Good with kids: Maltese compared to Havanese
Havanese and Maltese can be great companion animals for older kids, starting at the age of 9 years old or older. Younger children may accidentally hurt a fragile breed such as Maltese or Havanese. Kids should be supervised around a small dog. Teach children to properly handle a dog. Do not allow young kids to pick up a tiny dog - small dogs can get seriously hurt from being dropped by accident. Teach kids to pet the dog while sitting next to the dog. Explain to children that while a dog is sleeping or eating, the animal should be left alone.
Maltese vs Havanese: Companion dogs compared
Natural companion dogs such as the Maltese or Havanese make wonderful family pets. Single people, couples and older adults can appreciate the unconditional love, sense of humor and entertaining personality that both of these breeds have to offer. If you are considering either a Maltese or Havanese breeds, keep in mind that these companion dogs are happy when they can spend most of the time with the owners. Neither of the two breeds can be left alone for long hours every day and various behavior problems can be expected if the dog is left alone. Consider other dog breeds if you are not able to spend most of the time with either of these dogs daily. Maltese and Havanese are companion breeds that hate to be left alone.
Good with other dogs: Havaneses compared to Malteses
Always supervise a small dog such as Havanese or Maltese around unfamiliar larger dogs. Some larger breeds have a strong hunting instinct and tiny dogs such as Havanese or Maltese may appear as the perfect prey. A well socialized Maltese and Havanese can get along fine with other friendly dogs. Aggressiveness towards other dogs in Maltese or Havanese is often a sign of inadequate socialization during puppyhood.
Maltese vs Havanese: Intelligence
Both breeds are intelligent and with positive motivation techniques can master basic commands and in some cases can go beyond the basics. Any dog's intelligence can be boosted by teaching the dog different new concepts during playtime, by providing the dog with mind stimulating activities and toys for dogs, starting at a young age. Interactive toys are popular with many owners. Select interactive toys for small breeds. Another intelligence stimulating technique involves teaching your dog names of each toy that the dog has. Get dog toys one at a time and let the dog know the name of the toy. Frequently repeat the name of the toy until the dog learns to recognize the name of the toy. Once you are confident that the dog learned the name of the toy and can recognize it, buy a new toy and repeat the same approach. Soon your Maltese or Havanese will be able to recognize his or her toys by the name.
Maltese compared to Havanese: Trainability
Eager to please the owners, both Maltese and Havanese are relatively easy to train. Start training the puppy basic commands while the puppy is still flexible. Use positive movitation techniques. Each dog is unique and finding what motivates your Maltese or Havanese dog can make training process effective and more fun for you and your pet. Some Maltese and Havanese can respond well to food motivation, others may enjoy a playtime or a praise from the owner. Stay consistent with training. For example, if your goal is to train the dog to not use the couch or any other furniture as their resting area, then stick to that rule and there should be no exceptions to this rule. Bending or changing rules only confuses the dog and training will take loner or be ineffective. All family members should be on the same page - explain to all members of the household the training goals that you have for your pet and help everyone follow the same rules. For example, if the dog is being trained to not enter the kitchen area, then all members of the family need to stick to the same rules and not let the dog spend any time in the off limits area.
Maltese versus Havanese: Barking
Maltese and Havanese are bright and alert little dogs that will normally bark when there's a reason to bark. Unexplained noise outside or a stranger knocking on the front door will trigger either of these breeds to start barking and letting the owner know that there's something that requires attention. Despite small size, both breeds make good watch dogs. Training either a Maltese or Havanese to stop barking on command is an effective way to stop the dog from barking when needed. Maltese and Havanese are companion breeds that will sometimes start barking because they are left alone. Separation anxiety may be another reason for barking - a companion breed such as Maltese or Havanese needs to be around family most of the time otherwise behavior problems such as unprovoked barking may occur.
Maltese vs Havanese: Exercise needs
Small but active breeds such as Maltese and Havanese need enough physical activity during the day to stay healthy. Both breeds require daily walks, some indoor playtime and mental exercise. Younger Maltese and Havanese are even more active and can take longer walks. A dog that gets enough exercise and playtime during the day is less likely inclined to developing problem behaviors such as chewing or ripping furniture or recreational barking. Investing in some good interactive toys or treat dispenser toys can keep a Maltese or Havanese busy while you step out from the house and need to keep the dog busy for some time. Interactive toys also help to keep the dog mentally stimulated and as your Maltese or Havanese is trying to figure out how to get treats out of the treat dispenser his or her brain is busy figuring out ways of accomplishing that.
Health issues: Havanese and Maltese compared
Although both breeds are relatively healthy, Havanese and Maltese are susceptible to some genetic diseases that include eye problems. Take good care of the dog's eyes and make sure to keep the dog's hair away from the eye area to help prevent eye issues and irritation.
Maltese versus Havanese: Dog behavior issues
Most behavior problems in companion breeds such as the Maltese or Havanese occur when the dog is left alone often. Both, Maltese and Havanese are prone to separation anxiety and these dogs hate being left alone. If you need to leave the dog in the home unattended for some time, tire the dog out by taking him out for a long walk or engage in some active playtime. This way the dog will have less energy to get destructive around the home while you are away. Also, provide the dog with some toys such as chewable toys for small breeds or interactive treat dispenser toys. These will help to ease the anxiety that the dog may experience while you are not at home. Arrange for someone to walk the dog while you are not home. When planning to get either of these companion breeds, be sure you have most of the day to spend with your animal companion or get another breed.
Some owners choose to crate train their Maltese or Havanese. Crate trained Maltese and Havanese can be kept out of trouble while the owner is not there to supervise the dog.
Maltese vs. Havanese: Popularity
The Maltese takes 33rd place in popularity ranking in the United States. Havanese breed takes 23rd place in popularity.
Difference between Maltese and Havanese: Loyalty to the owner
Loyal and affectionate Maltese and Havanese make wonderful companion dogs. The unconditional love, fun personality and good energy that either of these breeds brings to a family put Maltese and Havanese breeds among the best small companion dogs for single people, families with older kids and older adults.