Afghan Hound pros and cons
Owning an Afghan Hound has pros and cons. Positives of owning an Afghan dog include the energetic and dignified temperament. Afghan Hounds can be described as poetry in motion and watching this dog run is an unforgettable experience. Afghan dogs have a rather independent and proud temperament and although the dog is warm with the family members, Afghan Hound may appear aloof around people that the dog is not familiar with. Other Afghan Hound pros include the minimal shedding and low doggie odor that many other breeds have. Despite the minimal shedding, Afghan Hounds require daily brushing to keep the silky coat smooth and tangle free.
Cons of owning an Afghan Hound include the dog's high energy and potential owners need to provide this large breed with plenty of space and then some. Afghans need a large yard where the dog can run around and explore. The yard needs to have a tall fence as Afghans can easily escape. Extensive grooming needs that come with owning an Afghan Hound breed include daily brushing and caring for the dog's luxurious coat. Afghan's coat requires a special care and either the owner or a hired professional groomer will need to dedicate plenty of time to grooming this dog.
Afghan Hounds have a strong chase instinct, which can be a disadvantage in a populated area as the dog is prone to chasing any small animal that is moving. Potential owners need plenty of patience to train the dog to obey a recall. Other negative associated with Afghan Hounds is that this breed is slow to housetrain and difficult to train in general. Although Afghan Hounds are intelligent dogs, training the dog can be a challenge especially for a less experienced dog owner.
Afghan Hound size
Afghan Hound weight:
Afghan Hound male weight: 24 to 26 kg (55 to 59 lb)
Afghan Hound female weight: 20 to 22 kg (45 to 50 lb)
Afghan Hound size
Afghan Hound male height: 63 to 71 cm (25 to 28 in)
Afghan Hound female height: 60 to 66 cm (24 to 26 in)
Afghan Hound coat: thick, silky and very fine
Afghan Hound colors: various, including black and tan
How many puppies do Afghan Hounds have?
Afghan Hound litter size: 6 to 8 puppies
Afghan hound life expectancy:
Afghan Hound life span: 11 to 13 years
Afghan Hound other breed names: Kuchi Hound, Balkh Hound, Baluchi Hound, Barakzai Hound, Shalgar Hound, Kabul Hound, Galanday Hound, Tazi, Tazhi Spay, Persian Greyhound, Afghan dog
How much does an Afghan Hound cost?
Afghan Hound price starts at around $1,200 and up, depending on many factors.
 Afghan Hound temperament
Afghan Hound has frequently been described as an aristocrat. The glamorous breed has a very dignified appearance and his proud character is a good match. Afghan Hound's temperament is usually aloof with strangers, yet happy and gay around his family. This dog breed is often compared to cats because of that aloof and independent character streak that Afghan Hounds share with cats. They may need more space than other dog breeds but interaction with the owner is still very important. Afghan Hound is a large, energetic dog that needs daily exercise. Your yard should be surrounded by at least 6 foot fence as Afghan dog is a good jumper and may jump over a fence that is lower than 6 feet tall. This loyal breed is not fit to live outdoors all the time and needs to spend a lot of time with the owner. Afghan was originally created to be a sight hound. Afghan Hounds have a good vision so that they can see their prey. Afghan Hounds have a strong hunting instinct and if you are planning to keep this breed at home with other pets, such as cats, socializing your Afghan Hound puppy with other pets is very important from the young age to avoid any tragic accidents as the dog may see your other pets as prey. Afghan Hounds are excellent runners and they need a lot of space to stretch their legs every day. Afghan Hounds can run with a speed of up to 64 km/h, which is a speed of a running horse. This breed is in top three fastest running dogs in the world. Afghan Hounds are large dogs that weigh up to 59 pounds and can be as tall as 28 inches. Large and active breeds such as the Afghan Hound require a lot of space and plenty of opportunities to be active to meet their exercise needs.
Afghan Hounds do not have the typical "dog odor". Afghan Hound is a hypoallergenic dog breed, which means that the dog's coat does not produce as much dander which causes pet allergies in some people. Afghan Hounds are known for their beautiful flowing coat. The dog's hypoallergenic coat makes this elegant breed even more attractive to pet owners. These large hypoallergenic dogs are high maintenance and require a considerable time to maintain their flowing coat every single day. Extensive grooming needs of Afghan Hound are among the cons associated with this glamorous dog breed.
Afghan Hound grooming
By the time your Kabul Hound is nine months old, his coat will need regular brushing and care to avoid tangles and matting. Do Afghan Hounds shed? Afghan Hounds do shed, but they shed minimally compared to most other dog breeds. To maintain a beautiful, mat free coat, you will need a large pin brush for daily coat brushing. A slicker brush can be used for removing bad mats and tangles from Afghan Hound's long coat. A grooming spray can be used before removing tangles or mats.
A grooming table for a large dog breed such as Afghan Hound may be used while you are brushing and drying your dog's coat. For show dogs that require a lot of coat care on a daily basis, a grooming table makes the coat maintenance process easier.
The beautiful coat of your Afghan dog is high maintenance despite low shedding. Do Afghan Hounds Shed? Afghan Hounds shed less than most other dog breeds. Bathe the dog at least once a month. Afghan Hound's coat should be washed with a canine shampoo, followed by canine conditioner to keep the Afghan's coat looking healthy and beautiful. Do not use human products on your dog as human products may irritate and dry out the dog's skin and coat.
If you are bathing your Afghan Hound at home, a dog shower attachment can be useful.
Afghan's nails need to be trimmed regularly. Use a nail clipper for large breeds to trim Afghan's nails. Start getting your dog comfortable with this procedure while the dog is still a puppy, and do not rush the process. Older Afghan Hounds can also get used to having their nails trimmed, but may take more time to get comfortable with having their nails trimmed.
Be sure to brush your dog's teeth starting at a young age and provide the dog with dog dental chews that will help to keep your Afghan Hound's teeth clean. Use canine toothpaste that is safe for your pet and has flavoring that dogs like. Toothpastes made for humans can upset your Afghan Hound's stomach and aren't safe for dogs. Use a long-handled toothbrush made for dogs or buy one of the toothbrushes that fits over your finger.
Check the dog's ears for wax buildup and be sure to carefully wipe the ear area with a clean, dry towel after swimming to avoid ear infections. Some owners get a special ear cover for their Afghan Hound that helps to keep the ears away from the dog's food as the dog is eating. Ear wipes for dogs are easy to use and can help to keep Afghan's ears clean.
Grooming an Afghan Hound can be overwhelming for novice dog owners who aren't familiar with the grooming requirements of this special dog breed. Only owners who enjoy grooming a pet companion and are ready to dedicate at least 30 minutes per day to maintaining the dog's luxurious coat can consider owning this beautiful but demanding dog breed.
Afghan Hound puppies
Keep in mind that Afghan Hound puppy may take a couple of years and sometimes longer before the dog fully matures. Afghan Hound puppies look very different from a fully mature dog. If you are looking for a show dog, it is important to select the right breeder whose dogs have a proven winning record. Afghan Hound show dogs have many specific physical requirements and if you are serious about getting a future champion, select a puppy created by champion parents. Be sure to find out all that you can about the health history of the puppy and its parents.
If you have an opportunity to meet the puppy's parents, by all means use that opportunity. Puppies often grow up to resemble their parents in looks, temperament and character traits. Pay close attention to the way the parents of the puppy behave when they meet you. If you see the right temperament and confidence, these are good signs.
Afghan Hound training
One of the drawbacks to owning an Afghan Hound is that this breed is challenging to train. Tazi, which is another name for this breed, were used for hunting on large game in Afghanistan. Many people are surprised to learn that the breed was even used to hunt on leopards. Hunters needed a dog that could think and make decisions independently since during hunting these traits could come in very handy. The dog needed to be able to make quick decisions based on a situation often without the help of a human. As a result Tazi is more difficult to train because the dog was originally developed to be an independent decision maker. Being told what to do and following the command may be a challenge for this dog especially with a novice or inexperienced trainer who does not take into consideration the breed's temperament and way of thinking. This breed responds far better to positive reinforcement than they do to coercion or force. It is very important to establish yourself as the "leader" to ensure successful training results. To establish yourself as the "leader of the pack", be sure to always enter through the doors first. Whenever you eat, be sure to feed an Afghan Hound only after you are finished with your meal. Remember, in dog's mind the leader is the one who eats first. Whenever your Afghan Hound is lying on your path, do not circle around the dog, rather have the dog get up and let you pass. These simple techniques will help you to establish the leadership role and as a result training your Afghan dog will be much easier.
Basic obedience training needs to start early in life, while the Afghan Hound's personality is still shaping and he is more flexible and more willing to learn. An older Afghan Hound is also capable of learning new commands, but it may take more time and effort on the part of the trainer. Be patient with your Afghan Hound and with consistency and patience you will succeed. Housetraining an Afghan Hound puppy needs to start as soon as you bring home the dog. There are ways to make the housebreaking easier for you and for your dog. There are many potty training devices for dogs available on todays market, including a housetraining bell. The idea behind the housetraining bell is that once the dog is trained to use the potty bell, he can let you know by ringing the bell that he needs to go outside for a bathroom break.
Afghan Hound feeding
Feed your Afghan Hound a high quality age-appropriate dog food. Check with your veterinarian regarding the best feeding schedule for your Afghan Hound puppy. Good nutrition helps the dog to be healthy inside and out. Your dog's coat will be shining and his teeth will be healthy when the dog is getting all the necessary nutrients from his diet.
Afghan Hound health issues
There are some genetic diseases and conditions that Afghan hounds are predisposed to. Kuchi Hounds may suffer from multiple types of heart diseases. Kabul Hound is a big dog and as a result musculoskeletal problems are common for this breed. Growing Afghan Hounds may suffer from eosinophilic panosteitis, pano or eo-pan, which is an inflammation of the long bones in the legs. If you notice that your Afghan Hound's gait changed in any way, or the dog started to limp, take the animal to the veterinarian. Pano often affects young dogs from the age of 6 months old and up. Your veterinarian will determine whether pain management medication is necessary.
Hip dysplasia can affect Afghan Hounds and in some cases may lead to arthritis. Bloat is another issue that large deep chested dog breeds are predisposed to. Do not overfeed your Afghan Hound. Feed the dog twice a day with reasonable amounts of food rather than once a day with a large portion. This rule is especially important for large deep chested breeds such as Afghan Hound. A slow feeder dog bowl can help to slow down the dog as he is eating to prevent him from swallowing too much air as he is eating.
Afghan Hound origin
The Afghan Hound was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1926. The breed's history goes back thousands of years and among the oldest dog breeds to be documented by the ancient Egyptians.
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