Bichon vs Maltese
Bichon Frise and Maltese are among the most cheerful and liveliest small companion dog breeds. Both breeds share many similarities. White coat is one of them. Purebred Maltese or Bichon Frise can only have a pure white coat. People with allergies often consider these small companion breeds because Bichons and Maltese are considered to be hypoallergenic breeds that produce lower level of allergens on average than do most other breeds. Bichons and Maltese are also low shedding dogs, which means there will be less dog hair around the house. Despite all the positives, both breeds have maximum grooming requirements and owners should be prepared financially to spend a considerable amount of money for professional dog grooming.
Both breeds make delightful companion pets for people who don't mind the extensive grooming needs that both of these breeds require. Older adults and families with older children who are able to handle the family dog in a gentle way can enjoy the company of either the Maltese or Bichon Frise. These breeds aren't recommended for families with toddlers or very young children as there may not be enough time to dedicate to a small and demanding dog. Maltese and Bichons require a lot of attention.
There are some significant differences between the Maltese and Bichon breeds that include different grooming needs, temperament, genetic health issues associated with specific breeds and more.
Maltese Bichon Mix: image
Bichon and Maltese mix dogs have traits of the two breeds. Physical traits of Maltese Bichon mix dogs can resemble either a Maltese or a Bichon Frise, or a bit of both of these lap dog breeds. Bichons and Maltese are of Mediterranean ancestry and are related.
Image of Maltese Bichon mix.

Maltese vs Bichon: Grooming
Maltese and Bichon Frise dogs both have extensive grooming needs and the potential owners need to be prepared to allocate at least half an hour per day for grooming the dog. Maltese have a soft coat that is similar in texture to human hair and the hypoallergenic coat grows continuously. Brushing the coat daily is necessary to prevent mats and tangles from forming. Many owners of the breed choose to cut the Maltese coat short to minimize the grooming needs. To maintain the short cut, a Maltese will need to visit the professional groomer once every six to eight weeks. It is possible to give a Maltese dog a haircut at home and with some practice a Maltese owner can learn to groom the dog at home. Investing in professional dog clippers will pay off quickly because taking the dog to the groomer several times per year can be expensive.
Just like Maltese, Bichon Frise owners should be prepared to spend time every day to maintain the dog's fluffy coat. The curly double coat of a Bichon dog will need a haircut every six to eight weeks. Learn to groom your pet at home or be prepared to spend a considerable amount by taking the dog for a professional clip to the dog groomer. When you are selecting a groomer for Bichon Frise, look for one who has an extensive experience with Bichon Frise breed.
Bichons and Maltese require daily teeth care. Use canine toothpaste when brushing your pet's teeth. Human toothpaste is not safe for dogs. Other grooming needs for Maltese and Bichons include eye stain care. Both of these lap breeds tend to have dark brown or red stains around their eye area and these eye stains should be removed by using a gentle dog eye stain cleaner. Trimming the dog's nails is another important grooming ritual. Overgrown nails can cause pain and discomfort for your pet. Dog's nails should be trimmed once every six to eight weeks.
How to groom a Maltese
How to groom a Bichon Frise
Maltese vs Bichon Frise: Lifespan
Maltese, just like Bichon Frise are long lived small dogs. Both of these lap breeds live on average from 14 to 16 years. Many factors can affect a Maltese or Bichon's lifespan. The dog's overall health, care, diet, lifestyle and other factors play a role a dog's longevity.
Maltese life expectancy
Bichon Frise vs Maltese: Size
Maltese dogs belong to a toy group and are smaller and more fragile than Bichons. Compare Bichon and Maltese dog sizes.
Maltese male weight: 6 to 8 lb (3 to 4 kg)
Bichon Frise male weight: 12 to 15 lb (5 to 9 kg)
Maltese male height: 8 to 10 in (21 to 25 cm)
Bichon Frise male height: 9.5 to 11 in (24 to 29 cm)
Despite relatively small difference in height, Bichons weigh twice as much as Maltese dogs.
Maltese vs Bichon: Shedding
Maltese and Bichons are hypoallergenic and low shedding dogs. Both breeds require daily coat care despite being non-shedding dogs. The beautiful coat needs to be brushed daily and many owners choose to keep the coat short for easier maintenance. Bichon's coat grows fast and may require monthly trimming to keep the coat in best condition. The silky and smooth coat of a Maltese also requires daily brushings to prevent mats and tangles from forming.
Maltese vs Bichon Frise: Price
Maltese puppy can cost as much as a $1000 while Bichon Frise price starts at around $250 per puppy. In comparison to Maltese, Bichons are larger in size and the birth process is easier because of the dog size.
Bichon vs Maltese: Temperament
Maltese temperament is lively, friendly, calm and loving towards the owners. Similar to Maltese, Bichons have a happy and lively personality. Bichons love attention and some owners are convinced that Bichons can actually smile. Both breeds are loving and devoted to their owners.
Bichon Frise vs Maltese: Country of breed origin
Bichon Frise dogs are related to Maltese and both of these breeds originated in the Mediterranean region.
Maltese dogs originally come from the Island of Malta.
Good with kids: Maltese vs Bichon
Small dogs such as the Maltese and Bichons may be too fragile around very young kids. The amount of grooming ang care that these breeds require may be more than busy families with young children can allocate. In addition, Bichons and Maltese may compete for attention with very young children for toys and affection. Both, the Maltese and Bichon Frise can get along with older, sensible kids who can treat a small pet with respect the dog deserves. Kids should not pick up a small dog as many small dogs get seriously hurt from being accidentally dropped. Overall, the Maltese and Bichons make great companions for households with older owners who have the time and desire to take care of and enjoy the small dog.
Maltese vs Bichons: Companion dogs
Bichons and Maltese make wonderful companion dogs and they need to be around owners most of the time. Companion dogs such as the Maltese and Bichon can develop psychological issues when left alone often. That is the reason why the potential owners need to consider how much time will they be able to dedicate to a small but demanding pet. These breeds do best in families with older owners who can spend most of the time with the dog. Both breeds are demanding in terms of grooming and owners need to be prepared financially to spend a considerable amount on grooming their pet, unless the owner decides to groom the small dog at home.
Good with other dogs: Bichons vs Maltese
Bichons and Maltese breeds can get along with dogs with supervision. Level of socialization depends of each individual dog (how much time the owner spent getting the puppy comfortable around other dogs) determines how good the dog is around other dogs.
Maltese versus Bichons: Intelligence
The Maltese and Bichon Frise are intelligent small dogs and benefit from not only physical but also mind stimulating play time with the owners. Provide the small dog with interactive toys to keep your pet busy when you are not around. Not all Maltese are equal in terms of intelligence, just like not all Shih Tzus are equal in intelligence when compared to other dogs of the same breed. Due to these variations within each breed, intelligence level needs to be tested on individual dogs to make a reasonable estimation.
Bichon Frise versus Maltese: Trainability
Maltese and Bichon Frise breeds respond well to training. Housetraining a Bichon Frise may be more challenging as the breed is notorious for difficulties with house training. Both breeds respond best to positive training techniques and can be trained basic commands with positive reinforcement and consistent approach.
Maltese versus Bichon Frise: Barking
Maltese and Bichons have similar barking level. Either of these lap dog breeds will bark given a reason to bark. Expect more recreational barking if you are leaving the dog alone frequently. If you have an apartment dog, be sure to train the Maltese or Bichon the "Quiet!" command. Some dog behavior specialists advise to first teach the dog to bark on command. Once the dog understands the concept of barking on command, he is ready to learn the "Quiet!" command. Teaching the dog to be quiet on command can be very useful, especially if the dog lives in an apartment building where his barking may bother neighbors.
Maltese vs Bichons: Exercise needs
Both breeds are reasonably active and do best with a few daily walks to stay in best physical shape. Daily playtime is required for both breeds and keeps the Maltese or Bichon not only physically active but also mentally stimulated. Energetic Bichons can enjoy longer walks and other ways to spend their energy in a positive way. The Maltese are smaller in size, but can also benefit from several daily walks and some indoor playtime every day.
Health issues: Bichons vs Maltese
The Maltese and Bichon Frise breeds are among the healthiest dog breeds, which explains their longevity. There are certain genetic diseases associated with each breed but overall both breeds are considered to be relatively healthy. The Maltese and Bichons are predisposed for eye problems. Both of these breeds feature a hair that may get into the eyes of the dog. Keep the eye area free from the hair that tends to get into the dog's eyes and may cause an infection or irritation.
Maltese versus Bichon: Dog behavior issues
When bored or left alone often, both the Maltese and Bichon Frise will exhibit problem behaviors such as barking, chewing on things other than his chewable toys, scratching or ripping furniture and other problem dog behaviors. Most dogs will exhibit destructive behaviors if left alone with nothing to do. Bichons and Maltese are both companion dog breeds and need to spend most of the time with their family. When any companion dog is left alone frequently, the dog may develop depression or other psychological issues as human companionship is very important for both of these breeds. The Maltese and Bichons were created specifically to be lap dogs that spend lots of time with the owners and leaving the dog unattended will cause the dog to be unhappy, which is a root of destructive dog behavior in many cases.
If you do need to step out and leave either the Maltese or Bichon dog alone for an hour or so, consider providing the dog with a safe, chewable toy that the dog can play with while you are not around. Be sure to check the toy for any small parts that the dog can accidentally bite off and swallow.
Some owners choose to crate train their Maltese or Bichon to keep the pet safe and out of trouble while the owner is not around to supervise the dog.
Differences between Maltese and Bichon Frise: Popularity
Bichon Frise takes 45th place in popularity ranking in the United States, according to AKC. The Maltese takes 33rd place in popularity ranking in the United States.
Maltese compared to Bichon Frise: Loyalty to the owner
Both of these companion breeds are very loyal to their owners. The Maltese and Bichon are happiest when spending time with their families.