Poodle vs Maltese
Poodles and Maltese are among the best known companion dog breeds. The differences between Maltese and Poodles include appearance, temperament, grooming needs and even trainability. While Maltese dogs all have similar physical characteristics, such as the miniature size and white coat, Poodles are more versatile in comparison. Poodles, for example, come in three different sizes that include Toy Poodle (the smallest Poodle type), Miniature Poodle and Standard Poodle (the largest of the thee Poodle types). Poodles and Maltese dogs are also different in terms of temperament and trainability. Poodles are easier to train than Maltese.
Despite many differences, there are some similarities between Maltese and Poodle breeds. Grooming needs, for example, are rather high for Poodles and Malteses. Potential owners need to be ready to spend at least half an hour each day to brush the dog's coat. Poodles and Maltese have a lovely coat that requires a lot of maintenance to stay healthy and neat. Toy Poodles and Maltese are closest in size when compared, although Maltese dogs are smaller. Other similarities between Poodles and Maltese include low shedding as both breeds do not shed much.
Maltese Poodle Mix: Maltipoo image
Maltese cross with Poodle is also known as Maltipoo. Maltipoo dogs can have different colors because Poodles come in a variety of colors even though Maltese can only be white. Maltipoo dogs can be small in size or larger, depending on whether the Poodle parent was a Toy Poodle or a Mini Poodle. Maltipoo dogs are low shedding and for that reason this mix is very popular. People suffering from pet related allergies may find that Maltipoo dogs do not trigger allergies in some cases. Even though Maltipoo dogs are hypoallergenic, potential Maltipoo owners always should spend some time with the dog to be sure that the dog doesn't aggravate allergies before making the final decision to own the dog. Physical traits of Maltipoos can resemble either a Maltese or a Poodle breed, or a bit of both of these can be seen in a Maltipoo puppy.
Image of Maltese and Poodle mix (Maltipoo).

Maltipoo dog
Maltese vs Poodle: Grooming
Poodles and Maltese both feature a beautiful coat that can grow out long if allowed. The Maltese's or Poodle's coat requires daily grooming that includes brushing as well as monthly coat trims. Some owners learn to groom their Poodles and Maltese at home instead of taking the dog to a professional groomer. Dog grooming services can be expensive and caring for the Poodle's or Maltese's coat at home can help save a lot of money.
Grooming ritual should also include daily teeth brushing to help keep Poodle's or Maltese's teeth healthy for many years. Toenails need to be trimmed every six weeks or so. Eye stains should be gently removed.
Maltese grooming
Poodle grooming
Maltese vs Poodle: Life span
Maltese dogs live on average up to 16 years of age while Poodle's lifespan is slightly shorter - up to 14 years on average. Both of these breeds can live a long and healthy life with proper care and good nutrition.
Toy Poodle vs Maltese: Size
Toy Poodles are closest in size to the Maltese. Weight and height comparison chart for Maltese and Toy Poodles:
Maltese male weight: 6 to 8 lb (3 to 4 kg)
Toy Poodle male weight: 4 to 8 lb (1.8 to 3.6 kg)
Maltese male height: 8 to 10 in (21 to 25 cm)
Toy Poodle male height: under 10 in (under 25 cm)
Maltese vs Poodle: Shedding
Maltese and Poodles are low shedding dogs. Although owners of Maltese or Poodle breeds can find an occasional dog hair at home, overall these two breeds shed minimally in comparison to most other dog breeds. There is no seasonal shedding associated with either a Maltese or Poodle breed. Instead, just like humans, Maltese and Poodles loose a hair or two here and there and there won't be a lot of dead dog hair on the brush when you are brushing your Poodle or Maltese during any particular season. Still, brushing these breeds is important as even one dead hair can cause the dog's coat to tangle around it into a mat that if left on the coat will pull on the dog's skin and cause discomfort to your pet. Maltese and Poodle owners should brush their pets every day to prevent mats and tangles from forming.
Maltese vs Poodle: Price
Average price for a Maltese puppy is around $1,000 while a Poodle puppy can cost around $800.
Maltese vs Poodle: Temperament
Maltese are known to be responsive to their owner's moods. Maltese temperament can be described as lively, playful and affectionate towards owners. Poodles, just like the Maltese, are very sensitive towards their owner's moods. Poodles are eager to learn and enjoy to be mentally stimulated. Maltese and Poodles make excellent companion dogs for owners who can spend most of the time with the family pet.
Poodles vs Malteses: Country of breed origin
Poodle breed originated in Germany but was developed in France.
Maltese dogs originally come from the Island of Malta.
Good with kids: Maltese vs Poodle
Maltese and Poodles make great companions for households with older owners who have the time and desire to spend a lot of time on grooming and enjoying the furry friend. Maltese and Toy Poodles aren't recommended for families with small children as tiny dogs are prone to unfortunate accidents around toddlers and young children. Standard and Miniature Poodles are better suited for families with kids while Maltese and Toy Poodles do better with seniors and retirees who have the time to spend on a dog and can pamper a small family pet.
Maltese vs Poodle: Companion dogs
The Maltese and Poodles make excellent companion dogs. These breeds are naturally affectionate and playful with their owners. Maltese and Poodles tend to follow their owners around the home and make great family pets for most families. Maltese and Toy Poodles are smaller than Standard Poodles and are not as demanding in terms of daily exercise. Larger Standard Poodles are more active and need more energetic owners who enjoy long walks with the dog every day. Smaller Poodle types and Maltese are more suited for older people as they are easier to travel with, easier to pick up and carry and don't need as much physical activity during the day in comparison to Standard Poodles.
Active families with older kids will find that a Standard Poodles has just enough energy to run around with the kids all day long and the larger Poodles are less fragile around the younger family members. Having a home with a yard is ideal for Standard Poodle owners as the larger dog can enjoy extra space to run around during the day.
Good with other dogs: Poodles vs Maltese
Maltese and Toy Poodles need to be supervised around larger breeds to avoid any accidents. Although Poodles and Maltese can enjoy the company of other dogs, the tiny size of Toy Poodles and Maltese dogs makes these breeds more vulnerable to being accidentally hurt by a larger dog. With adequate socialization Poodles and Maltese breeds enjoy interacting with other dogs.
Maltese vs Poodle: Intelligence
Although both breeds are smart and a joy to have around, Poodles are known for their desire to please the owner and they learn new commands or tricks much faster than most other breeds. Poodles are highly intelligent and make a popular dog choice for owners interested in competitive obedience and agility training. Poodles are easy to train with positive training techniques and make good dogs for novice dog owners.
Maltese compared to Poodle: Trainability
Maltese and Poodles differ in terms of trainability. While Poodles can quickly learn new commands, Maltese are not as easy to train. Maltese can be difficult to housetrain and generally are not as responsive to training as Poodles.
Maltese versus Poodles: Barking
Maltese enjoy barking more than Poodles and bark more on average. Maltese and Poodles who live in apartments may benefit from learning the "Quiet!" command. Dog trainers recommend teaching the dog to understand the "Bark!" command first. Once the dog understands the concept of barking, it's easier to train the dog the "Quiet!" command. Maltese often bark because of loneliness. Leaving either a Poodle or Maltese for long periods may result in recreational barking. These companion breeds are not recommended for people who spend most of the day at work only to spend an hour or two with the dog. Companion breeds such as Poodles and Maltese need to be around the owner most of the time.
Maltese vs. Poodles: Exercise needs
Poodles and Maltese breeds require adequate physical and mental exercises during the day to stay healthy. Poodles are even more active and may need longer walks than do small Maltese. A few daily walks combined with some indoor playtime is usually enough for a Maltese or a Toy Poodle. Larger Poodle varieties such as the Standard Poodle need longer walks to get enough exercise.
Health issues: Poodles and Maltese compared
Poodles are prone to hip dysplasia and eye problems. Standard Poodles can be vulnerable to bloat. Ear infections are also common for Poodles. Maltese dogs also can suffer from eye diseases that include eye infections. Keep the hair out of the dog's eyes to minimize the risk of eye infections.
Maltese versus Poodle: Dog behavior issues
As long as either a Maltese or Poodle gets to spend most of the time with the owner, behavior problems tend to be minor. Leaving a companion dog breed alone often results in various behavior problems such as excessive barking, separation anxiety and even destructive behaviors. Potential owners need to realize that Poodles and Maltese need to be around the owners a lot to minimize the risk of developing behavior problems. Lack of sufficient exercise can also increase the risk of dog developing behavior problems. Provide your pet with enough activities during the day to help deal with any behavior problems that may arise when a dog is bored or lonely.
Interactive toys and treat dispenser toys are great ways to keep your dog mentally stimulated and busy while you step out.
Maltese and Poodle owners can also invest in a dog crate and crate train their pet to keep the dog safe during traveling or when the owners need to step out. Never leave your pet unattended in a crate for more than an hour and be sure to walk the dog before you put the dog in the crate.
Maltese vs Poodles: Popularity
The Maltese takes 33rd place in popularity ranking in the United States while Poodles take 7th place in popularity, according to AKC.
Difference between Maltese and Poodles: Loyalty to the owner
Companion dogs such as Poodles or Maltese are very loyal to their owners. These dogs are happiest when they can be a part of all family activities.
Maltese vs Poodles apartment dogs
Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles and Maltese are great dogs for apartments where pets are permitted. Standard Poodles need more space to run around and prefer a home with a large yard. Although barking can be an issue for Maltese and sometimes for Poodles, owners of these breeds can train these dogs to be quiet on command. Indoor dog breeds such as Poodles and Maltese still need to take several daily walks to stay healthy and active.