Chihuahua vs Pomeranian
Pomeranian and Chihuahua breeds are among the smallest companion dogs. There are some significant differences between Pomeranians and Chihuahuas that need to be taken into consideration. Both of these lap dogs are not ideal for families with toddlers or very young kids. Chihuahuas and the Pomeranians are more appropriate for families with older children who are able to handle the small family dog in a gentle way. Poms and Chihuahuas make a wonderful family pet for older adults who have the time to allocate to spending a lot of time with their pet. Grooming needs differ for Chihuahuas and Poms. Short-haired Chihuahuas are much easier to maintain when it comes to grooming and these miniature dogs are more appropriate for owners that do not have the time or desire to spend every day to keep their pet's coat in great condition. Pomeranians, on the other hand are a good pet choice for an owner who enjoys spending a considerable time daily on grooming the dog. The luxurious Pomeranian coat requires frequent brushing and trimming to keep it in good condition. Pomeranians and Chihuahuas are companion dogs that need to be around their owner most of the time. These small dogs aren't appropriate for busy people who will leave the dog home alone frequently.
Pomeranian and Chihuahua Mix (Pomchi)
Pomeranian and Chihuahua mix dogs are also known as Pomchi, Pom-Chi or Pom Chi. Pomchi have combined traits of the two breeds. The colors of Chihuahua and Pomeranian mix can vary. Physical traits of Pom and Chihuahua cross can resemble either a Chihuahua or Pomeranian, or a bit of both of these lap dog breeds. Half Pomeranian half Chihuahua dogs are long lived and can live up to 15 years of age or even longer. In size half Chihuahua half Pomeranian dogs can reach up to 7 pounds in weight and up to 11 inches in height.
Image of Pomeranian Chihuahua mix.

Pomchi dog information
Pomeranian vs Chihuahua: Grooming
Pomeranians can be described as high maintenance dogs when it comes to grooming. Pom's coat needs to be brushed daily to maintain a healthy skin and coat. Pomeranian's luxurious coat needs to be trimmed to keep the coat looking neat. In comparison, Chihuahuas, especially short haired Chihuahuas are much easier to groom on a daily basis. Long haired Chihuahuas need more frequent brushing than short haired Chihuahuas. Pomeranians, on the other hand will require a lot more extensive daily coat maintenance than Chihuahuas. Daily grooming for both of these breeds includes keeping the teeth clean. Eye stains should also be removed because both Poms and Chihuahuas often can be seen with dark brown or reddish stains around their eye area. The stains around Pomeranian's or Chihuahua's eyes needs to be regularly cleaned. Use dog eye wipes to gently remove the unattractive stains.
Pomeranian versus Chihuahua: Lifespan
Small and relatively healthy breeds such as Pomeranians or Chihuahuas have a long lifespan. How long do Chihuahuas live? Life expectancy for Chihuahua breed is from 16 to 20 years, provided that the dog is well cared for. How long do Pomeranians live on average? As for Pomeranians, their life span is slightly shorter and Poms can live from 12 to 15 years on average. Many factors can affect a Pomeranian's or Chihuahua's life span. The dog's overall health, care, diet, lifestyle and other factors affect a dog's longevity.
Pomeranian vs Chihuahua: Size
Pomeranians and Chihuahuas are among the tiniest dog breeds. In weight, Pomeranians and Chihuahuas do not exceed 6 or 7 pounds. Pomeranians are slightly taller than Chihuahuas and can reach 11 inches in height. In comparison, Chihuahuas reach the height of 10 inches.
Pomeranian male weight: 3 to 7 lb (1.4 to 3 kg)
Chihuahua male weight: 4 to 6 lb (1.8 to 2.7 kg)
Pomeranian male height: 8.5 to 11 in (22 to 28 cm)
Chihuahua male height: 6 to 10 in (15 to 25 cm)
Although both breeds are very similar in size, Pomeranians may appear larger because of the abundant fluffy coat that gives an appearance of a larger dog than Pomeranian is. Given a short haircut, a Pomeranian appears much smaller in size.
Chihuahua vs Pomeranian: Shedding
In comparison to Chihuahua, Pomeranians require a lot more coat maintenance on a daily basis. Pomeranians have a much longer and thicker double coat and daily brushing combined with monthly trimming is a must with this fluffy toy breed. Chihuahuas, especially short coated Chihuahuas are much less demanding in terms of coat maintenance. Shedding is more noticeable and more abundant with Pomeranians as these small dogs have a longer and thicker coat which sheds. Chihuahuas also do shed, and because the breed has shorter and less fluffy coat, the shedding is not as heavy in comparison to Poms.
Pomeranian versus Chihuahua: Price
The price range for Pomeranians and Chihuahuas is very similar - and a puppy of either of these breeds can cost about $500. If you are looking for a show dog, or a dog with a well known pedigree, be prepared to pay a lot more for the puppy. Find out how much does a Pomeranian cost.
Pomeranian vs Chihuahua: Temperament
Despite the small size, both Pomeranians and Chihuahuas tend to have a bold and bossy temperament. Both of these toy breeds enjoy basking in the center of attention and can be demanding. Companion breeds such as Pomeranian or Chihuahua need attention and affection, so these toy breeds need owners who are prepared to give, and receive, plenty of fuss.
Pomeranian vs Chihuahua: Country of breed origin
Chihuahua breed was developed in Mexico.
Pomeranian dogs were developed in Poland and Germany.
Good with kids: Pomeranian vs Chihuahua
Pomeranians and Chihuahuas are small breeds and are not appropriate for families with toddlers or young children. These toy breeds do best in families with older, sensible kids.
Pomeranians vs Chihuahuas: Companion dogs
Pomeranians and Chihuahuas make ideal companions for older children and for adults of all ages. Poms and Chihuahuas are not suitable for part-time owners, as they crave company. So long as Pomeranians and Chihuahuas can be with their owner they can adjust to most living environments and can be happy in a town or country. Apartment dogs will benefit from daily access to a park to provide both physical and mental stimulation.
Good with other dogs: Pomeranian vs Chihuahua
Early socialization is essential for both breeds. Accustom a Pomeranian or a Chihuahua to bigger dogs and to smaller pets from a young age. Pomeranians and Chihuahuas are sociable little dogs and can enjoy a company of other dogs.
Chihuahuas vs Pomeranians: Intelligence
Chihuahua and Pomeranian breeds are quite intelligent and eager to learn. Not all Chihuahuas are equal in terms of intelligence, just like not all Poms are equal in intelligence when compared to other dogs of the same breed. Due to these variations within each breed, intelligence level needs to be tested on individual dogs to make a reasonable estimation.
Chihuahua vs Pomeranian: Trainability
Chihuahuas and Pomeranians respond well to gentle, consistent training, but don't expect too much from either of the breeds. Although both of these breeds are intelligent and quick to learn, both breeds are quite independent minded and aren't the most suitable breeds for obedience enthusiasts. Poms and Chihuahuas are easier to train if owners begin working on the task early.
Chihuahua versus Pomeranian: Barking
Pomeranians are known to enjoy the sound of their own voice and this may become an issue if you live in an apartment building where neighbors do not appreciate a loud dog. Pomeranians that lack stimulation often bark a lot. A trained Pomeranian can be trained to stop barking when necessary. Dog barking can be addressed with proper training. Some dog behavior specialists advise to first teach the dog to bark on command. Once the dog understands the concept of barking on command, he is ready to learn the "Quiet!" command. Teaching the dog to be quiet on command can be very useful, especially if the dog lives in an apartment building where his barking may bother neighbors. Chihuahuas also like to bark, and compared to Pomeranians they bark less.
Pomeranian vs Chihuahua: Exercise needs
Pomeranians and Chihuahuas are small breeds with reasonable exercise requirements. A few daily walks combined with playing indoors or running around a small yard is usually sufficient to keep either a Pomeranian or a Chihuahua happy. Despite the small size, both breeds enjoy taking longer walks with the owners. Be mindful of the dog's size and if you notice that your Pomeranian or a Chihuahua is getting tired during a long walk - take a break or carry the small dog. Many owners like to have pet carrier which can keep the dog comfortable in case he is tired during a long walk.
Health issues: Pomeranian vs Chihuahua
Pomeranians may suffer dislocation of the kneecaps, tracheal collapse, inward-turning eyelids, cataracts and skin disease causing loss of hair. Chihuahuas are generally hardy little dogs. Possible health issues include open molera (an opening at the top of the skull, like that of a newborn baby), leaving the head vulnerable to injuries. Other health issues include slipping kneecaps and heart problems.
Pomeranian vs Chihuahua: Dog behavior issues
Chihuahuas and Pomeranians aren't the easiest breeds to housebreak. Excessive barking can be an issues with both breeds, especially when the dog is left alone often.
If you do need to step out and leave either the Pom or Chihuahua alone for some time, consider providing the dog with a safe, chewable toy that the dog can play with while you are not around. Be sure to check the toy for any small parts that the dog can accidentally bite off and swallow.
Difference between Pomeranian and Chihuahua: Popularity
Pomeranian takes 22nd place in popularity ranking in the United States, according to AKC. The Chihuahua takes 30th place in popularity ranking in the United States.
Pomeranian and Chihuahua compared: Loyalty to the owner
Both of these companion breeds are very loyal to their owners. The Chihuahua and Pomeranian are happiest when spending time with their families.