Maltese vs Pomeranian
Maltese and Pomeranians are popular small companion dogs. Families with older, sensible children and older adults who have the time to dedicate to high maintenance pet are ideal owners for both of these breeds. Maltese, just like Pomeranians can adjust to most living conditions and can be comfortable living in a small apartment or in a large country house. Maltese are friendly and sociable and quickly make new friends. In comparison to the Maltese, Pomeranians make good watchdogs and will bark when strangers approach their home. Although both breeds are active, Pomeranians are more active and may need more physical activity during the day than do Maltese. Pomeranians also tend to bark more than do Maltese dogs.
Other noticeable differences between Maltese and Pomeranian dogs include grooming needs. While Maltese and Pomeranians are both high-maintenance dogs when it comes to grooming, Maltese dogs do not produce much shedding and are considered hypoallergenic while Pomeranians are not hypoallergenic and produce more shedding than Maltese.
Pomeranian and Maltese Mix
Pomeranian and Maltese mix dogs are typically small and fluffy, just like their parents. The size of Maltipom dogs resembles the sizes of Maltese and Pomeranian dogs. Maltipom size is from 8 to 11 inches in height and up to 8 pounds in weight. The colors of Pomeranian and Maltese cross dogs can be different, because Pomeranian breed has several color varieties. Physical traits of Pom and Maltese cross can resemble either a Maltese or Pomeranian, or a bit of both of these tiny dog breeds. Temperament of Maltipom dogs can come from either the Maltese or Pomeranian parent and sometimes from both. Half Maltese half Pomeranian dogs are playful and alert. Maltipoms make wonderful companion pets and usually shed less than purebred Pomeranians.
Image of Maltese Pomeranian mix, also known as Maltipom.

All Maltese Mixes
Pomeranian vs Maltese: Grooming
Poms and Maltese are high maintenance dogs when it comes to grooming. Daily brushing and monthly trims are required to keep these breeds neat looking and healthy. Without daily brushing the dog's coat starts to accumulate mats and tangles that may cause skin irritation or discomfort. That is the reason it is important for potential owners to realize that these small ornamental dog breeds require daily grooming. Owners of these breeds also should brush their pet's teeth every day to keep them healthy and nails should be trimmed once every six months or so. Sometimes eye stains accumulate around Maltese or Pomeranian's eyes. Eye stains should be gently removed with dog eye wipes.
How to groom a Pomeranian
How to groom a Maltese at home
Pomeranian versus Maltese: Lifespan
The average life span of either Pomeranian or Maltese breed is around 15 years. These relatively healthy small breeds are long lived in comparison to many other breeds. Dog owners can help their Pomeranians and Maltese dogs live a longer and healthier life by providing the dog with good nutrition, care and enough mental and physical activity during the day.
Pomeranian vs Maltese: Size Comparison
When compared in size, Maltese and Pomeranians are very close in size. Pomeranians have fluffier coat than Maltese dogs and despite almost similar size may appear slightly larger. Pomeranians are lighter in weight than Maltese.
Pomeranian male weight: 3 to 7 lb (1.4 to 3 kg)
Maltese male weight: 6 to 8 lb (3 to 4 kg)
Pomeranian male height: 8.5 to 11 in (22 to 28 cm)
Maltese male height: 8 to 10 in (21 to 25 cm)
Maltese vs Pomeranian: Shedding
Single coated Maltese dogs shed minimally in comparison to double coated Pomeranians. Poms have a heavy undercoat and as a result have a significant amount of shedding. Maltese dogs almost don't shed and although they lose a few hairs every day due to natural hair growth cycle, Maltese dogs do not have the heavy shedding periods throughout the year the way many other breeds do. Pomeranian's coat is very thick and produces a moderate amount of shedding. For people with pet allergens, Maltese are the safer pet choice as Maltese produce less pet allergens in comparison to Pomeranians. People with asthma or pet related allergies should spend some time with the dog prior to making the final commitment to be sure that the dog doesn't cause allergic reactions.
Pomeranian owners have many options to manage the dog's abundant shedding. Investing in a good deshedding tool such as the Furminatior for long coat can help a great deal to minimize the amount of dog's hair around the house.
Pomeranian vs Maltese: Price
The price for a Pomeranian dog generally starts at around $400 and up. Maltese, in comparison, can cost around $1,000 per puppy. On average Maltese cost more than Pomeranians.
Pomeranians vs Maltese: Temperament
Independent Poms can be willful and not easily trainable. These small dogs are usually protective over their owners and have a lot of personality. Pomeranians make good watchdogs and will bark to notify the owners of strangers that are approaching their home. The Maltese are natural companion dogs. Maltese are friendly and love to cuddle with their owners. On the flip side, when treated as toys rather than intelligent creatures, Maltese can be overdependent and clingy. Separation anxiety can be an issue for this companion breed if the dog is left alone often.
Pomeranian vs. Maltese: Country of breed origin
Maltese dogs come from the Island of Malta.
Pomeranian dogs were developed in Poland and Germany.
Good with kids: Pomeranian vs Maltese
Fragile Maltese and Pomeranians are not recommended for families with toddlers or young children. Not only is it easy for these dogs to get hurt while interacting with very young kids, but these dogs also require a lot of owner's attention in terms of grooming and maintenance and parents of young kids often don't have the time that these small breeds require.
Older children who can help with caring for the pet and can treat a small dog with respect enjoy either a Maltese or Pomeranian as a family pet.
Pomeranians vs Maltese: Companion dogs
Both of these breeds make good companion pets for seniors who have lots of time to dedicate to a small dog. Families with older children and single people who are looking to spend a lot of time with a pet make ideal owners for these small but demanding Pomeranians and Maltese. Maltese are the ultimate lap dogs that enjoy spending time cuddling with the owners. Potential Pom or Maltese owners should be prepared to spend at least thirty minutes every day on grooming the small companion dog. Working people who are at work most of the day and people with small children should consider other breeds as Maltese and Pomeranians need to spend most of the time with their owners. A lonely Pom or Maltese may develop behavior problems such as excessive barking, separation anxiety and so on.
Good with other dogs: Pomeranian vs Maltese
Maltese and Pomeranians can be sociable with other dogs, as long as they received plenty of socialization from puppyhood. Owners of Poms or Maltese dogs should always supervise interaction between larger dogs and Maltese or Pomeranians. Larger dogs can accidentally hurt the smaller dog during play by accidentally stepping on the smaller dog. Never leave your Maltese or Pomeranian unattended around larger, unfamiliar dogs. Maltese and Pomeranians usually get along well with other household pets.
Maltese vs Pomeranians: Intelligence
Pomeranians and Maltese are bright little dogs and in the right hands can successfully master basic commands and more. Potential owners need to be patient. Positive motivation helps during training. Training either a Maltese or a Pomeranian can be challenging for a novice dog owner.
Maltese vs Pom: Trainability
Gentle and consistent training, combined with the right motivation produces best results with Maltese and Pomeranians. Treating these small dogs like the intelligent creatures that they are and providing them with mental stimulus can result in well behaved pets that owners are proud of. Maltese and Pomeranians are not easy to train and it will take some time to achieve significant results. When it comes to potty training, Maltese can be even more challenging than Pomeranians and take longer time to be potty trained.
Maltese versus Pomeranian: Barking
Pomeranians love to bark. Maltese also love to bark but on average bark less than Pomeranians. If you live in an apartment building, training a Pomeranian to be quiet on command is essential. Maltese often bark because of loneliness or separation anxiety. These small dogs really dislike being left alone. Potential Maltese or Pomeranian owners can't be part time owners - these companion breeds need to be around the owner most of the day, otherwise behavior problems such as excessive barking may arise.
Pomeranians vs Malteses: Exercise needs
Moderate level of physical activity for both breeds. Maltese and Pomeranians require a few walks during the day and some indoor playtime. Mental stimulation is just as important for Poms and Maltese breeds. Train your pet a new command or provide the dog with an interactive dog toy that will keep the Maltese or Pomeranian busy is always a good idea. If you are taking a Maltese or Pomeranian for a longer walk, pay attention to how the dog is feeling. Older Pomeranians or Maltese may not be able to walk very long distances and may need to be carried. Owners of senior Pomeranians or Maltese dogs have an option to get a pet carrier which can provide the dog with a comfortable way of traveling longer distances.
Health issues: Pomeranian compared to Maltese
Pomeranians may suffer dislocation of the kneecaps, tracheal collapse, inward-turning eyelids, cataracts and skin disease causing loss of hair. Maltese are susceptible to eye problems and deafness.
Pomeranian versus Maltese: Dog behavior issues
Housebreaking can be challenging for both, Pomeranians and Maltese breeds. Other behavioral problems include barking - both breeds tend to enjoy the sound of their voice. Many behavior problems occur because the small companion pet is left alone too often. These breeds require to be around the owner most of the time, otherwise owners can expect various behavior issues.
Provide your pet with a chewable toy or interactive dog toy to keep the animal busy while you are away. Check the dog toy for any small parts that the dog can accidentally bite off and swallow.
Crate training a Pomeranian or Maltese has many advantages. Dogs who are crate trained are easier to potty train and to keep safe during trips.
Difference between Pomeranian and Maltese: Popularity
Pomeranian takes 22nd place in popularity ranking in the United States, according to AKC. Maltese takes 33rd place in popularity ranking according to the AKC.
Pomeranian vs. Maltese: Loyalty to the owner
Maltese and Pomeranians are very loving and loyal pets. The unconditional love that a dog can give to the owners is priceless and both, the Maltese and Pomeranians are no exception.