Pug vs Boxer
Pugs and Boxers are companion dog breeds that share some similarities and many differences. The most prominent difference between Pug and Boxer dogs is the size as Pugs are much smaller in both weight and height than Boxer dogs. While a Pug's weight can reach up to 20 pounds, a much larger Boxer dog's weight can reach up to 70 pounds. Pugs are also much less active and need considerably less exercise on a daily basis than do Boxers. Boxers are high-energy dogs that require a couple of hours of active playing, walking and other forms of exercise to keep the dog in best shape. Pugs are more suitable for people who are looking for a compact dog that is playful and fun, yet doesn't need a lot of physical activity throughout the day. Boxers, on the other hand, are not suitable for couch potato owners and do best in active families that like to take the dog for long walks and do other active things with the family pet. Pugs make great pets for seniors as the small size of the dog combined with low exercise needs and charming personality make Pugs ideal companion pets for older adults. Boxer dogs are larger and more difficult to handle. Boxer dogs also demand a lot more exercise combined with obedience training that makes this breed less suitable for seniors. When it comes to living conditions, Pugs are suitable for living in a small apartment or in a large country home while Boxer dogs require a larger space and a good size fenced yard where the dog can get sufficient exercise during the day. Unlike Pugs, Boxers are not suitable for apartment living as this breed has too much energy to be comfortably contained in a smaller space.
Detailed comparison between Boston Terriers and Pugs:
Boxer Pug Mix image
Half Pug half Boxer dogs are usually smaller than Boxers but larger than Pugs in size. The colors of Pug Boxer cross dog can be different, from fawn and black to reddish with white or even brindled. Boxer Pug mix dogs are brachycephalic, just like the parents and owners of this mix need to be aware that this dog may be sensitive to hot and humid weather. Breathing difficulties are common for Boxer Pug mix dogs. Snoring during sleep is also common for Boxer Pug mix. The temperament of half Boxer half Pug dog can resemble the parents - this dog is stubborn and may be challenging to train, especially for first time dog owners.
Image of Pug Boxer mix.

Boxer vs Pug: Grooming
Pug's coat sheds a lot even though the coat is short. Pug owners have to have good strategies to manage the heavy Pug shedding. Furminator for small breeds can be very helpful and the dog can be brushed outdoors to minimize the amount of dog hair flying around the home as Pug is getting brushed. Boxer dogs also shed, but in comparison to Pugs, Boxers shed less. Besides daily coat brushing, both breeds need to have their facial folds wiped clean to prevent any bacteria or dirt from accumulating in these areas. Neglecting Pug's or Boxer's facial wrinkles can cause skin problems for these breeds. Brush the dog's teeth every day with a canine toothpaste to help prevent dental problems and smelly breath.
Pug vs Boxer dog: Lifespan
Pug's life expectancy is from 12 to 15 years on average. Boxers, in comparison, live from 9 to 11 years. Many factors can affect a dog's lifespan. The overall health of your dog, care, diet, lifestyle and other factors affect Boxer's or Pug's longevity.
Pug vs Boxer: Size
Pugs are noticeably smaller than Boxers. When compared in weight, Pugs can weigh up to 20 pounds while adult Boxers can weigh up to 70 pounds. In height, Pugs can reach up to 14 inches, while Boxers are much taller than Pugs and can reach the height of up to 25 inches. Here's a detailed size comparison between Pugs and Boxers.
Pug male weight: 13 to 20 lb (5.8 to 9 kg)
Boxer male weight: 66 to 70 lb (30 to 32 kg)
Pug male height: 12 to 14 in (30 to 35 cm)
Boxer male height: 22 to 25 inches at the withers (57 to 63 cm)
Pug vs Boxer: Shedding
Pugs are notorious for abundant shedding and shed significantly more on average than Boxers. Use a Furminator deshedding tool daily on a Pug or Boxer to remove most of the dead hair from the dog's coat.
How much do Pugs shed?
Boxer vs Pug: Price
An average price for a Pug dog is $1,000 while a Boxer dog price starts at around $700. Many factors can affect Boxer's or Pug's price. If you are looking for a show dog, for example, be prepared to pay significantly more for a dog with a well known pedigree.
Pug vs Boxer: Temperament
Pugs and Boxers are affectionate and require a lot of attention from the owners. Pugs are less active than Boxers. Pugs are calmer and are suitable for less active owners. Boxers, on the other hand, need an energetic owner who has the time and energy to spend about an hour per day on long walks with the Boxer. Boxers have endless energy and aren't suitable for frail people or for couch potato owners. Can Boxers live in an apartment? Only if there's a park nearby where the Boxer dog can spend a couple of hours every day running around and burning energy, otherwise Boxers are not recommended for living in an apartment. These large and energetic dogs need plenty of space and are happier in a house with a fenced backyard where the dog can enjoy some exercise. Pugs, on the contrary, make great apartment dogs. They are quiet and don't bark much. Pugs don't need too much exercise and are happy to live in an apartment as long as the dog gets to spend most of the time with the owner. Both of these companion breeds need plenty of time with the owners each day and people who are at work most of the day and can't spend much time with a pet should consider a different breed.
Boxer vs Pug: Country of breed origin
Pug originated in China.
Boxer breed originated in Germany.
Good with kids: Boxer vs Pug
Boxers and Pugs have the potential to be excellent family dogs. Both of these breeds enjoy the company of sensible kids that treat these dogs with the respect they deserve. Boxers are large and heavy and aren't ideal for families with very young kids or toddlers. Boxers can easily fit into a family with older kids as this active dog is always ready to play with the children. Pugs aren't as energetic as Boxers, but they do enjoy to interact with older kids. Boxers and Pugs require a lot of attention and families with very small children may not have enough time to dedicate to training, caring for and grooming a demanding family pet. Children need to be taught how to properly handle a dog. Parents need to explain that a dog should not be approached when the pet is eating or sleeping, for example.
Pug vs Boxer: Companion dogs
Pugs and Boxers make great companion pets for the right owners. Pugs are calmer and can bring lots of joy to a retired owners or to families with older kids that can appreciate a dog with a sense of humor. Boxers are best for active, energetic owners who can dedicate plenty of time on training and exercising this demanding dog that has the energy of a puppy well into a mature age. Both of these companion breeds need to spend a lot of time with their owners every day to thrive.
Good with other dogs: Pugs vs Boxers
Pugs get along with most other dogs. Boxers also tend to be friendly towards other dogs with the exception of some dominant males that may be less than friendly towards other male dogs. Pugs and Boxers need to get enough socialization during puppyhood. Level of socialization depends of each individual dog (how much time the owner spent getting the puppy comfortable around other dogs) determines how good the dog behaves around other dogs.
Pug vs Boxer: Intelligence
Pugs and Boxers are intelligent breeds but can be stubborn and difficult to train. Help to develop your pet's intellectual abilities by providing the dog with interactive toys and by stimulating the dog's mind with various games.
Pug vs Boxer: Trainability
Pugs and Boxers are not the easiest breeds to train. These stubborn dogs need a patient owner who can find the best motivation for the pet in order to succeed with obedience training. Harsh training methods should not be used on either a Pug or a Boxer as these breeds are sensitive to that. Good ways to motivate a Pug or a Boxer include food motivation or praise. Potty training and obedience training needs to start early with these breeds as puppies tend to be more flexible and easier to train than adult dogs. That doesn't mean that adult Pugs or Boxers can't be trained. On the contrary, with the right training approach these breeds can be very successful with following basic obedience commands and even more.
Pug versus Boxer: Barking
Pugs don't bark much and make wonderful pets for living in an apartment. Boxers are also relatively quiet but bark more on average than do quiet Pugs.
Pug vs Boxer: Exercise needs
Pugs don't require much exercise. A few walks around the block and some indoor playtime is usually enough daily exercise for a Pug. Boxers, in comparison, are very active and need a few long walks during the day and then some exercise to release the boundless energy. Boxers are active and boisterous and are not ideal for less energetic owners.
Health issues: Pug vs Boxer
Boxers and Pugs have short snouts (brachycephalic breeds) and these dogs may be sensitive to hot and humid weather. Do not exercise your Boxer or Pug on a hot summer day as these dogs can't efficiently cool themselves off and are more susceptible to heat stroke than many other breeds. Pugs and Boxers often snore when they sleep and they are prone to flatulence. Eye issues are common for both breeds. Boxers are susceptible to cancer and bloat.
Pug versus Boxer: Dog behavior issues
Boxers and Pugs dislike being left alone. These companion dog breeds may develop various behavior problems if left alone frequently.
If you do need to step out and leave pet alone for an hour or so, consider providing the dog with a safe, chewable toy that the dog can play with while you are not around. Be sure to check the toy for any small parts that the dog can accidentally bite off and swallow.
Boxers can easily jump on a countertop - leaving any food on the countertop is an invitation for a Boxer dog to misbehave.
Boxer compared to Pug: Popularity
The Pug takes 32rd place in popularity ranking in the United States. Boxers are more popular than Pugs in the USA and take the 11th place.
Pug vs. Boxer: Loyalty to the owner
Pugs and Boxers are loyal and loving towards their families. These breeds love to be in the center of everything that is happening in their family.