- Pug vs Yorkie
Yorkshire Terrier versus Pug

Pug vs Yorkie

Dog breed comparison between Pugs and Yorkies. Differences and similarities between Yorkies and Pugs.

Breed comparison between Pug and Yorkie

Pug Yorkie mix

Pug vs Yorkie grooming

Pug vs Yorkie lifespan

Pug vs Yorkie size

Pug vs Yorkie shedding

Pugs vs Yorkies price

Pug vs Yorkie temperament

Pug vs. Yorkie origin

Pug vs Yorkie good with kids

Pug compared to Yorkie companion dogs

Yorkie versus Pug other dogs

Pug vs Yorkie intelligence

Pug vs Yorkie trainability

Pug vs Yorkie barking

Pug vs Yorkie exercise needs

Yorkie vs Pug health issues

Pug vs Yorkie behavior problems

Pugs vs Yorkies popularity

Pug vs Yorkie loyalty to the owner

Pug vs Yorkie
Pug pros and cons

Comparison between Pug and Yorkshire Terrier breeds
Yorkie versus Pug
Yorkshire Terrier pros and cons

Yorkie vs Pug

Pugs and Yorkshire Terriers are popular small companion dogs. There are many differences as well as some similarities between these breeds. How exactly are Yorkies different from Pugs. Yorkies and Pugs have a very distinct appearance. While Yorkies have long, flowing coat that doesn't shed, Pug dogs feature a short coat that produces a surprising amount of shedding. Terriers such as Yorkshire Terrier are active, alert and independent minded dogs with a strong hunting instinct. Yorkies were originally used as ratting dogs and they still have that strong desire to chase small animals. When compared to Yorkies, Pugs are more laid back and friendly. Pugs are sociable and entertaining by nature. Pugs feature a short snout and are known as brachycephalic breed. There are certain considerations that potential owners need to be aware of when deciding whether to get a Pug. Pugs often have breathing problems due to the short muzzle. Pugs can't efficiently cool themselves off during hot and humid days and need to be in a cool environment during hot summer days. Many airlines banned brachycephalic breeds such as Pugs because these dogs don't do well in an environment with considerable temperature fluctuations.

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Although Pugs and Yorkies make good family dogs, Pugs are larger in size and are better suited for families with toddlers or young kids. Yorkshire Terriers are among the smallest breeds and the tiny size makes them vulnerable around small children. Yorkies are more suitable for families with older, sensible kids who can treat a small pet with respect.

As apartment pets, Yorkies and Pugs can adjust to living in an apartment. Which breed is more quiet? Pugs are definitely more quiet than Yorkies. Yorkshire terriers enjoy the sound of their voice and Yorkshire Terriers who live in an apartment may need to be taught the "Quiet!" command to keep the dog from barking too much. Pugs are more quiet and not as hyper in comparison to Yorkshire Terriers.

Yorkie Pug Mix

Half Yorkie half Pug dogs are an interesting mix. Yorkie Pug mix dogs are usually under 20 pounds in weight and up to 14 inches in height. Colors of Pug Yorkie cross may vary just like the length of the dog's coat.

Image of Yorkie and Pug mix.

Yorkie Pug mix

Pug vs Yorkie: Grooming

Pugs and Yorkies have very different grooming needs. Pugs, for example, have a short coat that requires daily brushing to remove the dead hair - Pugs shed a lot! Furminator deshedding tool for short coat can help to manage Pug's heavy shedding. Yorkies, on the other hand, have a long, flowing coat that resemble human hair. Yorkies don't shed much but owners of this breed need to brush Yorkie's coat every day to prevent and remove mats and tangles.

Owners of Pugs and Yorkies also need to brush the dog's teeth daily to help maintain healthy teeth. Eye stains need to be gently removed with an eye stain remover for dogs or with a wet clean towel.

Pugs feature sking wrinkles on their adorable faces and these facial folds need to be wiped clean daily to keep the skin free from bacteria and dirt that tends to accumulate in these areas. Failing to clean facial wrinkles may result in various skin conditions and infections.

Pugs vs Yorkies: Lifespan

Yorkshire Terriers are long lived small dogs. Yorkies live slightly longer than Pugs and the average Yorkie life expectancy is from 14 to 16 years. Pugs usually live up to 15 years of age. A dog's life expectancy depends on many factors, including the breed's size, overall health, care and lifestyle.

Yorkie vs Pug: Size

Yorkies are significantly smaller in size than Pugs. Pugs are almost twice as tall and twice as heavy as tiny Yorkshire Terriers.

Pug male weight: 13 to 20 lb (5.8 to 9 kg)
Yorkie male weight: 5 to 7 lb (2.7 to 3.1 kg)

Pug male height: 12 to 14 in (30 to 35 cm)
Yorkie male height: 6 to 8 in (15 to 20 cm)

Pug vs Yorkie: Shedding

Which breed produces more shedding a Pug or a Yorkshire Terrier? Yorkshire Terriers are non-shedding and hypoallergenic, which means these small dogs don't produce much dander and other allergens in comparison to other breeds. Yorkies generally make a safer pet choice for people suffering from asthma or pet allergies. Always spend some time with the dog to be sure that the dog doesn't aggravate your allergies. Pugs, in contrast to Yorkies, shed constantly. Pug owners can use deshedding brushes such as the Furminator for Pugs to remove the dead hair from the dog's coat. Brushing a Pug outside may be a good idea and makes an easier clean up after brushing.

Pugs tend to shed a lot and potential Pug owners can get prepared for managing the heavy shedding. Get a Furminator Deshedding tool and use it every day to help keep the shedding under control.

Pug vs Yorkshire Terrier: Price

Yorkie puppy prices start at around $750 while Pug puppy price starts at around $1,000.

Pug compared to Yorkie: Temperament

Pugs and Yorkies are affectionate and demanding for attention small breeds, known for their stubborn temperament. Pugs and Yorkies are playful and sociable dogs that enjoy spending as much time as possible with their owners. These little dogs love to be included in all family activities. Pugs are more relaxed than Yorkies and are more quiet. Yorkies are typical terriers, known for their alert and independent personality. Yorkies are quick to learn but can be obstinate.

Yorkie versus Pug: Country of breed origin

Yorkshire terrier breed was developed in England as a ratting dog.
Pug breed was developed in China as a companion dog.

Good with kids: Pug vs Yorkie

Are Pugs or Yorkies more suitable for families with children? Yorkies are not recommended for small children. These tiny dogs are too fragile and may be overprotective over their toys and food. Pugs, in comparison, are more tolerant and more sturdy than Yorkies and make a better choice for families with kids. Children need to be taught how to properly handle a dog. For example, adults need to teach kids not to pick up a dog as a dog can get seriously hurt when accidentally dropped. Instead, kids can pet the dog by sitting next to the family pet. Teach children that dogs aren't toys and deserve respect. Kids shouldn't approach a sleeping dog or a dog who is eating.

Pugs vs Yorkies: Companion dogs

Yorkies and Pugs make excellent companion pets for families with older kids, single people and retirees who want an affectionate and fun animal companion. Yorkies are high maintenance when it comes to grooming and need an owner who enjoys grooming the dog. Pugs and Yorkies need to be around their family most of the time. These breeds aren't suitable for working people who only have an hour or two during the day to spend with the family pet. Pugs are more suitable for low energy families while Yorkies can adjust to the level of energy in their family.

Good with other dogs: Pugs and Yorkies compared

Pugs are friendly by nature and usually get along fine with other friendly dogs. Yorkies can also be friendly with other dogs. Pugs and Yorkshire Terriers need to be accustomed to spending time with other dogs from an early age. Proper socialization ensures that Pugs and Yorkies can be comfortable in the company of other dogs or pets in the household.

Pug dog vs Yorkie: Intelligence

Pugs and Yorkies are both intelligent breeds. Despite being smart, Pugs tend to have a mind of their own and aren't suitable for people who expect perfect obedience. Yorkes learn quickly but may be challenging to train as they are independent thinkers. Provide your Pug or Yorkie with interactive toys that help to stimulate the dog's mind.

Pug compared to Yorkie: Trainability

Pugs are intelligent but not easily trainable dogs. Pugs can be stubborn and challenging to train. Yorkies may be easier to train than Pugs but they are also stubborn and may not always choose to obey commands. Start obedience training early with either a Yorkie or a Pug. Pug and Yorkie puppies are more flexible and not as set in their ways, which makes them easier to train than adult dogs. Finding the right motivation is very important during training. Each dog is unique and finding what motivates your pet may be the key to a successful obedience training. Some dogs prefer food while others like playtime or praise. Figure out what drives your Pug or Yorkie and training your pet will be much easier.

Potty training either a Pug or a Yorkie may take a few weeks and the owner needs to be there to facilitate the potty training process.

Pug versus Yorkie: Barking

Pugs are more quiet than Yorkies. Terriers such as Yorkies enjoy being loud and can bark for many reasons. Some of the reasons why dogs bark may include being surprised, lonely, bored, excited or when they hear or see something unusual. Yorkies are full of spirit and can be enthusiastic watchdogs, barking at strangers approaching their territory. Pugs, on the other hand are too sociable to be assigned a job of a watchdog. Unlike Yorkies, Pugs are not likely to bark at approaching strangers.

Pug vs Yorkie: Exercise needs

Yorkies and Pugs need a few short walks every day to stay healthy. Yorkies, given a chance, enjoy being active and can be great companion pets for active owners. Pugs, on the other hand, are less active and are best for owners who don't want to walk for miles. Yorkies have plenty of energy and enjoy being active and busy. Having a fenced yard where a Yorkie can explore and spend some energy is ideal.

Health issues: Yorkie vs Pug

Yorkies, are prone to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), collapsed trachea and heart conditions. Pugs may suffer from skin issues and eye disorders. Pugs are also brachycephalic, which can translate into breathing problems associated with Pug breed. Pugs are less active than Yorkies and gain weight rather quickly. Pug dog owners need to keep the small pet with big appetite in healthy weight. Pugs easily can get overweight and the extra weight can negatively affect the dog's overall health.

Yorkies versus Pugs: Dog behavior issues

Pugs and Yorkies are essentially companion breeds that need to spend a lot of time with the owners. When left alone frequently, both breeds may start developing behavior problems that may include excessive barking, chewed furniture or shoes and so on. Yorkies have an even lower tolerance for boredom and they really dislike being left alone. Always provide your Pug or Yorkie with a chewable toy or treat dispenser toy when leaving the dog alone for some time. A favorite toy will keep the dog busy while you are away and the pet is less likely to engage in problem behaviors. Another important step is to walk the dog prior to leaving the dog alone for any period of time. Even a short walk will help to calm the pet and Yorkie or Pug are more likely to relax while you are away.

Pug and Yorkie breeds compared: Popularity

Yorkshire Terrier takes 9th place in popularity ranking in the United States, while a Pug takes 32rd place in popularity ranking in the United States.

Yorkshire Terriers are more popular in the United States than Pugs.

Difference between a Pug and Yorkie: Loyalty to the owner

Both of these companion breeds are loyal to their owners and enjoy nothing more than to be included in all family activities.
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