Yorkie vs Silky Terrier
Yorkshire Terriers and Silky Terriers are closely related. Yorkie and Australian Terrier breeds along with other breeds were used to develop the Silky Terrier breed. Terriers such as Yorkie or Silky share many similarities that include the strong hunting drive, fun and bossy temperament and a talent for escaping. Other similarities between Yorkies and Silky Terriers include the physical appearance. The soft, flowing coat, expressive eyes and even coat colors are very similar when compared. People less familiar with these two small breeds may easily mistake them for one another.
Despite many similarities, there are some noticeable differences between Yorkshire Terriers and Silky Terriers. When compared in size, Yorkies are smaller and more fragile than Silky Terriers. Although Yorkies and Silky Terriers belong to AKC Toy Group, Yorkies weigh up to 7 pounds (up to 3.1 kg), while Silky Terriers can weigh up to 10 pounds (up to 4.5 kg).
Yorkshire Terriers just like Silky Terriers make suitable companion dogs for families with older kids, single people and for elderly people who have the time and energy to spend on a family dog. Terrier breeds such as Silky and Yorkie have plenty of energy to spend during the day and their exercise needs are very similar. Several daily walks and some indoor playtime are a must for these active little dogs.
Both breeds require daily coat care that includes brushing and removing any tangles to prevent mats from forming. Since both breeds share coat that is very similar in structure, grooming needs are similar for these small companion breeds. Potential Yorkie or Silky owners need to be prepared to spend about half an hour every day to groom their high maintenance pet.
Compare Silky Terrier to Yorkie breeds in detail:
Silky Terrier and Yorkie Mix
Silkies and Yorkies are closely related and a Silky Terrier Yorkie mix dogs resemble both of these breeds in both temperament and physical appearance.
Image of Australian Silky Terrier and Yorkie mix.

Silky Terrier vs Yorkie: Grooming
When it comes to grooming, Silky Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers are maximum maintenance dogs. Both breeds feature a coat that is similar in texture to human hair - soft and glossy. Daily grooming includes brushing the dog's coat. The long coat may easily develop mats and tangles if not brushed regularly. The coat needs to be trimmed every month or so. Nails should be trimmed every month. Dental care should include daily brushing with a canine toothpaste to keep the teeth clean and healthy for many years. Some Yorkies and Silkies may develop dark brown or reddish stains around the eyes. The stains need to be gently removed regularly to keep the area clean.
Silky Terrier vs Yorkie: Lifespan
Yorkies live on average from 11 to 16 years. Silky Terrier, in comparison, has an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years. With proper care both of these breeds can live a long and healthy life. The dog's overall health, care, diet, lifestyle and other factors determine a dog's longevity.
Yorkie vs Silky Terrier: Size
In comparison to tiny Yorkies, Silky Terriers are a few pounds heavier and a few inches taller. Compare Yorkshire Terrier and Silky Terrier sizes.
Silky Terrier male weight: 8 to 11 lb (3.6 to 4.9 kg)
Yorkshire Terrier male weight: 5 to 7 lb (2.7 to 3.1 kg)
Silky Terrier male height: 9 to 10 in (22 to 25 cm)
Yorkshire Terrier male height: 6 to 8 in (15 to 20 cm)
Silky vs Yorkie: Shedding
Just like Yorkshire Terriers, Silky Terriers do not shed. Similarly to human hair, these breeds lose a few hairs every day but the amount of shedding is minimal when compared to most other dog breeds. Australian Silky Terriers are hypoallergenic and so are Yorkshire Terriers. Although these breeds are safer for those suffering from pet allergies, a potential owner should always spend some time with the dog before final commitment, especially people with pet related allergies.
Australian Silky Terrier vs Yorkie: Price
An average Yorkie puppy price is about $750 while a Silky Terrier puppy's median price is $550.
Silky Terrier compared to Yorkie: Temperament
Terrier breeds such as Yorkies and Silkies have a lot in common in terms of personality and temperament. Both breeds are active, playful, alert and at times bossy. Small in size, but with a big heart Yorkies and Silky Terriers have a winning personality that combines fun energy and affection towards their family. When properly socialized, Yorkies and Silkies tend to be friendly towards strangers. Always young at heart, Yorkies and Silkies retain their playful temperament well into the old age.
Yorkie vs Silky Terrier: Country of breed origin
Yorkshire terrier breed was developed in England as a ratting dog.
Silky Terriers were originally developed in Australia (hence, the full name of the breed is Australian Silky Terrier).
Good with kids: Silky and Yorkie compared
Yorkies are very small in size, and the small size makes this fragile breed vulnerable around toddlers and young children. Although Silky Terriers are larger than Yorkies, they are still small enough to be vulnerable around young kids. These small breeds do better in households with older children who are capable of treating the small dog with care and respect that the dog deserves.
Australian Silky Terrier vs Yorkie: Companion dogs
Yorkies and Silkies are essentially companion dogs that need company in order to thrive. Families with older kids, single people and senior citizens can find a wonderful companion pet in either of these small but energetic breeds. Expect a lot of character and lively energy from both of these terrier breeds. Potential owners need to be aware of extensive grooming needs for both, Silkies and Yorkies.
Companion dogs such as Yorkies and Silkies can live in either a large country home or in a small city apartment. As long as the dog gets to spend most of the time with the owner and gets plenty of exercise, Yorkie or Silky is a happy pet.
Good with other dogs: Yorkie vs Silky Terrier
When properly socialized from a young age, both, Yorkshire and Silky Terriers can get along fine with other dogs. Always supervise your pet around other large dogs that may see a small dog as a prey.
Yorkshire Terrier versus Silky Terrier: Intelligence
Yorkies and Silky Terriers are both intelligent breeds. Genetics and environment determine a dog's intelligence in a large part and the more mind stimulating activities a puppy experiences, the more intelligent the fully grown dog will be as a result. On today's market there are many mind stimulating and interactive toys available for dogs and puppies and dog owners can really help their puppies develop their intellectual abilities by providing the dog with some of these toys. Mind stimulating games and activities can also help a puppy to become a smarter dog.
Australian Silky Terrier compared to Yorkie: Trainability
Yorkies and Silkies can be stubborn during training. Positive motivation and consistency will result in a well behaved dog. Start training a Yorkie or Silky puppy early on to establish good manners. Stick to the rules from the first time you bring the dog home. If jumping on furniture is not permitted - never make exceptions as dogs only get confused if the owner allows the dog to sit on the couch one day and next day it is not permitted. All family members need to follow the same rules with the family dog to ensure good behavior.
Expect to spend several weeks to potty train either a Yorkie or a Silky Terrier. You need to be around to take the dog to the designated dog potty area when the dog is ready in order for the potty training to be successful. Potty training should start the moment you bring the dog home to establish good habits from the start.
Silky Terrier versus Yorkie: Barking
Silkies and Yorkies are not quiet - expect lots of barking from both of these breeds. Dog barking can be a big issue especially if you live in an apartment with many neighbors that get to hear your dog barking. Start with training the dog to bark on command. Once you master the "Bark!" command, it becomes easier to train the dog the "Quiet!" command. The "Quiet!" command is a must with a dog that enjoys recreational barking.
Silky vs Yorkie: Exercise needs
Silky Terriers just like Yorkies are active breeds and despite the small size both of these breeds require a few daily walks and some indoor playtime. Having some dog toys can help Yorkies and Silkies to channel their endless energy into playtime. Chewable toys are great to have around also - not only do dogs enjoy the chewing process, but chewable dog toys can also help to keep their teeth clean and suport dental health.
Health issues: Yorkshire Terrier vs Australian Silky Terrier:
Although Yorkies and Silkies are relatively healthy small breeds, there are some health conditions associated with each specific breed. Yorkies, for example are known to be susceptible to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), collapsed trachea and heart conditions. Just like Yorkies, Silkies are prone to collapsed trachea. Other health problems for Silkies include allergies, diabetes, and patellar luxation.
Silkies versus Yorkies: Dog behavior issues
Both breeds have behavior issues that include excessive barking, separation anxiety, difficulties with housetraining and so on. Behavior problems in dogs may be caused by boredom or by a lack of adequate stimulation. Play more with your dog. Use different types of dog toys and come up with ways to mentally stimulate your small dog. Use treat dispenser toys for small dogs. Silky or Yorkie will be attracted to the smell of the treat that is located inside the toy and will look for a way to extract the treat, which gives the dog something to think about.
If your dog engages in destructive behaviors, come up with a way to engage your Silky or Yorkie Terrier in activities that will keep the dog busy doing something fun and safe. Owners of small dogs often like to treat the dog like a toy rather than a dog which eventually will cause behavior issues. Even a tiny dog, such as Silky or Yorkie should not be allowed to bite the owner. This behavior will lead to the dog biting not only the owner, but the dog may act in an aggressive manner towards other people as well.
Some owners choose to crate train their Silky or Yorkie. Yorkshire Terriers and Silky Terriers are easier to travel with when the dog is crated. Crates keep the dog safe and minimizes the risk of the pet being accidentally lost during the trip. Crates also help with housetraining a Yorkie or a Silky Terrier. Keep in mind that a Silky or Yorkie should not be crated for hours on end as that may result in psychological issues.
Australian Silky Terrier vs Yorkie: Popularity
Yorkshire Terrier takes 9th place out of 194 in popularity ranking in the United States and are more popular than Silkies. Silky ranks 100 out of 194 in popularity in the United States.
Difference between Silky and Yorkie: Loyalty to the owner
Both of these companion breeds are loyal to their owners. Silky Terriers and Yorkies love to spend time with their owners. Potential owners who work during the day and will not be able to spend most of the day with the dog should consider other breeds.