Papillon pros and cons
Papillon breed pros and cons
Papillon size
Papillon personality
Papillon training
Papillon socializing
Papillon's teeth care
Papillon care
Papillon health problems
Papillon origin
Papillon pros and cons
Papillon owners report that there are many pros and only a few cons to owning a Papillon. Papillon advantages include the playful and sociable temperament. Papillon dog is confident and outgoing by nature. Papillons are considered to be the most intelligent and easiest to train among small dog breeds, which is another advantage to Papillon breed. Papillons love to please the owner and are highly trainable. Other positives to owning a Papillon is that this breed can be happy living in a small city apartment or in a large country home. Papillons are energetic dogs and make wonderful companion pets to families with older kids or to active seniors. Papillons are fun playmates for kids and enjoy the energy and activity level that comes with kids. Owning a Papillon includes other advantages. For example, Papillons get along great with other dogs and especially with other Papillons. Some Papillon owners decide to get more than one Papillon so that these dogs can always have a company when the owners are away. One of the advantages to owning a Papillon dog is that this breed is very adaptable and can be comfortable in many envioronments as long as the dog gets to be around his or her family most of the time. Papillons are generally healthy dogs and with good care can live a long and happy life.
Cons to owning a Papillon include the dog's sociable temperament - this wonderful companion dog really dislikes being left alone. Owning a Papillon requires spending most of the time with the dog and some Papillon owners choose to get a couple or more Papillons to keep these small dogs interacting with one another when the owner is at work. Other disadvantages to owning a Papillon is that this breed may develop separation anxiety and may enjoy to bark.
Papillon size
Papillon puppies are small and fragile. Papillon owners need to be careful not to accidentally step or sit on a Papillon pup as that can seriously hurt the small pet. Papillons need to be supervised around small children who may accidentally hurt the small dog.
Papillon weight
Papillon male weight: 8 to 10 lb (3.6 to 4.5 kg)
Papillon female weight: 7 to 9 lb (3.2 to 4.1 kg)
Papillon size
Papillon male height: 7.87 to 11.02 in (20 to 28 cm)
Papillon female height: 7.87 to 11.02 in (20 to 28 cm)
Papillon coat: abundant, long, straight, fine and silky
Papillon colors: parti-colored, white with patches of any color
How many puppies can a Papillon have?
Papillon litter size: 1 to 8 puppies
How long do Papillons live?
Papillon lifespan: 12 to 15 years
Other names for the Papillon breed: Continental Spaniel, Dwarf Spaniel
How much does a Papillon cost?
Papillon dog prices range from $200 to $2,000 depending on many factors
 Papillon personality
The French word "Papillon" means "butterfly" and Papillon dog breed got its name for a good reason - the Papillon's ears are shaped very much like the wings of a butterfly. Papillon is also known as a dwarf spaniel. Dwarf spaniel is a small dog that weights less than a full-grown cat. Despite the small size, Papillons have a very upbeat and energetic temperament and are adaptable to living in either a small apartment or a large house provided they get enough exercise. Papillon's sociable personality makes him a great companion dog that thrives with family. Are Papillons good with kids? Younger children and toddlers need to be supervised around this delicate breed to avoid unintentional injuries. Wait until children turn at least 3 years old before getting a Papillon. Papillons travel easily due to their compact size. Dwarf spaniels are very loyal to their owners and enjoy to spend as much time as possible with their family. Papillons are companion dogs do not like to be left alone. If you leave your dog alone frequently, consider getting a second Papillon. Continental Spaniels can be kept in groups of more than one and they keep each other entertained when the owners are at work. Papillons can get along with cats if socialized from a young age. Papillon's friendly and playful temperament helps this small dog to quickly make new friends with other dogs and pets, provided the owner invested the time and energy into socializing the dog during the dog's early months of life. Papillons are very intelligent and eager to learn new commands. Remember to stay consistent with your Papillon and to use praise and rewards during training to achieve desired results. Generally considered the most trainable of all toy breeds, the Papillon excels at obedience work. The intelligent small dog responds surprisingly well to gentle, consistent training. Papillons enjoy being active. Provide your Papillon with dog toys and rawhide strips designed for smaller breeds to keep him busy.
Papillon training
Papillons are very intelligent and they love to please the owner. This breed is easy to train. Use lots of praise and keep training sessions short and positive. Start with basic obedience commands such as "Here!", "Sit!", "Stay!", "Down!", "Place!" and "Quiet!". Be patient and consistent with your Papillon. When you are just beginning to train your dog, keep the training sessions no longer than five minutes long. You can have more than one session in a day. First, start training your dog after a short walk, so that the dog can focus better. Choose a quiet place with no distractions and start the training session. Be patient as it may take a few weeks before the dog understands what is required of him. Start with one or two basic commands. Gradually increase the number of commands when you see that the dog is comfortable with the commands. Reward your dog immediately after he does the right thing. Using food rewards and praise as motivations can be very helpful. Always end training on a positive note.
Papillons are smart and can learn very fast. When the training sessions are light and positive, the dog will start jumping for joy before the training session even begins. After the dog successfully performs his commands, try to do the training sessions in different locations, in a more busy area with some distractions. This way the dog will learn to obey commands in different environments and gradually your pet will get to the point where he will follow the command in any environment. Training your Papillon will help you to build a strong bond and understanding with your butterfly eared dog. It is a great mental exercise.
When properly socialized from an early age, Dwarf Spaniels get along with other pets in the household, including cats. Start house training from the moment you bring your Papillon home. Do not punish your Papillon in case of an accident as this will only make the dog fearful and more difficult to house train. Instead of punishing the dog, reward him with a small treat and/or a praise when he does the deed outside.
All dogs need to be trained to walk on a leash. The first step is to get your Papillon comfortable just wearing his collar or harness without the leash. Use positive reinforcement and lots of treats. Once your dog is comfortable wearing his collar or harness, it's time for the second step, which is using the leash. Be gentle as your dog is getting familiar with the new experience. Do not pull on the leash and let the dog get comfortable with just having the leash attached to the collar or harness. Use treats to reward his good behavior. Clever Papillons are responsive to positive training techniques and your dog will soon be walking on the leash next to you.
Crates serve as a sleeping area for dogs and make traveling with a Papillon much safer and easier. Be patient with your Papillon as you are crate training the dog. Leave some treats in the crate and let the dog explore the new environment at his own pace. Do not rush to lock the dog inside the crate. Give him a few days to get comfortable using the crate first. When you are training your Papillon to stay inside a closed crate, start with having the dog in the crate for a few seconds. Do not immediately reward the dog after you open the crate and he comes out. This will send a message to the dog that coming out of the crate is a good idea as he is getting a treat for getting out of the crate. Instead, leave some treats inside the crate so that he may enjoy these while he is there. Take your time with getting your Papillon accustomed to spending time in the crate. Eventually the dog will learn to enjoy sleeping and spending time in his "cave". Always walk your dog before you put him in a crate to give your pet a chance to relieve himself. Never use a crate as a punishment. Your pet's crate is his safe place where he can sleep and relax. Never leave your dog in a closed crate for more than a couple of hours at a time.
Papillon socializing
Socialization is among the most important things that you can do for your Papillon puppy to raise a confident and well-mannered dog and the process can be fun for both of you. Your goal is to expose your pup to as many new experiences as possible, keeping the dog happy and comfortable in the meantime. For example, let your dog meet other people of different ages. Take the Papillon puppy with you wherever you go as long as dogs are allowed to be there. Letting your dog get used to the sounds of traffic, to seeing kids run around in the park (just be sure to keep the dog safe and never leave the dog unsupervised around children). As you are slowly opening the world to your puppy, he will learn to be comfortable around different people, dogs, on the busy street and in the park. As the Papillon puppy matures he will not be frightened by the sounds of traffic and will feel secure and happy. A well socialized Papillon does not get aggressive when he sees other dogs on the street because he had an opportunity to meet other friendly dogs as a puppy. Traveling with a well socialized Papillon is also a lot more pleasant as the dog learned to be comfortable in different environments and has full confidence that he is safe and secure with his owner no matter what place or environment the dog is in at the moment.
Papillon dental care
Papillon breed is susceptible to dental issues. Provide your Papillon with chewable dental treats for small dog breeds to keep teeth healthy. Brushing your Papillon's teeth every day is important and helps to remove plaque, which otherwise can harden into a yellow crust on the dog's teeth, called tartar. Tartar harbors harmful bacteria that can cause dental and other health issues. Brushing your Papillon's teeth with canine toothpaste is a good way to help protect your pet's teeth. Do not use human toothpaste to brush your dog's teeth as it is not safe for dogs.
Papillon care
Brush your Papillon's coat once every few days with a pin brush to maintain beautiful coat and to avoid any tangles forming especially around the ear area.
Pin brush for small dogs
Trim the hair around Papillon's pads to make his feet appear neat and to decrease the amount of dirt that may collect around the hairs on the dog's paws. Thinning shears and scissors will help to get the job done.
Papillon's single-coated fur makes them vulnerable to cold weather. Do not leave your Papillon unattended in cold weather because his coat will not keep him warm in freezing weather.
During the cold winter months your dog's feet need extra care. Wipe his feet after each walk to remove ice and ice melting chemicals that are often used on the roads during the winter and can irritate the skin on the dog's paws. Another option is to get winter booties that are waterproof and will keep Papillon's feet dry and warm.
If you are noticing that your dog's nose gets dry, a nose butter for dogs can help to keep the skin on the dog's nose comfortable even in the winter months.
Bathe your Papillon as needed. Use only canine shampoo as human shampoo can irritate Papillon's skin and is not safe for dogs.
If you can hear your Papillon's nails making a clicking sound as the dog is walking on a hardwood floor, it is time to trim his nails.
Small dog carrier can be useful for traveling with your pet.
Dog bed for a Papillon
There are many different types of dog beds available. A dog bed with washable cover is easy to keep clean. Many Papillongs have sensitive skin and if his dog bed is made from a synthetic material, the dog may develop skin allergies. Cover the dog bed with a natural material such as cotton to keep the dog comfortable.
Some Papillons can be susceptible to food allergies. Feed your Papillon high quality dog food formulated for small breeds. If you notice any food allergies in your Papillon such as tearing eyes or dark colored wax in the ear area then consult with your veterinarian who will help you to find another brand of dog food that does not cause food allergies in your pet.
Papillon health issues:
Long lifespan is one of the advantages of owning a Papillon. This small breed has a life expectancy between 12 and 15 years and can even live longer with proper care and good nutrition.
Patellar luxation is a condition when a dog's kneecap (patella) may slip out of place. Papillons are prone to this condition. Papillons with patellar luxation may suddenly pick up a back leg and skip or hop a few strides. Then the dog usually kicks his leg out sideways to pop the kneecap back in place and the dog is fine again. If the problem is mild and only involves one leg, there may not be much treatment needed. When symptoms are severe, surgery may be needed to realign the kneecap to keep it from popping out of place.
Eye problems such as cataracts are common among older Papillons. In many cases dogs can ajust well to losing their vision and can get along fine. Surgery to remove cataracts and restore sight is also an option.
Papillons often suffer from allergies. If you notice the following signs of allergies in your Continental Spaniel, check with your veterinarian about the best ways to avoid triggering allergies in your dog: itching skin, skin rashes, tearing eyes, etc. If your dog's allergies are diet related, you may try to feed the dog with limited ingredients or hypoallergenic dog food.
Papillon dog origin
Originally known as the "dwarf spaniel", the Papillon may have received his name from Marie Antoinette, who referred to her dog as "the petite Papillon". This butterfly eared dog was first introduced in France over 600 years ago. Many famous works of art created during the Reinassance period feature Papillons. For example, "The Venus of Urbino" is a 1538 oil painting by the Italian master Titian. In a painting after Largillierre in the Wallace Collection in London, a Papillon is clearly shown in a family portrait of Louis XIV. Papillons are also in paintings of royal families around Europe and paintings of merchant class families. The breed was popular in England, France, and Belgium. Papillons were often exchanged as gifts among royalty.
In 1935 the Papillon was first recognized by the AKC with the formation of the Papillon Club of America.
Owner: Anna K. from Brooklyn, NY. Papillon's name is Perry.
Perry is a very special dog that brings so much joy to our whole family. Perry has a very easygoing temperament and knows many different commands. I am not a professional Papillon trainer and even with my lack of experience in dog training I was still able to teach Perry many commands beyond basic obedience. As a Papillon owner I can assure you that this breed is very intelligent. Even though Papillon is a small breed, Perry is an excellent guard dog, very alert and his job is to let us know whenever someone is at the door. Perry takes his guarding role very seriously and lets us know everytime we have guests by barking loudly. Perry is very patient with children. Perry is very calm and peaceful around kids. His best friend is our cat Luchia. Luchia always waits for Perry to come back from his walks and she likes to surprise Perry by jumping in front of him out of nowhere every time he comes back home. Perry is our proof that Papillons make wonderful companions in any family. He gets along with everyone in the family from toddlers to older adults. He knows many commands and training for him is like a game that he really enjoys. With positive training approach and rewards for good behavior Perry quickly understands what needs to be done in order to get rewarded. Perry likes to follow me around the house and he is a true companion dog who is happiest around his "pack".