Pug pros and cons
Pug advantages include the small size of the dog. Conveniently sized Pugs are easy to transport and to travel with. Other Pug pros include the dog's cheerful and playful temperament. Pugs are essentially companion dogs that enjoy participating in all family activities. Other positives of owning a Pug breed can be found in the dog's friendly and sociable temperament. Pugs are great companions for single people, for seniors and for families with kids. The advantage of owning a Pug is that Pugs are small but not too fragile and can quickly become best friends with older, sensible children. Pugs make good dogs for apartments and are popular among city dwellers. Pugs need a reasonable amount of exercise and a few walks around the block during the day combined with some indoor play time will keep your Pug happy.
Just like with all dog breeds, there are some cons to owning a Pug dog. Pugs tend to have breathing problems and often snore during sleep. Pugs are brachycephalic and the short nose means that the dog can not efficiently cool off during the hot weather. Pugs should never be exercisied during the hot days as the breed can easily overheat. During the winter Pugs should be protected from the cold by wearing a winter dog coat that helps to keep the dog warm. Pugs have beautiful large eyes but the downside is that these eyes can easily get hurt. Pug owners need to be especially careful with Pug's eyes, and that can be a disadvantage. Hugging a Pug too tight may result in the dog's eyes popping out from the eye sockets which will require medical attention. Pugs shed a lot, which is another con associated with this breed. Potential owners need to have proper deshedding tools such as the furminator that will help to manage the heavy Pug shedding. Pugs have adorable wrinkles on their faces but the downside is that these wrinkles need special care - Pug owners need to keep these facial wrinkles clean and dry to prevent skin infections that are common in breeds with wrinkles. Pugs gain weight rather quickly, and that is another negative associated with the breed. Keep a Pug in healthy weight by not overfeeding the dog and be sure to provide enough physical and mental exercise to your small companion pet.
Pug size
How much do Pugs weigh?
Pug male weight: from 13 to 20 lb (5.8 to 9 kg)
Pug female weight: from 13 to 18 lb (5.8 to 8 kg)
Pug size
Pug male height: from 12 to 14 in (30 to 35 cm)
Pug female height: from 10 to 12 in (25 to 30 cm)
Pug coat: short, fine and smooth
Pug colors: fawn or black
How many puppies do Pugs have?
Pug litter size: from 1 to 9 puppies
How long do Pugs live?
Pug life span: from 12 to 15 years
Pug other breed names: Chinese Pug dog, Dutch Bulldog and Mops
How much does a Pug cost?
Pug price starts at around $1,000 and up, depending on many factors
 Pug personality
There is never a dull moment in a home where a Pug lives. This charming and highly intelligent dog breed gained its popularity for many reasons. A Pug is easily trainable, but quickly gets bored of performing the same tricks your Dutch Bulldog will appreciate some variety when it comes to training repertoire. Reward based Pug training works best. Spend lots of quality time on training and playing with your Mops from an early age and you will be rewarded with a loyal and obedient friend who values nothing more than your company. Your playful and rambunctious Pug will bring so much joy and laughter in your life that you will be wondering how you could ever have lived without this little clown. Pugs enjoy to be in the center of events. Once you adopt a Pug, make sure to set house rules and stick to them from the very beginning. If you are considering getting a Pug, there are some things associated with owning a Pug. Pugs shed a lot so a new owner may be surprised to find out that a short coated Pug sheds all year round. Pugs snore. Are you prepared to hear your Pug snoring whenever he goes to sleep? Pugs have adorable facial wrinkles and these facial folds need to be cared for every single day.
Are Pugs good with kids? Pugs get along with children exceptionally well, provided that kids are old enough to know how to handle a dog.
There are some cons and pros associated with getting a Pug puppy rather than an adult Pug. If you are getting a Pug puppy, he may not be housetrained yet. Start housetraining your Pug as soon as you bring him home. Adult Pugs can also be housetrained. The main reason why some dog owners fail with housetraining their pets is because they give up too soon. Stick to the Pug potty training method of your choice and be patient. Having the right clean up products can be very helpful as it is important to completely remove any odor that is left on the floor after an accident. If any odor is left on the floor, the dog will be tempted to use the area as his toilet. Do not punish your dog for accidents as this will only slow the housetraining process by stressing the pet and creating more confusion for him. Clean up the mess and be more observant of your dog readiness to use the toilet.
As soon as Pug starts sniffing the floor and pacing around in circles, that is a sign that the dog is ready to go outside to do his business. Take him outside right away. Once the dog is done with his business outside, have some treats to give him immediately and praise him for good behavior. You may also train the dog to associate any word with going to bathroom. For example, as the dog is doing his buiness outside you may say "Go potty". Continue using the same command every time the dog is doing his business and he will soon understand the meaning of the command. This way you will be able to take the Pug outside and he will understand that when he hears the command "Go potty" he needs to do his business. You may choose to use any words for the command and as long as you stick with the same words, the dog can learn the command.
Provide the dog with mild, regular exercise that will help to keep your pet in good physical shape. One of the Pug cons is that the brachycephalic breed is unable to efficiently regulate his body temperature. Avoid exercising your Pug dog during a hot weather because this breed is known to have issues with controlling body temperature and is prone to suffering from heat stroke that can be dangerous for his health. Have fresh water always available for your dog. During very hot days keep the dog in an air conditioned room.
Crate training your Pug is a good idea especially if you are traveling with the dog. A Pug that is crate trained will have the advantage of traveling in a familiar environment which reduces the travel related stress for your pet. When you are selecting a crate for your dog, keep in mind that the Pug should be able to stand full height in the crate. The dog should be able to lay down and stretch out and there should be enough space for the dog to turn around. A crate should not be too big as the dog will be inclined to use the unused space as his toilet. Never use a crate as a way to punish the dog as the Pug may associate being punished with being in the crate. A crate should be the dog's sleeping and resting area where the Pug can rest and relax.
Rotate your Pug's toys so that the dog doesn't get tired of the same toys. Make sure that the dog toys are safe for chewing so that the dog doesn't chip off and accidentally swallow parts of the toy. Chewable toys can be used for teething Pug puppies to soothe the gums. Puppies and older dogs enjoy chewing and providing them with chewable dog toys is a safe way to keep dogs entertained. If your Pug tends to be destructive around the house and tries to chew on your shoes given the opportunity, providing him with chewable toys and hiding your shoes may be a good way to solve the problem.
When you are walking your Pug in the nature, protect your dog from any wild animals because Pugs are fearless and are willing to protect you at any cost. Socialize your Pug early on. The crucial time for socialization is from eight weeks to about six months of age. During this time the dog is learning about the world and his outlook on life is shaping during this time. Allow your Pug puppy to meet people of different ages, other dogs and pets, to spend time on the busy street and in the park. The more different and positive experiences your puppy has, the more confident he will be as an adult dog. Be careful to not overwhelm your Pug puppy and never let other people or dogs play rough with him as your dog may lose his trust in your ability to distinquish safe experiences from unsafe. If your puppy got frightened by something, do not reward his fearful behavior by picking him up or by special attention as he may interpret your behavior as encouraging his fear. Instead do not make a big deal out of that experience and change your dog's focus to something else.
Pug shedding management
Do Pugs shed? Despite having a short coat, Pugs shed a lot, which can be a big disadvantage. Pugs shed throughout the year with more abundant shedding during the fall and spring seasons. Though there is no way to reduce Pug shedding, there are Pug shedding solutions that can help to manage your dog's abundant shedding. Try Furminator deshedding tool for dogs with short coat. Furminator deshedding tool is popular among Pug owners as it helps to dramatically reduce the amount of Pug hair flying around your home by effectively removing the dead hairs as you brush the dog. Using a Furminator on your Pug outdoors is a good idea as the clean up is much easier after you are done with brushing your dog.
If you are using Furminator on the Pug indoors, be prepared for some clean up after you are done deshedding the dog. The Furminator is designed to gently remove the dead hair from the Pug and you may be surprised at the amount of dog hair that will pile up as you are brushing the Pug. Have some treats handy if your dog is not used to sitting still for some time while you are brushing him.
Furminator deshedding tool is among the best brushes to manage Pug shedding. Despite having short coat Pugs shed a lot and using a Furminator deshedding dog brush is a great way to keep the Pug's shedding under control.
Pug care
Some of the health issues associated with this breed include difficulties breathing due to the Pug's short snout. Why do Pugs snort? This brachycephalic breed is prone to sneezing fits and snorting which are caused by fluid or debris getting caught under the palate and irritating the throat or limiting breathing. The dog may quickly gasp and snort during these episodes and usually these sneezing fits are not harmful. Keep in mind that due to their short snouts, Pugs are unable to efficiently regulate their temperature through evaporation from the tongue by panting. As a result this breed should not be exposed to very high temperatures. A Pug's normal body temperature is between 101°F (38°C) and 102°F (39°C). If this temperature rises to 105°F (41°C), oxygen demand is greatly increased and immediate cooling is required. If body temperature reaches 108°F (42°C), organ failure can occur. Their breathing problems can be worsened by the stresses of travelling in air cargo, which may involve high temperatures. Following the deaths of Pugs and other brachycephalic breeds, several airlines either banned their transport in cargo or enacted seasonal restrictions. Never exercise your Pug on a hot day and if you are noticing any signs of overheating, bring your Pug to an air-conditioned space and let the dog stay there until the dog feels better. Be sure to provide your pet with enough drinking water at all times.
Do Pugs snore? Pugs snore because of the way their airways are built. Short snouted dogs are prone to snoring. Before you get a Pug, ask yourself if you mind having a dog that will snore. Pugs aren't for everyone and the potential owner should know that Pugs snore at night when they sleep and during the day naps also.
Owners of Pugs must remember to regularly clean inside facial wrinkles with a clean, soft cloth to avoid irritation and infection. Start getting your Pug comfortable with having his facial folds cleaned from an early age. Keep some treats handy and reward the dog for good behavior. It may take time to get your Pug comfortable with having his wrinkles cleaned, but the effort is well worth the results. If Pug's wrinkles aren't cleaned regularly, the bacteria that accumulates in the facial folds may cause severe skin irritation, skin fold dermatitis and a bad smell caused by the bacteria.
If you can hear your dog's nails making a clicking sound as the dog is walking on a hardwood floor, it is time to trim his nails. Not all Pugs enjoy having their nails trimmed and some dogs may resist the procedure with all their might. Be prepared with treats and do not rush the process. It may take you a few weeks initially to get the dog comfortable with having his paws handled and eventually with having his nails trimmed. Start with getting the dog comfortable with having his paws handled. Give him some treats for letting you handle his paws. This may take a couple of days or even longer. After the dog is used to letting you handle his paws, you can start getting him used to having his nails trimmed. Trimming one nail per day at the beginning is a good idea. Reward your dog for good behavior so that he can associate the procedure with a positive experience.
Brush your dog's teeth with "Enzymatic toothpaste" every night to keep your Pug's teeth healthy. Not brushing a dog's teeth regularly will result in yellow tartar build up on your dog's teeth. Tartar is difficult to remove and you may need your veterinarian's help to help remove tartar. Tartar harbors harmful bacteria that can cause dental and other health issues in your pet. Brushing your dog's teeth regularly and providing your dog with dental treats helps to prevent tartar build up on his teeth.
In the cold months your Pug's nose needs extra care. Pug's nose may get dry and using a nose butter can help to remedy the issue.
Wipe the dog's feet after each walk in the winter months to remove ice or any ice melting chemicals that could cause skin irritation. Some owners get dog booties for their Pugs to help protect the dog's feet from any harmful chemicals and to keep the dog's feet warm on cold days.
Pug's short coat and short snout make the dog vulnerable to cold weather. Dress your Pug in a dog jacket to keep him warm outdoors and pay attention to his behavior when outdoors in the cold weather. If you notice that the dog is shivering, lifting his paws or seems disoriented, immediately take the Pug indoors as staying in the cold weather any longer may be unsafe for his health.
Pug winter coat will help to keep the dog warm when walking outdoors.
Pug potty training
How to potty train a Pug? Pug potty training should start the moment you bring the adorable Pug dog home. Designate a dog toilet area for the Pug. If you live in an apartment, you may find that training your Pug to use an indoor dog potty can be very convenient. If you prefer to designate an outdoor area as the Pug's toilet, then that is where you will bring the Pug as soon as he shows any signs of readiness to use the potty.
Watch out for the dog sniffing the floor and walking in circles. As soon as you notice these signs, take the Pug to his designated toilet area. After he is done, praise the dog and immediately give him a small treat for good behavior. This positive motivation will help the dog to figure out what behavior gets rewarded. During the first weeks of Pug potty training accidents are bound to happen. Do not punish your dog if you notice that he used the wrong place as his toilet. Clean up the mess thoroughly to remove any scent of his urine to prevent the dog from using the area as his toilet again. Continue to monitor the dog's behavior for any signs of readiness to use the potty and continue to reward the dog right away after he does what is required in the designated potty area. Stay consistent and do not expect fast results - your patience is your best friend when it comes to Pug potty training.
Pug training
When it comes to training, using positive reinforcement techniques does the trick. Some pugs respond great to food motivation during training, others are happy to please the owner for praise. Be observant and find what motivation works best for your dog during training. Both the owner and the dog will benefit from the pet knowing all the basic obedience commands. The dog needs to learn to come to the owner when called, to heal (walk next to the owner), to sit and to stop barking when the owner says "Quiet!" You do not need to hire a professional trainer to train your dog to understand these basic commands. Do not expect immediate rewards. It may take a few weeks and sometimes longer for a novice owner to train the dog. Training should be consistent and training sessions should be frequent but short in duration. Before you start a training session take your dog for a short walk so that the dog uses some of the energy and is more willing to focus during training. Use the command word once and do not dilute the command by a constant conversation. Saying the command word more than once is a bad idea since the dog may get used to not following the command right away and instead will wait for you to say the command several times in the future before doing what he is asked. When your Pug is paying attention and is looking directly in your eyes, immediately reward the dog for focusing by giving him a treat or by praising him. As you are teaching your dog to sit, for example, you can say "Sit!" then help the dog to sit by pressing gently with your hand on his back until he is sitting down and immediately give him a treat once he is sitting. Keep the training sessions short. Five minutes per session is enough. You can have several sessions in one day and the key is to immediately reward good behavior, ignore bad behavior and end the training session on a positive note so that the Chinese Pug dog associates training with a positive experience. Stay consistent and patient and soon enough your Pug will have good manners that will make you a proud owner.
Overweight Pug
Pugs really enjoy eating and aren't as active as many other dog breeds. This combination of the Pug overeating and not exercising much can result in a fat Pug. The owner needs to be careful not to overfeed the small dog. Only feed the dog with a nutritious dog food and give the dog the appropriate amount of dog food for his weight. A breed specific dog food for Pugs is designed to meet the dog's nutritional needs. Be mindful of your Pug's weight and if you notice that the Pug is gaining extra weight, be sure to provide the dog with enough daily exercise and adjust his dog food portions to get the dog back to healthy weight. Pugs are not very active dogs and the reason is because many Pugs have some level of breathing problems due to their short snout. When a dog has breathing issues, overexercising the dog can be unsafe for his health. That doesn't mean that the dog should stay at home all day long with nothing to do. Take the dog for a walk several times every day. If you have an older Pug, walk at his pace and pay attention to signs of tiredness - if the dog is tired, let him rest before continuing the walk. Regular walks keep the dog's weight healthy and his muscles and heart in good condition and as the dog is getting older, you may shorten the distance that the dog walks. Shorter but more frequent walks are best for older Pugs. Pugs are sensitive to hot weather and should be kept in cool environment when the temperatures outside are above the comfortable level. During bad weather Pugs can be exercised at home. Provide the dog with a toy that encourages him to be more active.
Managing the Pug's weight is important because overweight Pugs have different health issues associated with the extra weight. Overweight dogs do not live as long as do dogs that stay in a healthy weight.
Pug health problems
Pugs tend to gain weight rather easily and can get overweight if overfed. Overfeeding your Pug will result in obesity. The extra body fat may compress the lungs and airways and may result in serious health issues.
There are breed specific dog foods available on today's market. Feeding your Pug a healthy diet will help your dog to stay healthy and to live longer.
Pugs have protruding eyes and the owner needs to be careful when hugging the dog. Do not hug your Dutch Bulldog too hard because the Pug's eyes may pop out as a result. The eyes then will need to be manually popped back in. Pugs have many genetic diseases associated with the dog's eyes. If you are noticing any issues with his eyes - check with the vet. If you have young kids, be sure to teach them how to properly handle a dog. Kids should not be allowed to lift the dog up. Many small dogs end up with serious injuries associated with falls.
Pug origin
The Pug dog history begins in Asia around 400 B.C. where the breed originated. Pug breed is considered to be one of the oldest dog breeds. Some researches believe that the Pug breed descended from a short-haired Pekingese. Others believe that this breed is the result of crossing a small Bulldog. The breed became popular during Victorian times in the 19th century. Tibetan monasteries kept Pugs as pets. The breed made its way to Japan and Europe, where it not only became a pet of royalty but the official dog of the House of Orange in Holland. Prince William II owned Pugs. One dog in particular was said to have saved his life in 1572 at Hermingny, when the dog barked at approaching Spaniards alerting him of their presence. The AKC recognized the Pug in 1885.