Yorkie pros and cons
There are many pros to owning a Yorkie. Being one of the smallest dog breeds, Yorkies are easy to travel with. Other advantages to having a Yorkie make this breed flexible for many living conditions. A Yorkie can be comfortable in a small city apartment or in a large country home. Yorkie owners report that this breed makes a wonderful companion pet. A loving small companion animal such as a Yorkie makes a perfect four legged friend to single young people and to older adults. People with pet allergies who are looking to get a pet may consider Yorkie because the breed is considered to be nonallergenic. Although no dog is completely allergen free, Yorkie's coat produces much less allergens in comparison to most other breeds. Yorkies are active and lively dogs with plenty of energy for long walks. Other Yorkie pros include longevity. When properly cared for, Yorkies can live up to sixteen years of age and even longer.
Although there are so many pros to owning a Yorkshire Terrier, there are some cons as well. Yorkie cons include high grooming needs and a potential Yorkshire Terrier owner needs to dedicate time to daily grooming needs of Yorkie such as brushing the dog's coat, removing mats and tangles and so on. Yorkies are independent and can be stubborn during training. Yorkies need to be around the owners most of the time and this can be a con to people with busy schedules. This breed is not ideal for working people or for families with very young kids because the small family pet needs plenty of attention and thrives in families where the owners enjoy grooming, caring and spending lots of time with the small dog every day.
Yorkshire Terrier owners report that the small dog can be stubborn during training. Other cons of owning a Yorike include the size of the dog - small dogs such as Yorkies can easily get stepped on or accidentally hurt. Owners of the Yorkshire Terrier breed need to be careful not to accidentally sit on the dog especially when the tiny pet is allowed to spend time on the family's couch. Other cons include the dog's high grooming needs - Yorkies have a beautiful coat that needs to be cared for every day. Yorkie dogs can be demanding for attention and potential owners should have plenty of time to dedicate to the Yorkshire Terrier every day.
Yorkshire Terrier pros include the dog's size - a conveniently sized dog can be comfortable living even in a small apartment. Tiny Yorkies are easy to travel with due to the small size. Yorkies make wonderful guard dogs and will alert the owner whenever there's a stranger passing by their home. Other positives of owning a Yorkie breed include the fact that Yorkies are very intelligent and can be quick to learn new tricks with the right motivation.
Yorkshire Terrier size
Yorkie weight
Yorkshire Terrier male weight: from 5 to 7 lb (2.7 to 3.1 kg)
Yorkshire Terrier female weight: from 4 to 6 lb (1.8 to 2.7 kg)
Yorkie size
Yorkshire Terrier male height: from 6 to 8 in (15 to 20 cm)
Yorkshire Terrier female height: from 5 to 7 in (12 to 17 cm)
Yorkshire Terrier coat: fine, straight and silky
Yorkie colors: puppies are born black and tan and with time acquire steel-blue or golden-tan color
How many puppies can a Yorkie have?
Yorkshire Terrier litter size: from 2 to 5 puppies
Yorkie's life expectancy
Yorkshire Terrier life span
Yorkies live from 13 to 16 years on average
How much does a Yorkie terrier cost?
Yorkshire Terrier price starts at around $1,000 and up, depending on many factors such as the dog's age and pedigree
 Yorkshire Terrier sizes
Yorkshire terriers are among the smallest dog breeds. In fact, the smallest dog that was ever recorded was a Yorkshire Terrier. These miniature dogs even come in teacup size which is considered the smallest. Yorkies are often referred to as a toy Yorkshire terrier, mini, tiny and teacup varieties. The teacup Yorkie varieties weigh under 3 lbs. Some Yorkshire Terrier breeders may consider a dog under 5 pounds to be a teacup variety. If you are thinking of getting a teacup Yorkie, be sure to check with the breeder about their definition of a teacup variety so that if the miniature dog grows to be over 3 pounds you wouldn't be disappointed. Be sure to meet the parents of the puppy that you are getting so that you have a good idea of how your puppy will look when the Yorkie is full grown.
Yorkshire Terrier temperament
Yorkshire terriers were bred to be exceptional companion dogs who do not like to be left alone. These tiny dogs will follow the owner from room to room just like little shadows. Due to their attention-loving temperament Yorkies do great as companions for older adults who have the time to dedicate to this sweet and loyal pet. Yorkies need daily exercise, but they don't need a lot of room to run. Are Yorkies good with kids? The small breed is not recommended for families with young children as the miniature dog is fragile and susceptible to unintentional injuries. Despite miniature size, Yorkies are confident dogs. The toy breed is bold, bossy and fearless, dynamic and entertaining. There are some variations in the character from individual to individual and even the smallest Yorkies can be more active or laid back than others. It is important for the owners to be very careful when lifting the dog up. Many Yorkies get injured because of falls from the owner's arms.
Even the tiniest Yorkies have bold temperaments and can be used as watchdogs, warning their owners with a loud barking if anyone is approaching their territory. Despite their mini size, even the smallest teacup Yorkies have a strong prey drive and are also known as ratting dogs. During the 19th century the breed was developed in England for catching rats in clothing mills.
Yorkie is especially popular in cities as a miniature companion dog. Yorkshire Terrier is very adaptable and is suitable for living in an apartment or in a home with a yard. Be sure to have the yard fenced and check the fence periodially to make sure that there are no spaces through which the small dog can get out. Small Yorkies make smart and spirited pets.
Yorkies are brave and they are not afraid of other dogs. When not socialized enough, Yorkies can even be aggressive towards other dogs. Yorkies must be socialized as puppies. Spending time with other dogs helps Yorkies to learn how to behave.
Yorkies love to be around their owners and are happy to travel. Traveling with a Yorkie can be more comfortable if you have the appropriate equipment. The small dog can fit into most small dog pet carriers.
Even small dogs need to know how to walk on a leash. For small Yorkshire Terriers comfortable harnesses work best during walks as there's less pressure on Yorkie's fragile neck.
Yorkie potty training
Even though Yorkshire Terriers are intelligent, housebreaking (or housetraining) can take a while to master. Positive training techniques along with a reward system work best for this breed. The best time to start housetraining is by 7 to 9 weeks old, when your puppy's physical coordination has been refined.
The first thing you need to do is establish a bathroom routine. Your pup's small bladder won't hold much, so you'll need to take him outside frequently: every half hour, after he eats or drinks, and after naps or playtime. Designate a bathroom area outside and always take your pup on leash to that area. It could be a patch of grass or dirt, a curb or even a litter box on your patio. When he eliminates, use a voice command, like "Go potty" to help him begin associating a command with eliminating. Immediately after your dog eliminates in the bathroom area, praise him lavishly and give him a treat. Immediately giving the dog positive reinforcement will let him know what is expected. Prevention is key to housetraining. Don't give your pup an opportunity to make a mistake. Keep him in your sight at all times. If you notice that he is starting to sniff around or walk in circles, grab the lead and take him outside to his bathroom spot, saying "Go potty". Then praise him and give him a treat. Going with him ensures that the dog is going to the bathroom and not sniffing and playing instead. Continue praising and rewarding him for eliminating outside. Eventually, your dog will be able to go on command, which is very useful in the middle of the night or when you're traveling.
Be sure to throuroughly eliminate any odor and stains of urine as the dog will be inclined to use the same spot as his toilet if he finds the scent of his urine in the area. Enzyme based cleaners work best when removing the scent of the dog's urine indoors.
Do Yorkies shed?
Yorkshire Terriers do not have an undercoat and are considered to be non-shedding dogs. Yorkies may lose a hair here and there, but they never shed a lot of hair like many other dog breeds. Despite being non-shedding dogs, Yorkies need to be brushed regularly. The Yorkie's hair grows continually. Oils from sebaceous glands under the skin naturally condition the hair and skin. Too much washing can cause dry, flaky skin and chapping, but daily brushing releases the oils, keeps the skin and coat healthy, and prevents tangles and mats from forming. After a walk always check the Yorkie's coat for debris and comb it out as soon as possible to avoid tangles. Yorkies don't shed twice a year like other dogs, and their hair can easily break off during brushing. To prevent hair breakage, spray your dog's hair with a conditioning spray before brushing to soften and coat it. A nonshedding coat makes this breed sutiable for people with asthma and often people who have sensitivity to pet hair find that this breed does not aggravate their pet allergies. If you do have pet allergies, be sure to spend some time with the dog before you buy the dog to be sure that the breed is compatible with your condition.
How to groom a Yorkie
Yorkshire terriers are famous for their long and silky coat. Yorkie puppies are typically born black and tan. It may take about three years before your Yorkie acquires the steel-blue or golden-tan coat that truly distinguishes the small breed. Grooming a Yorkie can be a time consuming hobby especially if you are keeping the coat long. There are special oils available in many pet stores for maintaining your Yorkshire terrier's coat long and silky. Many owners decide to cut the coat short as shorter coat is easier to manage. There are different Yorkie haircuts to choose from. Grooming your dog includes brushing the coat every day to maintain it tangle-free. The hair over the eyes should be trimmed or tied back.
Yorkie's coat can be trimmed in several styles, including a quintessential Yorkie cut, which features long, flowing hair; puppy cut, which is short all over; or modified Schnauzer or Westie cut, which is somewhere in-between. Taking a Yorkie to a professional dog groomer can be expensive and some owners choose to learn how to care for and cut their Yorkie's hair at home. If you decide to groom a Yorkie yourself, here are Yorkie grooming tools that can help you to get the job done.
Yorkie grooming tools
A dog grooming table can make grooming your dog a comfortable experience for you and for your pet.
Dog grooming clippers are used by professional groomers for many reasons. Yorkie's coat needs to be trimmed when it gets too long. Grooming clippers can help to achieve a beautiful haircut on your pet and with some practice you will learn to trim Yorkie's hair and even experiment with different haircuts on your pet in the comfort of your own home.
Pet grooming scissors set that includes straight scissors, curved scissors and thinning shears.
Best brush for Yorkies
Yorkie's coat needs to be brushed every day to prevent mats and tangles from developing.
Slicker brush
Wide-toothed metal comb
A coat conditioning brush spray will help to remove tangles and leave your dog with a fresh coat scent.
Yorkie accessories include dog hair clips to secure the dog's hair in a hairstyle that keeps the hair off the dog's eyes. Not only will your dog look adorable with a hair clip, but the dog's eyes may get irritated when the hair is getting in the dog's eyes. Keeping the hair away from the eyes will help prevent various eye issues associated with the breed. There are many attractive Yorkie hair clips available and it is important to select accessories that will not damage the dog's coat. An attractive Yorkie hair accessory with a rubber band is easier on the dog's coat than clips with metal holders which can break the coat and irritate the dog's sensitive skin.
Tear stains on Yorkie's face can cause discomfort to your dog. Dog tear stain removers can quickly remove the unattractive stains from your dog's face. If you are noticing an excessive amount of tear stains on your pet, check with your veterinarian to be sure that the stains aren't caused by any health issues.
Some dogs develop dry nose, especially in the cold weather months. If your dog's nose has dry, chapped skin, a nose butter for Yorkies can help soothe and heal the skin.
In addition to caring for the Yorkie's coat, remember to take proper care of the miniature dog's teeth. Bacteria buildup from poor oral health has been linked to infection and disease in dog's major organs, including their hearts, kidneys and livers. Tartar builds up quickly, resulting in plaque, gingivitis and bad breath. The dog's gums become irritated and swollen, and in extreme instances bleed and fill with pus. If left untreated, periodontal disease may cause teeth loss. Brushing Yorkie's teeth at least three times a week and providing your dog with dental treats formulated for miniature breeds will help to keep Yorkie's teeth in good condition for many years. Use a soft child's toothbrush and toothpaste designed specifically for dogs. Human toothpaste is not safe to use for dogs. Retained puppy teeth in Yorkie may be an issue which occurs when baby teeth fail to fall out because the permanent teeth grow out in a slightly different location, allowing the puppy teeth to stay in place. The retained puppy teeth may cause tooth decay as the food particles get stuck between the retained and permanent teeth. Check with your vet to determine whether it is best to remove the retained puppy teeth or to leave these as is.
Yorkie care supplies
Yorkie dental care supplies include the following:
Don't forget to clean your Yorkie's ears several times each week. Dog ear wipes are an easy way to keep your pet's ears clean. Check the dog's ears for wax, discharge, odor or signs of ear mites. A moderate amount of wax is normal, but any discharge or odor could signal other problems, such as an infection. Consult your veterinarian if you suspect that your pet may have an ear infection.
Yorkie's nails need to be cared for as well. If you can hear clicking sound as your dog is walking on a hardwood floor, it is time to trim Yorkie's nails. To care for Yorkie's nails, you will need the following supplies:
The Yorkie is a single-coated breed, meaning it has no undercoat to keep him warm. In the cooler months dress your dog in weather appropriate dog clothes to keep your tiny friend warm outdoors.
Some Yorkies really dislike coming outside on rainy days. A raincoat customized for a Yorkshire terrier can help the dog stay dry and comfortable while walking in the rain.
Feeding a Yorkshire Terrier
Diet plays an important role in keeping your Yorkshire Terrier healthy inside and outside. The gorgeous coat can be achieved with the appropriate nutrition. Be sure to feed your Yorkie a premium well-balanced blend for small breeds. It is important to use age-appropriate diet. Young puppies have different nutritional needs than do adult and senior dogs. A senior Yorkie may become obese if the dog keeps eating the same amount they did when they were younger. Senior dog's metabolism slows down with age and it is important to adjust the dog's diet to help your dog maintain healthy weight. Never feed your Yorkie human food because it can be harmful to your dog. Also, if your Yorkie tries human food he may decide to stop eating the dog food altogether. Resist the urge to give your dog human food, no matter how much the dog begs.
Breed specific dog foods that address Yorkie's nutritional needs are available and there are many different brands that you can select from.
Many new owners aren't sure how much to feed a puppy or an adult dog. See the chart below that answers the question that many Yorkshire Terrier owners ask "How much should I feed my Yorkie?"
Yorkie Food Chart
Age: Yorkie Puppies (after weaning to 12 weeks old)
Feed Yorkie puppy up to 4 times per day, along with a bowl of kibble left out all day
Dog food amount: 1/2 to 3/4 cup (150-340 grams) total
Best Dog Food for Yorkie: puppy food designed for growth, higher in protein; softer bites for ease on the gums
Age: Yorkie Adolescents (3 months to 6 months old)
Feed Yorkie adolescent 3 times per day
Dog food amount: 1/2 to 3/4 cup (150-340 grams) total
Best Dog Food for Yorkie: puppy food designed for growth, higher in protein
Age: Yorkie Active Adult (those that exercise for up to two hours per day)
Feed active adult Yorkie 2 times per day
Dog food amount: 1 1/4 cup (567 grams) per day
Best Dog Food for Yorkie: active adult dog food designed for maintenance
Age: Yorkie Sedentary Adults (indoor dogs)
Feed sedentary Yorkie 2 times per day
Dog food amount: 3/4 to 2/3 cup (340 to 453 grams) per day
Best Dog Food for Yorkie: adult dog food designed for maintenance
Age: Yorkie Seniors (older than 8 years)
Feed senior Yorkie 2 times per day
Dog food amount: 3/4 to 2/3 cup (340 to 453 grams) per day
Best Dog Food for Yorkie: senior dog food designed for mature dogs; often has more fiber
Yorkie training
Yorkshire Terriers are small dogs that can benefit from basic obedience training. Such commands as "Sit", "No", "Place", "Come here", etc. can help you to have a better control over your active friend both indoors and outdoors and will help to keep your dog safe. As soon as you bring your puppy home, the training should begin. An 8- to 10-week-old puppy is ready to start learning that biting is not appropriate; that he should sit and stay when his owners are having a dinner and that he should go outside to relieve himself. You have an option of enrolling your puppy into a puppy kindergarten, which is for dogs between 10 and 12 weeks old. In most cases, your Yorkie will have to complete at least two rounds of vaccinations to be allowed to participate. Basic sit, down, stay and come commands are taught by an instructor who knows the short attention span of a puppy.
Basic training courses are for dogs that are 4 months old or older who graduated from puppy kindergarten but still need some basic obedience instruction. The same commands are taught and the instructor will usually go over destructive behaviors such as digging, barking and chewing.
For Yorkies with severe behavior problems hiring a private trainer may be the solution. Dog training is done one-on-one and can be customized to fit your Yorkie's needs.
Yorkshire terriers tend to enjoy barking and it is important to train your miniature dog at an early age. The "Quiet!" command can be very useful to keep the barking under control when necessary. Some Yorkies suffer from separation anxiety which is not surprising as the small companion dog naturally prefers to be with his family. You can help your dog overcome his separation anxiety. Always keep some chewing toys for the dog available while you are away to keep the dog entertained. Before you leave the dog alone, be sure to take your pet outside and give him a good walk. He will be more inclined to sleep after a good walk. The dog should have fresh water available at all times. When you are leaving, resist the urge to hug your pet and leave casually - long goodbyes may cause your dog to feel nervous. The dog feels your energy and if you are feeling sad about having to leave the dog for an hour or so, he will feel that emotion and his separation anxiety will only get worse. By leaving casually you are showing your dog that there is no reason to worry and he will sense that there's no reason to be stressed out. If you are leaving the dog for longer than a couple of hours, arrange for someone to take the dog outside for a bathroom break while you are away, or train your dog to be able to use an indoor dog toilet, so that he doesn't need to anxiously wait for your return to relieve himself.
How to socialize a Yorkie
Socializing a Yorkie is one of the most critical things you can do to ensure a well-mannered dog. As early as possible - by the time your puppy turns 12 weeks old, he should have been exposed to a variety of people, animals, sounds, sights and circumstances. A well-socialized dog will be confident and brave. He won't be afraid of loud noises or an unfamiliar face, and will get along with other dogs and animals. You'll want to introduce your dog to as many people as possible when he is about 9 or 10 weeks old. Let them touch the pup, hold him, pet him. Avoid rough games or tug of war. These new experiences should always be positive. Choose one well behaved child as opposed to a group of loud, rambunctious kids. Expose your dog to a variety of sounds, smells and sights, starting at around 14 weeks old. Let him smell the grass, hear the sounds of the traffic, and meet people on the street. Carefully open the world to your Yorkie through brief monitored bursts, until he feels comfortable. This breed can be suspicious and even aggressive towards strangers and other dogs and it is important to socialize your puppy with people as well as with other dogs. A properly socialized Yorkshire Terrier can be great with other household pets, including cats. In case your Yorkie is aggressive towards other dogs, it is not a good idea to take your pet to the dog park where there can be other aggressive dogs that may easily hurt your dog when provoked.
How to find a good dog trainer for a Yorkie
Finding a good dog trainer for a Yorkshire Terrier is very important. Check with your veterinarian for recommendations. Ask other dog owners for recommendations. Before you sign your dog up for training classes, ask to observe a class before enrolling. The participants should be enjoying themselves and having a successful learning experience. A skilled instructor should explain the day's lesson and provide clear instructions as well as assist the students individually with proper techniques. You should be comfortable with the instructor's training tools and methods. Hitting, kicking, electronic devices, or any other training device that causes harm should not be used. Ask if the trainer is a member of any educational organizations or associations. Vaccinations should be required before any puppy or dog attends the trainer's class. It protects you and your Yorkie's health. Ask other current clients about their experience with the trainer and how their dogs are progressing.
Yorkie health problems
Yorkshire Terriers are susceptible to heart diseases. To help prevent the development of heart issues, be sure to maintain the dog's teeth healthy and watch the Yorkie's weight. Overweight dogs are more likely to acquire heart illnesses.
Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar is a common condition for small and miniature dog breeds. Be sure to check with your veterinarian if you are noticing that your Yorkie is having seizures, collapses or seems generally weak. This condition typically affects puppies and very small Yorkies who weigh under 4 pounds (1.8 kg) when fully grown. Hypoglycemia can be immediately corrected with a dose of syrup or honey on the dog's gums. The sugar will be absorbed into his bloodstream and restore his blood sugar level. Emergency medical attention is required if you are unable to revive the dog. Your veterinarian will have to put the dog on intravenous glucose right away. Proper management involves feeding your Yorkie regularly and leaving dry food out for him all day. Ask your Veterinarian for additional advice.
Breed-specific illnesses include collapsed trachea. Cartilage in the windpipe, or trachea, is weaker than normal and can easily bend or collapse from the slightest pressure, such as pulling on a leash. This condition worsens as the dog ages and can lead to respiratory problems. Symptoms of this disorder include strained breathing or a honking cough after exercising, tugging on his collar, or putting any pressure on his windpipe. As the dog ages, the labored breathing becomes constant, and fluid will begin to build up in his lungs and obstruct his breathing. To prevent or alleviate any existing damage, use a harness instead of a collar to take the pressure off the dog's neck.
Yorkshire Terrier origin
The original purpose for Yorkies was to hunt small vermin. Yorkshire Terriers used to be prized ratting dogs for miners who immigrated to England from Scotland in the mid-nineteenth century. Bred specifically for the purpose of exterminating rats despite their small size, the Yorkshire Terrier is fearless and determined. The breed is currently among the most popular small breeds in the United States.
A Yorkshire Terrier named Smokey became the first therapy dog on record during World War II when she helped wounded American Soldiers to feel better by being around them. This famous Yorkie died a celebrity in 1957 but she wasn't forgotten. Smokey has several memorials around the United States and even in Australia.