Shih Tzu vs Yorkie
Yorkies and Shih Tzus are both popular small dog breeds. Lap dogs such as Yorkies and Shih Tzus make wonderful companions for older people and for families with older children, capable of respecting a small dog. Although Yorkies and Shih Tzus are friendly with children when socialized from a young age, the small size of these companion dogs makes them vulnerable to injuries around toddlers or very young kids. When comparing Yorkie temperament to Shih Tzu, there are some significant differences. For example, Yorkshire Terriers are more active and bark significantly more on average than calmer Shih Tzu dogs. Shih Tzus are more easygoing than Yorkies. These differences in temperament between these two small dog breeds stem from many generations back, when Shih Tzu and Yorkshire Terrier breeds were developed. Shih Tzu dogs were developed with the purpose of being ideal companion pets. Shih Tzu dogs are friendly and curious and enjoy nothing more than being close to their owners. Yorkshire Terriers, on the other hand, had an opportunity to be very successful ratting dogs and were frequently used for that purpose. As a result, Yorkshire Terriers are known for their active and alert behavior and many Yorkies still have that strong prey drive around small animals such as hamsters or mice. Yorkshire Terriers are alert and can excel as watchdogs, notifying the owners of a stranger approaching their home by loud barking. Shih Tzu dogs, in comparison, were not expected to be watch dogs since this breed was developed and as a result Shih Tzu dogs are not suitable as watchdogs because they simply do not bark much and will most likely be friendly and welcoming to strangers approaching their home.
Both, Yorkies and Shih Tzus have a coat that continuously grows. Potential owners need to be prepared for high coat maintenance that both, Shih Tzus and Yorkies require. Yorkshire Terriers, just like Shih Tzu dogs are hypoallergenic, which means both of these breeds produce lower amounts of pet allergens such as dander. Is Shih Tzu or Yorkie easier to groom? Grooming needs of these lap dogs are similar in many ways and include daily coat brushing, teeth brushing, monthly coat trimming and nail trimming.
Key differences between Yorkies and Shih Tzu breeds are outlined below.
Yorkie Shih Tzu Mix: Shorkie image
Shih Tzu and Yorkshire terrier mix dogs have traits of the two breeds. Half Shih Tzu half Yorkie dogs are also known as Shorkies. The colors of Shorkie (Yorkie Shih Tzu mix) can vary because Shih Tzus are known to have 19 color combinations acceptable for the breed. Shorkie size can vary from 8 to 11 inches in height and up to 16 pounds in weight. Physical traits of Shorkie dogs can resemble either a Yorkie or Shih Tzu, or a bit of both of these lap dog breeds.
Image of Yorkie Shih Tzu mix.

Half Yorkie half Shih Tzu dogs are often called "Shorkies". A Shorkie can reach the size of up to 16 pounds in weight and up to 11 inches in height.
Yorkies vs Shih Tzu: Grooming
Yorkies and Shih Tzu dogs are both high maintenance dogs when it comes to grooming. Both of these lap dog breeds feature a coat that is similar to human hair and grows continuously. To maintain Yorkie and Shih Tzu coat in best condition, the owner will need to brush the coat daily and trim the dog's coat at least once every 4 to 6 weeks. A neglected coat quickly tangles and mats without daily brushings that Yorkies and Shih Tzu require. Shih Tzu and Yorkies need their nails trimmed once a month. Grooming for both of these breeds includes daily teeth brushing. Eye stains should also be removed because both Shih Tzu and Yorkies often have dark brown or reddish stains around their eye area that need to be gently removed.
Yorkie grooming and care
How to groom a Shih Tzu
Yorkies vs Shih Tzu: Lifespan
Yorkshire Terrier's lifespan is similar to that in Shih Tzu. Both of these small breeds live on average from 11 to 16 years. Many factors can affect Yorkie's or Shih Tzu's life span. Overall health, care, diet, lifestyle and other factors affect a dog's longevity.
Shih Tzu vs Yorkie: Size
Yorkies are smaller and more fragile than Shih Tzus. While Yorkies can weigh up to 7 pounds, Shih Tzus are heavier can weigh up to 16 pounds when full grown. Compare Shih Tzu and Yorkie sizes.
Yorkshire Terrier male weight: 5 to 7 lb (2.7 to 3.1 kg)
Shih Tzu male weight: 8.8 to 16 lb (4 to 7.25 kg)
Yorkshire Terrier male height: 6 to 8 in (15 to 20 cm)
Shih Tzu male height: 7.9 to 11 in (20 to 28 cm)
Yorkies vs Shih Tzu: Shedding
Yorkies and Shih Tzus are nonshedding dog breeds and they almost do not shed. Similar to human hair, Yorkie's and Shih Tzu's hair grows continuously and the dog may lose a hair here and there but the shedding is never abundant like with most other dog breeds. To keep Yorkie's and Shih Tzu's coat from developing mats and tangles, brush the dog's coat daily. Despite having a low shedding coat, both, Shih Tzu and Yorkies require about 30 minutes each day allocated for grooming the small dog.
Yorkies vs Shih Tzu: Price
An average Yorkie puppy price is about $750. An average Shih Tzu puppy price is about $500. Shih Tzus are slightly larger in size and the birth process is on average easier with Shih Tzus because of the dog size.
Yorkies vs Shih Tzu: Temperament
Shih Tzus and Yorkshire Terriers are both alert small dogs that enjoy spending most of the time with their owners. Shih Tzus may be slightly more laid back in comparison to Yorkies. Both of these lap dog breeds are friendly towards strangers, as long as the dog received sufficient socialization. Yorkies and Shih Tzus are playful, active, and full of character small dogs that need plenty of attention throught the day. Shih Tzu are known to be highly sociable and affectionate without being too clingy. Shih Tzus have an independent character that makes these dogs not so easy to train.
Shih Tzu vs. Yorkshire Terrier: Country of breed origin
Shih Tzu breed was developed in Tibet as a companion dog.
Yorkshire Terriers originate in England.
Good with kids: Yorkies vs Shih Tzu
Neither of the two breeds is ideal for households with toddlers or very young kids. Parents of very young kids may not have enough time for grooming and attention that either of the two breeds requires. Yorkies are too small and fragile for families with toddlers or young kids. Shih Tzus are less fragile and make a better fit for families with older children. Children need to be taught to properly handle a small dog. Teach your kids to not pick up a dog and only play with the dog by sitting next to the pet. Kids should not pick up a small dog as many small dogs get seriously hurt from being accidentally dropped. Yorkshire Terriers and Shih Tzus make great companions for households with older owners who have the time and desire to groom and care for a small companion dog.
Yorkies vs Shih Tzu: Companion dogs
Yorkies and Shih Tzus both make excellent companion dogs. Did you know that a Yorkshire Terrier named Smokey was the very first therapy dog on record during World War II? It is not surprising that Yorkshire terriers are among the most popular companion dogs. Shih Tzus were specifically bred to be companion dogs. Shih Tzus and Yorkies need an owner who has the time for grooming and taking care of the small companion dog. Grooming is a major commitment with both of these breeds.
Shih Tzu vs Yorkies: Ideal home
Despite the small size, both, Yorkies and Shih Tzu dogs are small enough for apartment life and tough enough for the country. As city dogs, both breeds will need adequate amount of exercise during the day. As country dogs, Yorkies and Shih Tzus will need supervision to keep them out of mischief.
Good with other dogs: Shih Tzu vs Yorkies
When socialized from an early age, both Yorkies and Shih Tzu dogs are comfortable in the company of other dogs. Always supervise a small dog around large or aggressive dogs to avoid any problems.
Yorkies vs Shih Tzu: Intelligence
Both Yorkies and Shih Tzu dogs are intelligent breeds. As in any dog breed, intelligence levels between representatives of the same breed may vary. Not all Yorkies are equal in terms of intelligence, just like not all Shih Tzus are equal in intelligence when compared to other dogs of the same breed. Due to these variations within each breed, intelligence level needs to be tested on individual dogs to make a reasonable estimation.
Yorkies vs Shih Tzu: Trainability
Yorkshire Terriers and Shih Tzu dogs respond well to positive motivation based training. Both of these small breeds are capable of learning new commands. Shih Tzus may be more difficult to train because they have a more independent personality and may be more stubborn during training in comparison to Yorkshire Terriers. Patience and consistence can help to achieve good results in training either a Yorkie or a Shih Tzu dog. Start obedience training and socialization early on with Yorkies and Shih Tzu dogs. Do not expect fast potty training results with either of these two breeds - it may take a few weeks or even longer for a Shih Tzu or for a Yorkshire Terrier to be completely housetrained.
Yorkies versus Shih Tzu: Barking
Do Yorkies or Shih Tzu bark more? Yorkies bark more on average than do Shih Tzus. Companion dog breeds such as Yorkie or Shih Tzu often bark out of loneliness, especially when they are left alone often. Separation anxiety may be one of the causes for excessive barking in either of the two lap breeds. If there's a cause - for example, a sudden noise outside or anything unusual may trigger barking in dogs. Training a Shih Tzu or a Yorkie to bark on command is a good way to help address the barking issue. Once the dog mastered barking on command, the dog will easier learn the "Quiet!" command.
Yorkies vs Shih Tzu: Exercise needs
Does a Yorkie or Shih Tzu require more physical activity? Yorkies tend to be more agile and more active in comparison to Shih Tzu dogs. Both, Yorkies and Shih Tzus require physical and mental exercises during a day that may be in a form of play as well as several daily walks. Take either a Shih Tzu or Yorkie for about 4 daily walks. Indoor playtime also helps to meet the dog's exercise requirement. Keep in mind that Shih Tzu dogs are brachycephalic and may have trouble cooling off during the hot and humid weather. Shih Tzu dogs have lower exercise needs in comparison to more energetic Yorkshire Terriers.
Whether you own a Yorkie or a Shih Tzu dog, provide your pet with dog toys that stimulate the dog both mentally and physically. A treat dispenser toy is a good way to give your dog a mental challenge - the dog needs to find a way to get the treats out of the toy and gets to use his teeth in process to chew on the toy.
Health issues: Shih Tzu vs Yorkshire Terriers
Yorkshire Terriers and Shih Tzu are relatively healthy and long lived dog breeds with good care and proper nutrition. There are certain genetic diseases associated with each breed but overall both breeds are considered to be relatively healthy and long lived. Both of these breeds feature a constantly growing hair that may get into the eyes of the dog. Keep the eye area free from the hair that tends to get into the dog's eyes and may cause an infection or irritation.
There are some health conditions associated with each specific breed. Yorkies, for example are known to be susceptible to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), collapsed trachea and heart conditions. Other health problems include dislocation of elbow and kneecap, cataracts, epilepsy and heart murmurs.
Older Shih Tzus tend to suffer from joint issues and arthritis more often than Yorkies. Shih Tzus are heavier and have proprotionally shorter legs than do Yorkies. This combination of physical traits may cause Shih Tzus to endure more joint issues than Yorkshire terriers when they age. Yorkies have a lighter frame and when kept in healthy weight there is less pressure on the joints and there are fewer incidents of joint issues in Yorkies than in Shih Tzus.
Shih Tzus may suffer from heart conditions and kidney problems, certain blood disorders and a number of eye problems.
Yorkies versus Shih Tzu: Dog behavior issues
Many dog behavior problems happen when the owners leave a companion dog breed alone for long periods of time on a regular basis. The dog may find a way to entertain himself by doing something that an owner may see as a behavior problem. Either a Yorkie or a Shih Tzu dog will look for something to chew on or to play with when left alone with nothing better to do. If the dog chews on your favorite shoes when left alone, hide the shoes out of the dog's reach and provide your dog with a healthy outlet for his energy, for example, give the dog a safe chewable toy to chew on.
Excessive barking in a Yorkie or in Shih Tzu dog may be caused by a separation anxiety. A dog behavior specialist may be able to help correct the issue.
Some owners choose to crate train their Yorkie or Shih Tzu to keep the pet safe and out of trouble while the owner is not around to supervise the dog.
Yorkie vs Shih Tzu: Popularity
Shih Tzu takes 20th place in popularity ranking in the United States, according to AKC. Yorkshire Terrier takes 9th place in popularity ranking in the United States. Yorkies are more popular than the Shih Tzu dogs.
Yorkie vs Shih Tzu: Loyalty to the owner
Yorkies and Shih Tzus are loyal to their owners. These small companion dogs are happiest when spending time with their owners.